Is EVP Recording Dangerous ? Voices Intrusions Pt. 1



I know that I’m going to sound like a broken record here. I know that what I’m about to discuss I’ve written about many times before. Yet, I feel compelled to keep on writing about it. Just within the span of this past year, I’ve found a few more cases that are very similar to mine and they involve EVP recording. So I know that the particular danger of this activity that I’m going to discuss here is still out there, it’s still impacting people's lives. So yes, I know that I’m going to rehash a lot of what I’ve already written about, but if it does anyone any prevents even one of these situation‘s from occurring while there’s still time, then I feel that it’s worth a try.

What I’m going to talk about is a particular type of psychic attack...or oppression that can result from communicating with entities (of unknown origin) through the means of EVP recording. I’m going to use different terms hear such as “attachment “ ....”oppression” ...”entities”.....”spirits and demons”. I don’t really get too hung up on the terminology. Personally, I feel that a lot of these terms intersect with each other at certain points, and various labels and terms can at times and in certain situations, be referring to the same thing.

The particular danger that I want to discuss here is the danger of having your mind and your very life invaded to an extreme degree by intruding and often tormenting voices. Another way to put it, is that sometimes the voices that can be captured through EVP recording can in a very real sense “come out of the recordings” in a big way and an individual can start hearing them beyond the recording sessions. This is exactly what happened to me back in 2015.

I’m probably going to be jumping around a little bit here, but let me just start with a quick rundown of my own case, my own personal story. I’ll try not to ramble on too much, so I’ll spread it out a little bit.

Back during the winter of 2015, I decided to try my hand with a bit of “active” paranormal investigation. I have been interested in the paranormal and paranormal related topics for much of my life. Basically this was an on and off interest. It would be something that I would have on my mind for a time, but then it would fade away. Yet it always seemed to come back at some point. These topics could range a bit from UFOs to ghost to cryptozoology and more. Prior to that winter, this interest never went beyond reading books about these subjects or watching documentaries or television shows. I never sought out or got around to doing any kind of active investigation for myself. For some reason I felt compelled to change all this that winter. I didn’t really have much of a plan regarding how I was going to go about doing this, but I figured that one way that I could start actively investigating the paranormal was to try my hand at EVP recording. This seemed simple enough to get started with. I didn’t need to buy any expensive equipment, I could just use a basic voice recorder or even my phone. So, the decision was made, I would give EVP recording a try. I had seen EVP sessions done countless times on television shows, so it didn’t seem like there was anything complicated about trying it. Perhaps I had ideas of going to specific locations in the region where I lived and doing my recording sessions, places with some level of historic significance. However, it seemed like I was too impatient for that. Maybe I just meant to do a little bit of practicing, but I found myself unable to wait until I had a chance to go somewhere and try this and I began doing EVP sessions in my own home.

I can honestly say that at the time I wasn’t really expecting to capture anything paranormal and recording. For the first few weeks I didn’t. I kept going however. Where in the past I may have quickly given up and become interested in something else, I kept going with this for a couple of weeks. Again, I wasn’t hearing anything at all at first, but that all changed on January 17, 2015. I’ll probably never forget that date for as long as I live. That was the date when I captured my first EVPs. I know that these first EVPs were not the best quality all in all, but they were there, they were unmistakably there... I could hear them. Not only that, they were answering my questions. Yes, these were not random words or phrases, these were not stray radio signals that I was picking up. Quite the contrary, these were intelligent replies to the specific questions that I asked during that recording session.

This was quite a powerful moment for me. If you would have asked me at the time if I thought this stuff was real, I probably would have said yes, but I confess that there was still a bit of lingering uncertainty in my mind. I mean how could I know? But to hear these voices, these voices that were directly answering my questions, was a powerful thing, a very profound thing. It really opened my eyes to the fact that there is indeed more than just this physical reality that we see before us. There is something else out there.

Within roughly a week I noticed a major development taking place with my recording endeavor. I went from hearing nothing at all on my hearing a lot. Within a short span of time, it was as if all of a sudden my recordings were now full of voices. Some of the EVPs that I was hearing on those recordings were fairly loud and clear, but many more were fainter. I had to strain my hearing a bit to make out what they were saying. I’ll touch upon this a bit more later. But yes, it was mind boggling how suddenly things changed. This just fed into my sense of curiosity, of fascination with the whole experience. At the time I thought this was a remarkable thing. I had begun this project seeking to capture EVPs and I was hearing them left and right on my recordings. I want to talk about this here for a moment, because in hindsight, I regard this as a probable warning sign that there may be trouble ahead.

