Astral Voices Intrusion : 2/14/2020

February 14, 2020
12:40 pm

  I just made a try at sleep, but it was no good. This spirit attachment (Crystal) was talking constantly. Her voice wasn't particularly loud, and she didn't hit me with any of her shouts. But, I kept hearing her say my name. I guess almost by instinct, that grabs my least to a degree.

  She's been talking a lot about "extraterrestrial" themed things tonight. Talking a lot about a particular theme is a common thing with her. The issue is, the themes change. Sometimes the same ones come back around, but her stories typically do not stay consistent for very long.

  I take everything that I hear from her with a grain of salt. How could I not after all the lies I've heard from her? This has also become something of an instinct of mine after hearing her voice all this time.

  I'm about to take another dose of sleep-aid. I feel that I must if I want to have a decent chance of falling asleep within the next hour. Let's hope the second try is the charm here.


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