The Intruding Presence : Hearing Voices & Entity Attachment : Part 1



December 8, 2020


 I’m just going to bring things up to date on what’s been going on with me and my situation for the past week. I’m going to ramble about a few different topics here. I’ll start with an incident that I experienced last night.


   I went to bed a little early last night, probably around ten o’clock or maybe ten-thirty. Usually I go to bed between eleven and twelve. But, I was feeling pretty tired last night and I wasn’t really doing much of anything, so I decided to call it a day a little early. I took a dose or two of sleep-aid before I went to bed. I only have about a week and a half left before I go on my holiday break, when the place where I work shuts down for a few weeks. I’m not traveling anywhere, but I am certainly looking forward to the time off from work.


  So, I didn’t want to chance risking any sleep issues right now. Maybe over the break I’ll try going without sleep-aid for a bit and see how I make out. But, I didn’t want to begin this experiment just yet.  I took a little sleep-aid before I went to bed last night and as soon as I got in the bed, I was hearing the voice of this entity attachment, the female voice, the one that calls herself Crystal. I also remember feeling some bodily sensations right after I got into bed as well.  The strength of her voice and these initial sensations were fairly mild in my opinion. It also seemed to me that I fell asleep fairly quickly.


  Then, maybe about an hour or two later (I didn’t check the time so I’m not even sure) I woke up for some reason. I wasn’t startled, I didn’t wake up suddenly as if I had just had a horrible dream or heard some loud noise close by. It was more like a gradual drifting towards that state of being half asleep and half awake.  I have written about this particular state of consciousness many times. And often refer to it as “the in-between zone”. This in-between zone has been quite an important aspect in my attachment situation since it all started back in 2015.


  So, even though it seemed to me like I had fallen asleep fairly easily, much easier than I do on a lot of other nights, there I was slowly waking up again. Then it hit me, I realized why I was waking up. I was laying on my back, and I was feeling a rather intense physical sensation around my lower back. It was actually something of a familiar sensation, I have experienced this one many times before. The best way to describe it, is that it was as if there was something inside of the mattress of the bed and it was clinging to me with its arms. I could feel something resembling a hand clinging to the right side and the left side of my lower back. As I started to wake up even more, I was hearing Crystal’s voice, so there was a little doubt in my mind that what I was feeling right then and there was the presence of Crystal.


 As I said, I’ve experienced this exact sensation before. Crystal is often jabbing me or grabbing me or disturbing me in some way from inside the mattress of my bed. It can be rather frustrating. It often causes me to toss and turn in bed, but even that doesn’t stop it because I can feel her presence through the mattress, in other words, there’s no sure escape if I wish to stay in bed. Sometimes when I’m sitting in my living room chair, I’ll also feel her jabbing me from inside the cushions. So, it seems like she can go through at least some solid objects without any trouble. If I was able to find a particular material, some type of stone or such, where she couldn’t reach through, that would be rather interesting. I would condition myself to sleep on a bed of stone if I had to. Maybe that’s a little experiment I can try out sometime.


  Fortunately, I was able to fall back asleep before too long last night. It was still a rather disturbing experience. I was once more struck with that familiar unsettling feeling, that feeling I often get when I have these more intense experiences where it’s like I’m getting slapped in the face with the reality of all of this. I do not know who Crystal is or what she is, but I know that she is a real external presence. I’ve dealt with my share of skeptics when talking about my situation openly, but if only these skeptics could experience these bodily sensations that I so often do. It’s unmistakable, they are being caused by an external presence, an invisible yet very real external presence.


 Onto my next topic that I just want to ramble about here for a little bit. I believe that I had another incident where I captured some EVP‘s unintentionally. Even though I quit intentionally recording to capture EVP‘s years ago, apparently I still capture them on occasion. I’m not surprised by this, after all I’ve been dealing with some kind of entity attachment since 2015 and at least one of these entities (Crystal) seems to never leave my vicinity.


  This incident occurred this past Sunday. There was a work-related issue that had come up and I needed to go out to a job site and take a look at something. Sunday was my day off, so I wasn’t really enthusiastic about having to drive an hour away to go check out this work situation, but I knew it was the only way to get the matter resolved quickly. It’s difficult for me sometimes to get out of the office. Once I’m there, something always pops up….some situation, and then another situation and then another, and I end up just getting stuck there. Sometimes during the Spring and Summer season, I can run out to a job site before official work hours, or sometimes after work if I’m motivated enough. But, this time of year, in December…it’s not quite as easy for me. It’s hard enough at this point just for me to make it to work on time in the morning.