Since this all began for me in 2015, I have seen many other cases and the majority of them do have this particular aspect in common. By this I mean that the EVP recording itself changed in its nature within a fairly short amount of time. In many of the other cases that I’ve seen, it was just like in my own case where things started off with nothing ...and then a few captures... and then all of a sudden the recordings were now full of voices. I’ve seen this same scenario playout in enough cases to lead me to believe that it is indeed a pattern. So I’m just putting this out there, one sign that there is danger up ahead is if you’re doing something like this, you’re engaged in EVP recording or using a Spirit Box (I would say any method of spirit communication really) and things just become extremely intense very quickly. A few of the other individuals that I’ve met have also expressed it in the sense that they couldn’t believe what they were hearing, they couldn’t believe how all of a sudden they were receiving all of this communication from somewhere beyond. So yes, I would say that if one is experiencing this, it might be a sign of danger right up the road.

However, in some of the cases that I’ve seen, things become rather intense right away. I’ve met individuals that captured EVPs on their very first attempt at recording. So while I think that there is a pattern with this, of course there’s always likely to be exceptions. I would say that another aspect (in a sense tied into this) is if you are hearing the same voices on multiple recordings and if some of them seem a bit dominating or trying to grab your attention or hog all the communication essentially. If there seems to be these main characters (so to speak) present during your sessions and especially if there seems to be something a bit “off” about them, that’s something to watch out for. This is something that I missed myself back in 2015 when I was recording.

The remaining voice that I am still hearing as of today is a female sounding voice that I first heard on my EVP recordings during the second month of recording...February 2015. So I wasn’t hearing her during the first few weeks, she came along a bit later. At least in the way that I hear her voice now and I say this because her voice still sounds exactly the same today when I hear it through this hijacked-clairaudience hijacked-telepathy, than when I first heard it on recording back in 2015. This female voice has since told me that her name is Crystal, so I will refer to her here as Crystal. Let me just say however that for the first few years she didn’t seem to go by any particular name other than occasionally I might hear her refer to herself as “#1”. She was my number one tormentor all right, the most intrusive throughout all of this, so maybe it’s a reference to that. Though there is another possibility and perhaps I’ll touch upon that later as well.

Crystal’s voice showed up on the scene, on my recordings at about the same time that I was first starting to hear what I often refer to as negative voices or heckler voices. The voices that I was hearing in the very beginning, and for the first few weeks were very friendly I thought. I didn’t detect any hostility from them, they didn’t have any sort of critical things to say about me.... quite the opposite, they seemed very benevolent, and they seemed very interested in communicating with me. Aside from being a complete novice, this is partly why I wasn’t even thinking about any potential dangers, not that I knew what those dangers might look like. I wasn’t even thinking about it at the time because initially the experience seemed so positive. However, once February rolled around, I started to hear these occasional voices that seemed quite different. I would hear the occasional insult or criticism or sometimes even direct threats towards me. I also started hearing quite a lot of profanity on my recordings as well.

It was around this time that I began noticing the presence of this particular female sounding voice, the voice that would later on go by the name Crystal. I don’t remember her insulting me much in the beginning, but I could tell right away that there was something different about her, something “a bit off”. I could tell that she wasn’t quite the same as those very friendly voices that I had been hearing and communicating with in the beginning. As the days went by I began to get the sense that she was becoming more and more of a presence on my recordings and it seemed like this was what she was after. I wouldn’t exactly call her dominating at this point, she wasn’t trying to take over, but she was just becoming more of a presence. Just by some of the things that she said, I was becoming a bit suspicious of her. For example, as I began hearing more and more of these negative voices, I started to wonder if they were following me around. Prior to this time, I had been doing my EVP sessions in a spare bedroom in my home. When I ended a session at night, I thought that was it.... the contact ...the communication.... was broken off. I’ve mentioned this many times in my previous writings, I had this naïve sense at the time that there was a barrier between us or a vast distance. I’m not exactly sure why, but I essentially regarded communicating with these beings through EVP as a kind of communication similar to using a HAM radio or something along those lines. I figured that even though I couldn’t communicate with them, they were someplace else, some other dimension, some astral plane beyond this world. Visions of outer space filled my head, like they were out in space somewhere. I still do believe that they are in another dimension or another plane of existence, but at the time, I didn’t realize how close they actually were. So when I ended a session at night, I thought that I was alone again, that I wasn’t being watched anymore, that the contact had been broken off until the next time I did a recording session.

