Jonathan Returns : Aspects of Spiritual Intrusion : 6/26/2020
June 26, 2020 Last night, as I was in bed waiting on sleep to overtake me, I experienced a couple of “shouts.” Yes, a couple of shouts is right. To the best of my recollection (I know ……it was only last night), there were two shouts. These two shouts were probably spaced out something like fifteen minutes apart. These shouts were quite powerful. They hit with the kind of force that sends a jolt through my body. The voice that shouted at me was a distinctly male voice. Of this, I am certain. This was not the female voice that I hear the most frequent, the voice that identifies herself by the name Crystal. No, this was definitely a strong male voice. I believe that each shout consisted of a few words (as opposed to a single word), but I couldn’t make them out. I have always gotten the impression that these beings use this shouting tactic as a means of disrupting me while I’m trying to sleep. I have never gotten the impression that it is intended to convey a ...