   So, I mustered up the motivation this past Sunday, got in my car and drove an hour to this job site where I had to look at something. It was something that I needed to document with pictures, so I took a bunch of pictures and I also made two videos with my phone. This job site was down at the shore, near the beach and it was rather windy down there that day. When I came back I reviewed the pictures that I had taken and I watched the two videos. On one of the videos, I heard nothing but the sound of the rushing wind. On the other video, I heard the sound of the rushing wind, but I also heard Crystal’s voice. When I played the video again, I heard her voice say my name within the first couple of seconds and then I heard her voice again saying something else at the five or six second mark. I’ve listen to the recording several times already and I hear her voice on it every time. I would recognize Crystal‘s voice anywhere. I’ve been hearing this voice to degree or another every day since the Spring of 2015. So when I watched this particular video, the presence of her voice hit me right away. I’m quite certain about her saying my name in the very beginning. I’m not quite certain of what she said at the 5-6 second mark. I believe that I hear a little profanity there. I thought about trying to enhance the audio, but then I start second guessing myself and beginning feeling like it’s early January, 2015 all over again. Whenever I capture one of these unintended EVPs, I end up in a debate with myself. One the one hand, it’s at least some vindication. Here it is, right there on recording, the same voice that has been an intrusive presence in my life for the past five years. I want to isolate, document, enhance, do whatever to use this even small bit of evidence to back up the things that I write about regarding my strange experiences. Yet, before long, an uneasy feeling overtakes me. Deja vu, perhaps, but not in any kind of good way. I begin to feel myself getting pulled in by a strong sense of curiosity about the whole thing. I know this sense of curiosity well, this pull that can be quite hard to resist. It’s this curiosity that landed me in the position that I’m in today. So, usually after a short time, I tend to lose motivation for investigating these EVP incidents further. I’m too conflicted about it on the inside. I simply save the videos in case that may be of some use to me in the future, then I let the matter go.





December 9, 2020


  I had some more incidents last night where the physical sensations seemed a little more intense than usual. However, it was not to the same degree as it was two nights ago. Then, it seemed like I was awakened from a state of deep sleep by the feeling of two hands grabbing at my lower back through the mattress of my bed. Last night was a little different. As soon as I got into bed I felt something small darting up the right side of my bed, then onto my shoulder as if it was trying to quickly reach my right ear. It happened very quickly that’s what struck me as being a little odd about it. Typically, this entity attachment tends to start with the sensations down around my legs and then the sensations slowly move up my body. This makes it very unmistakable for me. Last night it was as if something was just starting right towards my right ear here as quick as it could. As much as I can recollect, I was only hearing the female voice last night, the one that calls herself Crystal, so I believe that she was the source of this presence, as I believe she most often is.


   Luckily, I fell asleep fairly quickly last night, so I was not disturbed by experiencing the sensations or hearing her voice for very long. Today while I was at work, there was a span of time where it seemed like her voice was quite loud, louder than usual. I was in my office at work sitting at my desk and I could hear her voice speaking over the sound of the heating system blowing through the vent that is almost directly above my desk. This is the kind of steady background noise that often seems to amplify the voices. While this was occurring, I may have heard another voice other than Crystal’s. As I often say, since I have heard Crystal’s voice to one degree or another every day since the Spring of 2015, the sound of her voice is very recognizable to me. But, when I heard her voice speaking through the vent this afternoon at work, it seemed for a short time there that there was also a male voice present. That is one way that I can tell the difference. Crystal’s voice is very much a female voice. For the most part, her voice generally sounds like a young woman’s voice, though it’s most often at a higher pitch than a regular human voice. Occasionally I will hear another voice that sounds distinctly male, so I can tell right away that it’s not the same voice. Perhaps there was another entity around me this afternoon for a time. I can’t say, but this other voice definitely sounded different.


  I still do occasionally hear other voices besides Crystal’s, it’s just that they don’t seem to stick around anymore like they did earlier on in my situation. Crystal’s voice has always been one of the most present, but back in 2015 and 2016, her voice was just one of at least dozens that I would say that I heard on a day-to-day basis. It was mostly between 2017 and 2019 that the number of separate and distinct voices seemed to dwindle down and I began to really notice that Crystal‘s voice was the only one that seemed to be hanging around all of the time. I’m still hearing Crystal’s voice every day. If I can keep my focus on something else strong enough, I can go a few hours without hearing her. However, I have the feeling that she is still always there chattering away in the background.  It’s at night, especially when I’m in bed waiting to fall asleep, that I am usually unable to block out her voice completely.


  As I have written about previously, I’m a light sleeper, and that works against me here. I cannot fall asleep listening to music or watching a movie. I cannot use other sounds to drown out the sound of her voice unfortunately. Most often, I need things very quiet to fall asleep nice and easy and this leaves me vulnerable to her intrusions.