Well, one night after I had done a few sessions in that spare bedroom in my home where I had been doing all of my recording sessions, I decided to do a little experiment. As I said, this is when I was beginning to hear the negative voices more and more, so I could sense that things were starting to change and not in a good way. This is when I started to become suspicious of what was happening here. I decided to leave my recorder running in a different room in my house while I went outside and had a cigarette. I went outside and smoked, then came back and listened to this recording. I had left the recorder running in my own bedroom. What I heard on this particular recording was very strange and unsettling. The first thing I remember hearing was a very sad and feeble sounding voice saying “help me”. Then I heard a deeper voice, it didn’t quite sound human, but I would say it sounded close to a male voice, saying something like “’s recording”. Then I heard a baby crying. I don’t know why, but there it was right there on this recording the sound of a baby crying and then right after that, I heard Crystal‘s voice, again, she wasn’t calling herself Crystal at the time, but it was the same voice. I heard her say “F@&k you betrayed us!” in a rather angry tone. This is when I began to realize that this voice, this female voice was most likely associated with this new group, this gang of heckler voices that was starting to become more of a presence on my recordings. She herself wasn’t dominating them, but the group as a whole was, the whole gang of negative voices was starting to dominate the sessions. By this I mean that when I did a session and went back to listened to it, the vast majority of what I was hearing were these negative voices. So, I would say that there are a number of potential warning signs here.

So if you find yourself in a situation where your recording is already underway and it seems like there’s a dominating presence (especially if there’s a lot of negative content coming from at least a percentage of the voices) then that could very well be a warning sign right there as well. I was disturbed and disappointed when the nature of my sessions began to change and all these negative voices were now becoming so much of a presence. Yet I still didn’t realize just how dangerous they were until it was too late. Again, I thought that once I had ended the sessions... the communication was broken off. I was wrong. In fact, I did start to become even more suspicious towards the end of February 2015 and on a few occasions I did recording sessions in other locations as a kind of experiment. I remember that I did a few recording sessions where I work early in the morning before anyone else came in. I happened to live the closest. When I listened to these recordings, I was hearing the same voices. One afternoon on my drive home from work, I left my recorder going in the passenger seat. When I went home and listened to this recording, the same voices were there. It became quite obvious to me that I was being followed by this heckler gang. But soon they would do far more than just heckle. It wasn’t long after that I first began having incidents of hearing these negative voices beyond the recording sessions. At that point I was hearing them without the need of a recorder or any kind of equipment. I was hearing them just with my naked ears and it could happen at any time.

My first major incident of hearing the negative voices outside of the sessions happened while I was at work one day in the middle of the afternoon. This caught me by surprise to say the least, because it was something that I wasn’t expecting at all and something that I had even never heard of happening to anyone else. But it did happen to me and I would eventually discover that it had in fact happened to others as well. So I’m plain words, sometimes... in some situations... one engaged in frequent EVP recording can start hearing the EVP voices outside of the sessions. I suppose this is clairaudience, but it’s not the clairaudience that you would regard as any kind of spiritual gift, it’s more of a hijacked clairaudience. This kind of clairaudience is hijacked and used against you as a form of torture essentially.

I don’t know to be honest how large of a risk this is, how often it occurs... is the percentage high or low,? I’ve been trying to get a sense of this since it all started, but all I can say is that the risk is there. My case is not an isolated case. So if one is just starting to consider getting involved with EVP recording, then I do want to stress that it’s a risk that you should be aware of before you begin recording. Picking up that voice recorder and seeking to communicate with the unknown is no small thing. This aspect of direct communication occurring is very significant here as well. To be honest when I first started recording, I probably wasn’t even envisioning communicating directly with spirits or entities for other dimensions, at least not to the degree that I would. I was more likely just hoping to capture a voice saying a word or a quick phrase and that was that....the kind of thing that I saw so often on ghost hunting television shows. However, in my case, I crossed the line and I crossed it very quickly. Perhaps I did intend or expect to just pursue this to see if I would capture anything on recording. But once I did start capturing voices on recording, I discovered that I could communicate with them directly and as the days went by, this became easier to do. So I would say it’s accurate to say that at this point I was no longer merely investigating or merely seeing if I would capture anything on recording, I was using EVP as a direct means of communication, as a means of channeling essentially.

