Voices Oppression : Battles for Sleep : 2/19-21/2020

February 19, 2020
11:32 pm

  The voices became quite strong for a short while earlier this evening. But, now they seem to have weakened a bit. This however, is no sign of how things are going to go when I get into bed shortly and try and fall asleep. These voices can rise in strength and then fade again quickly like a storm. As is usually the case, I’m hearing the female voice that calls herself Crystal the most.

  Last night, I was hearing Crystal talking at me quite a lot once I went to bed. But, she did not hit me with any of her shouts….which has become a regular tactic with her over the course of the past year. Two nights ago, while I was in bed trying to sleep, she hit me with a shout that was so intense that I opened my eyes and saw a small (but very bright) red ball of light a few feet directly in front of me. It was there for a few brief moments and then disappeared. That was very strange.

 I’m about to turn in now, so I’ll see if she’ll hit me with anymore tonight. I have been losing some sleep this week. On average, I’ve been getting to sleep between 2 and 3 in the morning. Hopefully, tonight goes better.

February 21, 2020
12:14 am

  I’m about to turn in. things were pretty much routine today. Crystal is starting to become a little more vocal now. I hear her voice coming in a bit strong over the background noise of the heater in my apartment. But, I’m starting to feel quite tired. So, hopefully that will be sufficient to counteract her voice and I’ll be able to fall asleep fairly quickly.

1:45 am

 I had to get out of bed and take more sleep-aid. Crystal was hitting me with “the shouts” once again. Tonight, I experienced a few strange ones, not like how they usually are.
  For one, it seemed like she shouted out a full sentence (which is very rare with these shouts). But, I still didn’t make out what she was saying there.

  Another one of these shouts tonight, sounded a bit different in that her voice seemed a bit muffled. But, I was still hit with quite a strong physical “jolt” feeling.
  Also, I was definitely hearing a few other voices than Crystal’s voice tonight. I heard a male voice at least once or twice (just as I was trying to fall asleep). However, these voices were not as loud as Crystal’s. These other voices seemed to be talking underneath Crystal’s voice in a way.


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