  I also wanted to talk about something that I had planned on touching upon yesterday, but I ran out of time. This past weekend, I was browsing around on the internet as I often do and I stumbled upon a forum where people were discussing techniques for using a Spirit Box. I followed the conversation a little bit, and it began to strike me as being a bit strange. So I kept reading and then I realized that they were talking about a video game. They were not talking about doing actual paranormal investigations or attempting to communicate with spirits, they were talking about a video game where using a Spirit Box during a paranormal investigation is essentially the main theme. I was not aware that such a video game even existed. I’ll be the first to confess that I’m not really a big video game aficionado. I played my share of video games when I was a kid and even occasionally into my early 20s, but then I just seemed to lose interest in them. The only time that I ever play them anymore is at family gatherings when I’m hanging out with my young nephew who is very much into video games right now.


  I was aware that video games have progressed quite a bit since when I was a kid, but I had never heard of this video game where the main theme is using a Spirit Box to communicate with spirits. I am aware that there are all kinds of video games out there, some are considered excessively violent, some are a bit controversial for other reasons. As I said, I am not a video game aficionado, so I never really held much of an opinion about all of this I suppose. On the one hand, I wasn’t surprised to see a video game about using a Spirit Box, but I also couldn’t help but feel that this might be a bad idea here. I know that it’s just meant for entertainment and I don’t believe that playing the video game itself is dangerous, but the thought immediately went through my mind that this game could influence people, especially young people to become interested in using a Spirit Box for real. This is where things can get dangerous.


   I bought and used a Spirit Box a few times during the Winter of 2015 while I was conducting my EVP sessions. In that short time, I just never took to it very much. I was primarily doing my EVP sessions with voice recorders and I seemed to have the most success with that, so I stuck with that as my primary means of communication. If I hadn’t been hit with this attachment situation as quickly as I did, maybe I would’ve gotten into using the Spirit Box a bit more, I don’t know. The fact of the matter is that I was doing EVP sessions for two months during the Winter of 2015, things got intense very quickly, and by the end of the second month I was having disturbing incidents of hearing some of the same EVP voices outside of the recording sessions with just my naked ears. Shortly after that, these voices outright attacked me, it was an outright “voices blitzkrieg” for quite a while. This voice that calls herself Crystal was there the whole time.


   Since 2015, I have found other accounts and have met quite a few others who were also hit with attachments, whose primary means of communication was using a Spirit Box.  I know that the Spirit Box carries the same danger of getting hit with this kind of attachment situation where intruding voices are involved, as does using a voice recorder to do EVP sessions. So, when I discovered that there was a video game centered around using a Spirit Box to communicate with spirits or entities of unknown origin, the potential dangers went through my mind almost instantly. That is my concern, not so much playing the game itself, but that the game could influence people to start using a Spirit Box for real. I just also want to add to this that even though it is called Spirit Box and one may use this device with the intention of communicating with human spirits in some particular location of historic significance, that’s not necessarily a guarantee that that is who is going to come through during sessions, if anything comes through at all.


  When I first started doing EVP sessions back in 2015, and I first started capturing voices on my recordings, I just assumed that they were the spirits of departed human beings that once lived on Earth just as I do. Most of the voices sounded human enough to me, and most of them even told me that they were human spirits at that time. I believed them, because that was the assumption that I made going in. Here I am five years later dealing with one remaining attachment and even though as I said, her voice generally sounds human enough, I will not say that I even believe that she is of human origin as a personal opinion. I’m not saying that she isn’t, I’m just saying after dealing with her for five years now, I have experienced enough that makes this a very open question for me. It’s not so much the way her voice sounds that makes me question is, it’s her mannerisms, and the impressions that I get from much of her behavior. Call it a vibe or perhaps just some kind of intuition, I just feel that there’s something very different about her. So, I wouldn’t begin using a Spirit Box with the assumption that it’s only human spirits that you might come into contact with. We are literally talking about the unknown here, things that we know practically nothing about. Certainly, there are a lot of beliefs and opinions out there, but in truth that’s what they are …..beliefs and opinions. Don’t get me wrong, beliefs and opinions are fine …..we all have them …’s very human to have them after all. But, when you become involved directly with an activity that’s intended to communicate with beings from beyond our physical world, our beliefs and our opinions are no guarantee that things are going to play out the way that we think they will. Dealing with this entity Crystal for five years has left me with far more questions than answers.


   Well, I don’t mean to ramble too much here so I’ll wrap things up. I’m not trying to bash this video game or anything like that either, I’m just concerned that it could influence someone in a bad way someday. I know that in many of my writings I sound like a broken record, but that’s what I’m doing here, I’m trying to describe and bring awareness to at least one specific danger of these kinds of activities so that it’s more known about and people who may be thinking about getting involved with all of this, will at least be able to make a more informed decision. When I first started hearing some of the EVP voices outside of the recording sessions, I was caught completely off guard. At the time, I had never heard of this happening to anyone else, I didn’t know such a thing was possible. Once again, I went in with an assumption. I assumed that when I ended my EVP sessions, that all contacts and communication was broken off, I assumed that the beings that I was communicating with were in some other dimension somewhere and that I was here on Planet Earth where I’ve always been and there was some kind of a barrier between us. I would say that I looked on doing those sessions more as something along the lines of using a HAM Radio to communicate with other dimensions. But, I was very wrong about quite a few things. At least some of the entities that I was communicating with that Winter, they were not far away and far removed on some other plane of existence. They were much closer than that, much closer and I paid a high price for my ignorance regarding all of this.