I want to talk about this a bit here because it’s a line that can be crossed very quickly and you may not even give it much consideration. In my own situation, once I found that I was able to communicate with these voices quite easily. I considered that a very positive development, because at the time (in the beginning) I was only hearing positive/friendly things from these voices for the most part...or at least I was not hearing anything negative or hostile or threatening in any way as I would later. But I did cross the line where I was no longer just seeing if I would hear something, I was engaging these voices in direct communication and I would say that perhaps this opened up a whole bunch of doors here. Not only was I directly communicating with them, it was in fact prolonged communication. As I mentioned, I was only recording for those two months, but it very much became something of an obsession for me in that short span of time. I don’t want to say that I recorded every night, because I do remember taking a night off here and there, but I was recording almost every night during those two months and often it would be for hours straight.

This is another thing to watch out for as well, the fact that it can quickly become an obsession. I’ve often described it as a feeling of personal discovery. It felt like I had discovered something or was at least experiencing something that few people get to experience. Well, in my case this really went to my head. At all seemed like such a mysterious and fascinating experience. I would come home from work and communicate with intelligent beings from another world or another plane of existence, the spirit world perhaps. This is what was happening in my life at this time. I should also add that initially the voices that I was communicating with did claim to be human spirits. They didn’t so much come out and say this directly, but when I asked them about themselves they would give me names and tell me where they were born or what year they were born or what year they died. What I was hearing from them were all references to things involving life here on Earth. Later on when the negative voices showed up on the scene, I would hear some different things and some different stories.

Now I’m going to describe what happened once I started hearing the negative voices and experiencing other things beyond the recording sessions. I’ll try and remember as many of the details as I can, because I believe that the details are very important. As I mentioned, when I was recording (especially in the beginning) I wasn’t even thinking about the potential dangers of what I was doing. For one, initially the experience seemed very positive in nature...very fascinating. As I also mentioned, when things become that intense that quickly, it can go to your head... it really can in a big way. I did a lot of foolish things back then, but in hindsight I’m not even sure if I would have had much of a chance to really reflect on what was going on, things were just happening so quickly. Another reason I would say, why I wasn’t really giving much thought to the potential dangers, is because I didn’t really know much about them. I mean sure I had heard the terms spirit attachment or demonic oppression or possession before, but aside from what I had seen in movies and on television shows, I didn’t really know much about these things at all. I had not studied firsthand accounts to any real degree. I’m sure that these situations can vary in what they entail and what they look like, but I’ll describe what I experienced and what I experienced.... I know many others have experienced as well. So, this is one common form of entity attachment/oppression I believe.

Basically what this form of oppression entails is an extreme violation of your mind, of your perceptions and in truth... of your life. These entities get inside your perceptions so that basically you’re perceiving them, their presence in one way or another on a regular if not constant basis. This is a very overt, very in-your-face type of oppression. This is not the kind of oppression that’s under the radar so to speak, where you’re potentially being influenced by attaching entities, but they’re trying to hide their presence from you, they don’t want you to know that they are there in other words. This kind of oppression is the exact opposite of that. It is more where they are literally beating you over the head with their presence, they want you to know that they are there.... they want you to know that it is them that are doing these horrible things to you. The main form of intrusion in my case and also in many of the other cases that I’ve seen, is hearing voices. These are voices that you can hear in your surrounding environment. These are voices that you can hear inside your head. These are voices that you can hear mingled in with your thoughts....a kind of telepathic intrusion. It could be one of these means of hearing them, or it could be all of them. For myself, I experience all of them. I will say that in the beginning of my oppression, hearing the voices externally was the primary way in which I heard them. They sounded like they were coming from the outside, from my surrounding environment. They often seemed to be coming in through various background sounds, usually a steady background sound such as the sound of rushing wind or heavy rain... or through a fan.. or air conditioner... or through a shower... or through a car engine.... the list goes on and on. I still hear Crystal‘s voice in this way these days, but I would say that the telepathic form of communication, the intrusion into my thought stream has actually become the most common form of perceiving her these days. So yes, I’ve experienced all of these different forms of hearing voices, but the ways and means can vary and change over time.

When I first began having incidents of hearing these negative voices outside of my recording sessions, it started with isolated incidents here and there. But it didn’t stay this way for long. My first incident of hearing them beyond the sessions occurred in the end of February 2015. Pretty much the entire month of March 2015 was a time of escalation, where these incidents were occurring more frequently. For example, I might wake up in the morning and hear the voices but then I might not hear them for an hour or two hours. At this point, there were still brief pauses between when I was hearing them. However, things were definitely escalating by the day. Just a few days after I had my first incident of hearing them outside of the recordings, I decided to call it quits with the EVP recording. I couldn’t understand what was happening, but I knew that I was in trouble, some kind of trouble, so I decided that I didn’t want to mess around with this stuff anymore. Now throughout this whole time while I was recording, those friendlier voices remained. Even when my recordings started to become dominated by the negative voices in February 2015, those original friendlier voices that I had first heard in January, were still there. I could still hear them on my recordings, it’s just that they were now the minority of the voices that I heard, these negative voices barged in and pretty much took over the show.

