
Showing posts from June, 2020

Jonathan Returns : Aspects of Spiritual Intrusion : 6/26/2020

June 26, 2020   Last night, as I was in bed waiting on sleep to overtake me, I experienced a couple of “shouts.” Yes, a couple of shouts is right. To the best of my recollection (I know ……it was only last night), there were two shouts. These two shouts were probably spaced out something like fifteen minutes apart. These shouts were quite powerful. They hit with the kind of force that sends a jolt through my body.    The voice that shouted at me was a distinctly male voice. Of this, I am certain. This was not the female voice that I hear the most frequent, the voice that identifies herself by the name Crystal. No, this was definitely a strong male voice. I believe that each shout consisted of a few words (as opposed to a single word), but I couldn’t make them out. I have always gotten the impression that these beings use this shouting tactic as a means of disrupting me while I’m trying to sleep. I have never gotten the impression that it is intended to convey a ...

The Art of the Psychological Mind Game

The Art of the Psychological Mind Game   For going on two weeks now, I have been hearing the voice of this spirit attachment (that identifies herself by the name Crystal) repeating “COVID-19” several times a day. This is not the first time that I’ve heard Crystal speaking about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. But, previously, she would at least always have a little more to say. For example, a couple of months ago, I would hear her frequently say things such as “you will get COVID-19” or “you were just infected with COVID-19”.   It was clear to me that Crystal was trying to get a negative reaction out of me. I’m sure she was hoping that I would be worried or anxious about her statements. After all, this pandemic was an unprecedented situation in our day to day lives. She must know by now that I regard most of her statements (about pretty much anything) with a lot of suspicion. Yet, she kept on saying these kinds of things. I wasn’t the least surprised by it. In fact, I...

The Arena Effect : Aspects of Entity Attachment

The Arena Effect   I was sitting on my back porch when the voices onslaught began. It was midafternoon, a bright and sunny day in April. I went outside to smoke another cigarette. I seemed like I was lighting one up about every twenty minutes or so. I didn’t know what else to do. I couldn’t sleep. If only I could, then at least I could escape, if only for a short time, the living nightmare that these voices were putting me through. However, I was having no luck there at all. Every time that I tried to fall asleep, the voices would seem to get in closer, like they were right up to my ears. There was also the damn physical sensations as well. As soon as I got into bed, I would start feeling jabs, vibrations, things clinging to me, gnawing at me, a whole assortment of discomfort that made sleep damn near impossible. This is why I had only been getting about three or four hours of sleep a night for going on two weeks. I was on the verge of slipping away I felt.   These s...

The Fatigue Factor

The Fatigue Factor I’m sitting here in my living room, feeling exhausted. I will be going to bed very soon, but I don’t want to go to sleep quite yet. I want some time to myself. However, I know that this is not really possible with this entity attachment around.   It’s been a long day for me. I awoke at five o’clock in the morning to drive down to the shore to take care of something for my work. Then, my coworker called out, so I was hit with double the workload today. Then after work, I had a side-job that I had to take care of. All in all, I’m feeling quite worn out. But, I want something of this day. I don’t want it to be entirely lost to work and the intrusive voice of this attachment.    From the moment I awoke early this morning, the voice has been present. I am reminded of the difference between myself and this mysterious being. I am vulnerable to fatigue. This being does not seem to be. No matter what I was doing today, the voice was there. Sure, th...

More Talk of the Astral Planet

More Talk of the Astral Planet : June 15, 2020 10:30 pm   It was a rough day at work. Now it seems that this entity attachment (Crystal) is trying to make it a rough night for me as well. She’s been quite vocal tonight. I’ve mostly been hearing her voice in a strong, but whispery manner. This is a common way that I hear her. Her voice sounds very whispery, but there’s an intensity to it. Sometimes, it sounds to me like she is shouting in whispers.     I’m not making out everything that she’s saying at the moment…..thankfully. But, I just heard her saying something about how we are different species. I was also hearing her say something about angels and fallen angels. Last night, she was referring to herself as “a Satanic life form.”   Just now I heard her say “we are from a spiritual astral planet.”   I’ve heard her speak of this “astral planet” before on many occasions. But, as I’ve said before, she says all kinds of things. She makes ...

A Pronounced Presence This Afternoon

A Pronounced Presence This Afternoon : June 14, 2020 10:15 pm   I’ve been extremely busy at work recently. So much so that when I awoke this morning (my day off from work), I did not feel like I had just awoken from a good night’s sleep. Instead, I felt worn down and exhausted. I had a few cups of coffee and read for a little while, but it was no good. I still felt very tired. By ten in the morning (or there about), I found it a real struggle to keep my eyes open. I didn’t want to go back to bed because I knew that this could foul up my whole day.   Right now, I’m working six days a week. I didn’t want to sleep through the entire day. I have had this happen to me many times in the past. Yet, I had to throw in the towel here. I was still tired as hell. So, I went back to bed.   I fell asleep rather quickly. However, it wasn’t the kind of sleep where I was completely out like a light. Rather, it seemed like I would periodically reach the point where I ...

Entity Attachment : 6/3/2020

June 3, 2020 7:15 pm   Last night, while I was in bed trying to sleep, I was experiencing some moderate-intensity harassment from this entity attachment (Crystal).   Once again, I was feeling multiple sensations and she was also getting in close and speaking right up to my ears at times.     I probably lost about an hour of sleep-time, but I eventually passed out. This is the second night this week when she has “escalated things” a bit, especially with the physical sensations. Luckily, it did not result in any major loss of sleep, yet it seems like this is her goal.   Even on a night when I would say the intensity of her harassment is not so strong, she’s still very non-stop about it. This is one aspect regarding these types of attachment situation that I’ve tried to stress.   It’s an aspect that I know that I wasn’t envisioning at all back when I was first communicating with these entities in 2015 through recording for EVP. This is the as...

Intruding Astral Voices : Mind Games : 6/1/2020

June 1, 2020 10:00 pm   Last night (on my second attempt at sleep)…..I heard Crystal’s voice say something like “your bedroom is a computer simulation.” Then she followed up with “we forgot to turn it off.”   This is the kind of strange cryptic talk that I often hear from her. This talk about “a simulation” is nothing new to me. I have heard her say to me many times something like “this reality is a computer simulation.” 11:35 pm   I’ve been hearing Crystal’s voice saying quite a bit about COVID-19 for the last thirty minutes or so. I’m not trying to listen, but sometimes certain words or phrases spoken by these voices just seem to stand out (COVID-19 among them).    I’ve been hearing Crystal talk about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic quite a lot recently. It’s usually something about how I’ll get it……how I’ve gotten it already or how it’s going to impact my life on some big way.   There is no doubt for me that this another one of he...

Pulled Back from the Brink of Sleep : 6/1/2020

June 1, 2020 12:20 am   I went to bed about an hour ago. I was hearing Crystal’s voice to a slight degree. I was also experiencing some physical sensations, but it was also a just to a slight degree. I was almost at the point of falling asleep when I was suddenly pulled back from it after feeling   some sensations that were not to such a slight degree.   These sensations were mainly jabs and pinches coming up through the mattress. This is an old and regular tactic of disruption from Crystal.   I’ve also been feeling “a presence” on my right foot. I was feeling it while I was in bed and I’m still feeling it right now as I sit in my living room chair and write this.   My right foot seems to be something of a big target tonight. I’m barefoot now, but I’m about to put some socks on to see if it makes any difference at all. It probably won’t, but it’s worth a try. This particular sensation is getting to be quite annoying.   I just too...