December 12, 2020



   I had a strange experience two nights ago. I think it was some kind of dream attack from this entity attachment, the one that calls herself Crystal. However, there was something strange about this one, or even stranger I should say. Two nights ago, I went to bed around eleven. As soon as I got into bed, I was hearing Crystal’s voice chattering away and I was also experiencing some bodily sensations. All of this is stuff that occurs practically every night. Initially, these occurrences were not any more intense than they typically are. Then, I had a very brief bad dream. It happened very quickly, so quickly in fact that there isn’t really much to tell. It was one of those dreams where I felt as if I was being held down and I could see a hazy shadowy presence. There was a few brief moments of panic, and then it was over.


   This is a dream scenario that I’ve experienced a number of times since this attachment situation began. In fact, I’d say it’s one of the more common dream scenarios that I experience. It generally plays out the same each time. I’m in my bed at night, waiting to fall asleep, and then I feel as if there is something holding me down. I looked around to see who was there, and I just see this blurry hazy shadowy form. I can tell right away that somebody is there, but I can’t make out any details or features about what this presence looks like. I would say it’s probably something along the lines of what some call a shadow person, accept it seems like it’s not an entirely materialized shadow person if that makes any sense. I can see that there’s someone there for certain, I can make out the features of a body, a head… shoulders….arms, but it’s very blurry.


  In a way this brief disturbing dream that I experienced the other night also shared some characteristics with other dream attacks that I’ve experienced in the past that I suspect were caused by this entity attachment. I have written about this previously, how by now I believe that I recognize certain characteristics or differences between what I consider to be just a regular normal dream and a dream that I highly suspect is being manipulated if not outright created by this entity attachment.


   One common characteristic is that these suspicious dreams often tend to happen very shortly after the time that I fall asleep, even very shortly after the time I get into bed I would say. I’ve never been one to really recollect much about my dreams, but since this situation began for me, I’ve started to pay close attention to the small details, because it has become quite apparent to me that these entities do have the ability to manipulate our dreams, even create them I believe.


   I might mix up the phrase entity and entities here a bit. Let me just say that recently I’ve been hearing Crystal’s voice most of the time. It’s the exact same voice that I first heard on my EVP recordings back in February 2015. Crystal’s voice is the only voice that I hear on a day today basis. I very much consider her very much still attached to my life. However, I do still occasionally hear other voices that are not Crystal. Crystal’s voice is very recognizable to me, considering I’ve heard it every day for the past five years. So, occasionally I’ll hear another voice and I can sense right away that it doesn’t sound like Crystal at all. For one thing, Crystal’s voice is a female voice…..without a doubt.  Some of these other voices sound more like male voices. However, the current situation is that even though I still occasionally hear these other voices, they don’t seem to stick around, that is, I’m not hearing them on a day-to-day basis like I do with Crystal’s voice.


   So, when it comes to these dream attacks, since Crystal very much seems to be the primary entity attachment that I am still dealing with these days, I strongly suspect that she’s the main culprit. However, I do concede that it is possible that there are other entities that might be involved. It seems to me that these other voices occasionally show up and join with Crystal in causing me a disturbance.  Perhaps sometimes it’s more than just Crystal behind these dream attacks. I simply do not know, I just wanted to state this because I know in my writings here, I sometimes speak in the singular and also in the plural. I’m prone to mixing it up. But, this is just an example of how mixed up this situation can be for me.


  Anyway, back to this dream that I had the other night. As I said, it shared many characteristics with many previous disturbing dreams that I have had that I very much suspect were far from regular normal dream. It happened shortly after I got into bed, in fact this is one of the strangest things about this particular dream. To me, it seemed to occur within only a matter of a few brief moments after I got into bed. I have often noted that with some of these suspicious dreams that I’ve had, sometimes there’s this strange awareness while I’m having the dream where it’s like I don’t feel like I’m asleep at all. This has happened to me before.  It’s basically that I’ll be right in the middle of having this dream and I just think to myself “hey, I feel completely awake here…. what’s going on?” It’s very strange and it’s a bit blurry because we’re talking about various states of consciousness here, states between being awake being asleep and it’s in those in-between zones where these strange phenomenon become more intensified.


 What was so bizarre about this dream the other night was that it happened so quickly from the time that I got into bed and this feeling that I wasn’t even asleep yet was very strong this time, more so than during any of the previous occasions. Another strange thing about it was that it was so brief. Again, I realize that I’m trying to capture details of something pertaining to hazy states of consciousness here, but it didn’t even seem like the dream lasted much more than a minute. Call this a personal observation, but it seemed like in this case, Crystal, tried to pull me into a dream state too soon, before all of the conditions were right. I hadn’t yet reached that state where I was mostly in in the in-between zone. I was still more awake than anything. I’m struggling to try and describe this accurately, but for myself, it is yet another example that these entities that I’ve been dealing with since 2015 do you have an ability to affect, manipulate or even cause dreams to occur.




December 13, 2020


  Yesterday, I shared the video that I had made last weekend (while I was at a jobsite), where I believe that I captured Crystal’s voice on recording, with a friend of mine who is also dealing with this same kind of attachment situation. She said that she could hear the female voice speaking on the video recording to. As I mentioned previously, this is not the first incident where I’ve captured EVP voices without intending to. As I also mentioned, sometimes when I listen to these recordings, an uneasy feeling comes over me. It’s kind of a sense of déjà vu. It’s like being hit with a bunch bad memories, memories of the things that I was doing and experiencing during the Winter of 2015. Things that would upset the balance of my life in significant ways.


  Sometimes when these incidents occur, I find myself wrestling with the powerful pull of an intense feeling of curiosity. Thoughts run through my mind that I should examine these recordings further, see if I can enhance them in some way, see if there’s even more mysterious voices or messages present on them. This compulsion is starting to fade away now, just as it did in the past when this has occurred. Over time, I’ve learned to suppress this intense curiosity. I’ve gotten burned going down that road before, so why tempt fate again. What good could come from it?


  Capturing Crystal’s voice on recording is similar to some of the other experiences that I deal with on a regular basis, mainly incidents where the physical or bodily sensations become very pronounced. On the one hand, it’s all stuff that I’ve experienced before in the past, so it’s not a complete surprise to me. Yet, there’s just a sense of being hit with the reality of the situation…that it’s actually happening and I haven’t the slightest clue what it all means.  I mention this “reality slap” quite a lot in my writings. If anything, this feeling, this unsettling feeling is something I would say that is a bit more noticeable to me now then perhaps it was in the previous years.


  I would say it’s true that Crystal‘s presence has had less of an impact on my life this year than in the previous years since 2015. There’s a few different reasons for this. One is probably just the fact that more time has gone by. I’ve slugged through this situation longer now, I’ve taken many hits, I’ve had many bad experiences, but I’ve learned some things from these experiences and they have made me stronger. I would not say that I’m completely adapted to Crystal’s presence by any means. I’m not sure that I ever could be completely. But, I would say that I’m a bit more desensitized to it now than I was back in 2015 and 2016. This year was also different for other reasons. The Coronavirus pandemic has had an impact on my life this year as well. Earlier in the year, I wasn’t even sure if I would be able to keep working. But then, when some of the restrictions were lifted, things became very busy for me at work. I do not want to get off topic here, but in summary, my day job pertains to home projects. Because of the pandemic, people have been spending more time at home, so there has been a boom in certain industries that pertain to home projects and renovations. Things became very busy for me at work. This allowed me to keep my focus on my day-to-day life, work matters and such, and Crystal‘s presence was pushed into the background to some degree.


  However, she did not always stay in the background. It’s hard to explain, but this year I just felt that there was a collision between the two main aspects of my life. By main aspects, I mean on the one hand there’s my every day down to Earth life. This includes working at my job, living in my apartment, struggling to make sure I pay all my bills, dealing with stress and bullshit on the job, and enjoying the things that I enjoy doing in my free time.


  The other aspect is this attachment situation. What does make this a major aspect of my life right now is the fact that the situation is still with me every day. I am still hearing Crystal’s voice every day, and as I mentioned, sometimes some other voices tend to show up as well. Crystal’s presence does have a direct impact on me. But, another impact is that I am thinking about these experiences very often. It’s hard not to think about them. There have been quite a few who have given me the advice, saying things like “just ignore the voices”….” just don’t think about them”.  I’ve seen this work to a large degree for some. It’s certainly not an easy thing to do. Crystal‘s voice is there all the time chattering away. Yes, if I can hone in my focus on something strongly enough for time, I can block it out, but it’s there, I can still sense that. Perhaps this is easier for some to do than others, I just don’t know. What I do know is that this entity…Crystal, is an opportunist. She’s very skillfully exploits occasions where it’s difficult for me to even hope to ignore her presence. This is why I think she harasses me so much at night, especially when I’m in that in-between zone, when I’m already half asleep and my reaction time is slowed down.


 Getting back to what’s been happening this year. As I said, I have really felt these two forces in my life colliding quite a lot this year. Things have been very busy and hectic at work, so I’m getting pulled in that direction, the everyday world and the minutia of life direction. But then, I’ll have some intense experience pertaining to this attachment situation, whether it be an intense dream attack, some over-the-top bodily sensations, shout attacks or all the above an more thrown at me on a single night. It’s then, that the reality of this situation pulls my thoughts back to that other direction.




December 14, 2020


  I’m just going to ramble here. I’m not even sure what about exactly, but we’ll see where it goes. This is the last week before I go on my yearly break from work for the holidays. I’m looking forward to it with much anticipation. This year has been aggravating as hell for me. I can definitely say this year, that I have experienced more stress and more aggravation from my job than from the presence of this mysterious entity attachment. Maybe it’s time to look for a new job then right?


  I know I sound like I’m just complaining about my job here, but hey…. that’s what journals are for. On the one hand, I know that I’m very fortunate that I was able to keep working all year during this horrible pandemic situation. Many people have not been so fortunate, I realize that. As I stated earlier, even though things started off a bit shaky earlier in the year, my job actually became very busy. Of course, there have been many benefits to that, a steady paycheck, something that distracts me from Crystal’s presence and all the stuff that occurs there. Yet, it has been stressful and aggravating at times and now in the middle of December, I’m just feeling tired.


  Today at work, I had to deal with some bullshit from some problem situation and it’s going to be there tomorrow too. So, this year the aggravation will go to the last minute I’m sure. This is why I am very much looking forward to being off from work for a few weeks. As I stated, this year with everything that’s been going on with my work, it has in a way pushed Crystal into the background. She has had less of an impact on my life this year compared to the previous year since 2015. However, the year is not over yet. I believe it was during my holiday break back in 2017-2018, being off from work for a while actually caused some serious problems as far as the presence of these entity attachments go.


  Back then I was hearing more voices, not as many as I was in 2015, but it was more than just Crystal. As I said, I still do occasionally hear other voices, it just seems to me now that Crystal is the only voice that sticks around every day. The other ones seem to come and go sporadically. But anyway, I remember during my holiday break that season, about a week into my time off, the voices were really starting to get to me. It hit me that this was happening because I didn’t have the distraction of being at work. I usually don’t do a whole lot during my holiday break. I don’t travel anywhere. I rather like the opportunity to not do anything at all. I would typically sleep in a little later than I usually would and spend a lot of time reading. All of that sounds good to me.


  However, I suppose that it does leave me a little more vulnerable to being harassed by Crystal. I hear her voice trying to distract me all the time when I’m at home reading. I’m used to it by now and I deal with it. However, I’m sure that it will happen even more while I’m on my break. So, I’ll just have to see how it goes. It was just that one year during my holiday break that things with the voices were becoming a major problem for me, to the point where I was almost looking forward to my off time coming to an end. That’s not how it usually is with me. I do not expect that to happen this year. This year I really want and really need the down time. I suspect that Crystal will try to escalate things, but I don’t foresee it being enough to spoil my downtime.


  This situation though, where the voices have more effect on me when I’m just sitting at home not doing much of anything for an extended period of time, there’s definitely something to that. Keeping myself busy with work was something that I feel was a great benefit to me back during the worst days of my situation during the Spring and Summer of 2015. I began having incidence of hearing these negative voices outside of my EVP sessions by the end of February 2015, during the month of March things escalated by the day, but the voice at that time had still not reached the point where they were coming at me on a constant basis yet. To the best of my recollection, that occurred the first few days of April, 2015. That’s when the shit really hit the fan and I was hit with what I often describe as an outright “voice’s blitzkrieg”.


   The situation literally changed over the course of a single morning. During the month of March it seemed like these entities were ramping things up in a very calculated manner. By this point, I had quit doing EVP sessions. But, that seemed to do nothing to help me escape from all of this disturbing strangeness. Things continued to get worse by the day. I was having more and more incidents of hearing these voices wherever I went. I had also begun to experience the physical sensations, especially at night. It was during that March that I had my first incidents of feeling jabs coming up through the mattress of my bed at night as I was trying to sleep. This was all very new to me back then so it was freaking me out to say the least.


 I was losing sleep every night, becoming filled with anxiety. These entities seemed to be pulling off strange theatrical stunts to try and instill fear in me and at the time, it was quite effective. I remember that I went into work one morning, before any of my coworkers arrived and I saw that there was a message on the phone at my desk. When there’s a message, a red light on the corner of the phone lights up. I played the message and it was the same voices, the same voices from my EVP sessions that were now tormenting me. I heard them say my name and also saying “we are coming for you. It was right there clear as day. I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. Yet from there, it got even stranger.


  I know this sounds hard to believe, but it’s an incident that actually happened during March of 2015. I remember it very vividly. So, I’m just going come right out with it. I forget the exact date, but it was sometime in mid to late March. I was at work, it was later in the afternoon…almost closing time. I was at my desk and there was a coworker at their desk about 10 feet away for me. The phone rang, I picked it up said good afternoon , my name and asked how may I help them or something like that….typical stuff I say when I answer the phone at the office. I heard what sounded like the voice of the young man speaking. He was asking if we were hiring. I said that we were not at that time. And then he started to get a little belligerent with me. I forget all of the exact words he said, but I started to get the impression that this was some kind of prank phone call.


   However, I did not initially suspect that there was anything paranormal or such about this phone call in the slightest. I didn’t recognize the voice, and it sounded very clear. The voices that I was then hearing via this hijacked clairaudience (even though many of them often sounded like regular human voices), they were just different. The tone and characteristics of their voice was a bit different. The exact characteristics could vary, but I could just tell the difference between one of those voices and the voice of an in-the-flesh/physical world human being speaking to me. At least I thought I could tell the difference, apparently I was wrong.


   This voice that sounded like a young man that went from asking if we were hiring to getting belligerent with me, he had me fooled quite successfully at first. He said my name and then he made a comment about my mother who had passed away six months earlier. That’s when I started to have a very uncomfortable feeling about this phone call. Then suddenly, in the background….but still clear as day, I heard her voice….Crystal‘s voice. She wasn’t calling herself Crystal back then, but it was the same voice. Even at that early stage, this particular voice had become quite familiar to me. I recognized it as being one of the voices of my main tormentors. Her voice said my name in a very eerie unsettling manner and it sent chills through my body. I immediately hung up the phone and just sat there stunned.


  These entities, whoever or whatever they are, just called me on the phone at my work and the male voice sounded so clear that he had me completely fooled. Once I heard Crystal’s voice, I knew that this was no ordinary phone call. As my situation went from bad to worse during the Spring and Summer of 2015, I had several other incidents of hearing these voices, especially Crystal‘s voice, while I was on the phone. However, it was different from this one incident that afternoon. It’s hard to describe, but I would be on the phone at work and I would just hear this layer of static.  I remember thinking to myself, maybe this static is always there when I’m on the phone, it’s just that I usually don’t even notice it. But now, after having become obsessed with doing EVP sessions that past Winter, I had honed my hearing to such a degree that now I was picking up on these little details of sound and background noise that I just never really paid much attention to before.


   I had many incidents that year where I would be on the phone at work and I would hear voices (usually Crystal’s voice) speaking to me through that subtle layer of static. These incidents were a bit different from that mysterious prank call that I received that afternoon in March. During most of these other incidents, Crystal’s voice or some other voice, seemed to kind of materialize and breakthrough the sound of the static. The prank call that I received was much more direct, it was more like a regular phone call, I mean they actually made the phone ring and had me fooled by how clear they could sound. Once the male voice mentioned my mother, I knew there was something suspicious going on here. But, when I heard Crystal’s voice clear as day, I knew that this was a call from “them”.  All of the other phone incidents occurred when I was already on the line talking to someone. That prank call was a direct phone call from them, whoever they are……from wherever they were.





December 16, 2020


   It is raining very hard out there at the moment. I was just outside smoking a cigarette and I got drenched. No matter what the weather is, I always go outside to smoke. I always have. It’s snowing just a little north of here, so I’m glad it’s just rain. I like a good snowstorm as much as anyone, but I’m not ready for it yet. Christmas is a little over a week away, I would prefer it to snow for Christmas. Anyway, I’m just going to bring things up to date on what’s been going on with me and with my situation. Nothing too intense or unusual has been occurring over the course of the last few days. Crystal hasn’t been disturbing me too much at night. Well, maybe she’s been trying to, but I’ve been managing to get some decent sleep. Though I am finding it a bit difficult to get up and get going in the morning. I’m only a few days away from my holiday break where I’ll have off from work for 18 days. I’m looking forward to being able to sleep in.


  There has been some activity at night, as they’re usually is. But, it hasn’t been too intense so far this week. About two nights ago, I had that feeling where it was as if something was perched on the top of my head as I lie in bed. This happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I think I’m definitely seeing Crystal focusing more these days on causing me to feel these physical sensations more on my upper body…. shoulders, face…and the top of my head. In the past, the sensations would typically be more focused around my legs and around my waist. It’s always varied a bit, but I think that I’m definitely starting to observe that she’s focusing more now on my upper body.


  Sometimes I feel tapping on my forehead. I’ll also often feel it on one of my ears, usually it’s my right ear. As far as what she’s been saying, it’s pretty much just been the same old stuff. Just a few minutes ago and I was outside smoking a cigarette, I heard her doing this particular thing that she sometimes does where she’ll start a sentence that will be referring to one thing, but end the sentence having it refer to something else. For example, she might start saying something about angels and demons, or something of a religious nature and finish the sentence by saying something about extraterrestrials. It’s not really that she brings these two things together in one sentence, it’s more like two completely different statements being cut in half and put together. The content doesn’t fit. I’ve talked about this particular tactic of hers in the past where I’ve compared to the cut up technique in writing.


   I am not an expert on modern literature, but I’m a big reader. I’ve read a few books by the author William S. Burroughs where he used this cut up technique. Basically as far as I understand it, he had a body of writing, and he literally cut it up and put it back together so that it was now something completely different, something new and unexpected. I’ve dabbled with this myself a few times in the past when doing some creative writing for fun. So when I observed Crystal speaking in this manner, the cut up technique came to mind. It is something quite similar. She’ll just begin a statement referring to one thing and end it with something completely unrelated. It’s another example of her back and forth flip-flopping talk. She flip-flops on a lot of things.


  I sometimes hear her say that she’s not supposed to reveal certain things to me. For example, just this week there were a few occasions where I heard her say that she wasn’t supposed to talk to me about the spirit world, or about extraterrestrials. And I just thought to myself, “what does it really matter because I can’t believe anything that you say at face value anyway?”  No matter how interesting it sounds and she does say things that are very interesting sometimes, I can’t regard it as reliable information.


  I’ve heard Crystal at times talking about the spirit world, the astral planes, other dimensions, other civilizations in our own galaxy. If I were a better writer, I would say that she’s given me a lot of material that I could use to write some far out science fiction stories. I’ve always said, she’s extremely intelligent and she can tell a very convincing story. The problem here is that she does not stick to the same story, far from it ….she is always changing her stories around. She especially does this with the claims that she makes about her own identity. At one time she’ll claim to be the spirit of a human being that lived on Earth and she will recount memories and experiences from that life on Earth. She can add quite a bit of detail and elaboration to these stories, but even more…she can convey a sense of emotion with them that makes them sound rather convincing.

However, at another time she’ll be claiming to be an extraterrestrial from another dimension and she’ll start talking about this and sound equally as convincing. And another time, she’ll be on a religious theme and she’ll be telling me about what things in the Bible really mean and about angels and demons.


  Let me just add, that when she’s claiming to be a spirit of human origin, even though she can add quite a bit of detail and elaboration to these claims, she also seems to leave out a lot of very important information. When she starts talking about some experience from her life on Earth, she can sound very convincing in the way she talks about it. Yet, she has never given me any kind of information that I could use to verify her identity. For example, even though she claims that her name is Crystal, she never gives me a full name…first name, a middle name and a last name. She never gives me the exact date of her birth, where she was born, what town, or what city, or what state. She never tells me the name of any school that she went to. She never tells me the names of any of her family members. She never gives me her Social Security number or anything like that which I could perhaps use to investigate her claims and even verify that she’s telling the truth.


    She’s very good at telling a story about human experiences. She can add details about her emotions in a sense, but she does not give details that I could use to investigate whether or not these claims are true. Today, with the internet, I’m sure that she could give me some small piece of information that I could use to investigate these claims that she makes about herself. Most of the time when she’s claiming to be a spirit of human origin, she tells me that she was alive in the 1970s and 80s. I’m sure that she could give me the name of the school that she went to or someplace where she worked in her hometown, something like that and there’s a good chance I think that I would be able to verify that yes, there is a school by that name in this town or there is a business by that name in this town or there was sometime in the past. Yet, she never gives me these kinds of details.


   Sometimes, she’ll claim to be older. There have been a number of times when she has told me that she is a human spirit from the nineteenth century. Ok, that’s a little further back, but she still doesn’t give me any kind of information that I could use to even try and investigate her claims. I have been hearing Crystal’s voice every day since the Spring of 2015.  In all that time I’ve heard her say countless things and make countless claims about herself. Yet, to the best of my recollection she’s never given me any kind of information that I could use to see if she really did exist as a human being on Earth at one time. Why is this?


  She hasn’t even given me false information regarding this. She hasn’t even tried to send me on a wild goose chase to try and investigate her identity. To be honest, I’m a little surprised at that. Having me go around in circles trying to investigate something and only coming up with dead ends seems like something she would do and would in fact be quite enthusiastic about for her own amusement. Yet she has not done this. Is this a sign that not only is Crystal not who she says she is when she claims to be of human origin, but also that she is not in fact of human origin at all?  I simply do not know the answer.


   As I have stated many times, in some ways (at least by outward appearance) she can seem very human. Her voice generally sounds very human, it sounds like the voice of a young woman in her late teens or in her 20’s. However, in other ways I just pick up on this vibe that there’s something very different about her. When I started doing EVP sessions back in early January 2015, and when I started hearing voices on my recordings, I assumed that they were human spirits from the start. They sounded very human and they were giving me very common human names. I had a stronger opinion back then at the very beginning than I do now going on six years into this attachment situation. I held a stronger conviction in my opinion back then that all of these voices were from beings that were as human as I am, just in a different form now, than I do at this very moment.


  I don’t claim to have the answers regarding Crystal’s identity, and what’s very frustrating in a way, is that I find it very difficult to even form a personal opinion regarding it. She wears too many mask and she wears each one too well.








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