The whole time that I was recording, it was very much like there were these two separate groups that I was communicating with and that I could hear. There were the benevolent voices and the negative voices. I remember one occasion where I asked the friendlier voices who these negative voices were and why they were present. I remember hearing back that they didn’t know who they were...that they couldn’t see them... they couldn’t hear them.... they couldn’t perceive them like I was perceiving them. I thought this was strange at first, but then I began to theorize that perhaps I was communicating with two separate locations on the spiritual planes or astral planes. Perhaps these benevolent voices were in one dimension and the negative voices were in another. Perhaps they were completely separated from each other, yet I was hearing them both. Yes, at that time I did believe that I was communicating with two separate groups here. It wasn’t until later on that I began having suspicions that the friendlier voices and the negative voices that attacked me were one in the same. Even when the oppression hit full force in April 2015, I still had trouble wrapping my mind around this because they just seemed so different, those friendlier voices had essentially become my friends it felt like. It was just not easy for me to accept that they had set a trap for me the whole time.

Now let me just say that to this day, I don’t know what exactly happened there. I have had suspicions that these two groups were one in the same the whole time, but to be honest... I just don’t know. I’m not exactly sure who all of these different voices were or where they came from and that goes with the territory when you become involved in this kind of thing. You can hear these voices and you can communicate with them, but you don’t really know who they are. So, I’ve often wondered if they were truly benevolent and friendly, if they were truly different from those negative voices... in which case I wouldn’t want to throw wild accusations around. Yet, once I started meeting others and seeing other accounts, I saw the same thing play out, in many cases...there was friendly communication at first or at least not hostile, but then it took a turn in a bad direction. So I just don’t know. I’m left confused about it and as I said that goes with the territory and that’s part of the danger of it all. With many aspects of this, you’re just not going to be able to know things with complete certainty.

As the days went by during March 2015, I was having more and more incidents of hearing these voices. Yet there were still brief pauses in between, it had not reached a point yet where I was hearing them on a constant basis. It was also at this time that I began feeling the physical sensations as well. It started off with two particular sensations and I can’t recall which one happened first, but they both started at around the same time. One thing was that I would be in bed at night trying to fall asleep and then I would feel something jabbing me in my back. The best way to describe it is it literally felt like there was a finger coming up through the mattress and jabbing me sharply in my back. This freaked me out to say the least and it most definitely caused a problem with getting to sleep. I remember jumping out of bed a few nights and cursing up a storm out loud, but it didn’t do any good. As soon as I got back into bed, this jabbing feeling would start right back up. This would go on for hours and it only stopped when I eventually reached a point where I was just so exhausted that I passed out. So it was at this time that I started losing hours of sleep on a nightly basis practically. This is when I first started to take a sleep-aid, mainly out of desperation, but at this time at least the sleep-aid didn’t seem to do any good at all.

The other sensation that I began to experience at this time was a strange vibration sensation. I’ve described this particular sensation many times in my writings, because it’s been one of the most frequent things that I’ve experienced since the beginning. I remember waking up in the morning on a few occasions back in March 2015 and feeling this intense vibration sensation on part of my body. I’ve always described it as this, it doesn’t feel like I am vibrating, but it’s more of the feeling that there’s either something on my body or something occupying the same space as my body and I can feel it vibrating. Usually when it occurs I’ll feel it on a particular part of my body such as my legs or on one of my sides. It usually doesn’t engulf my entire body, though there have been occasions where it seemed like it was engulfing at least half of my body. It would usually be localized to one area, though on occasion I would feel it and move across my body. This would occur at night when I was laying in bed, but it also occurred during the daytime as well. It seemed to occur most often when I was either sitting down or lying down, when I was stationary basically. If I was moving, in motion... then I wouldn’t feel it. So yes, this bizarre vibration sensation became pretty much a daily occurrence as well.

During the month of March 2015, I also experienced what I have often referred to as “the shock and awe phase.” This was when I witnessed these entities doing some pretty remarkable things and I think their intention was to freak me out by them. One example of this was that there were a few occasions when I went into work in the morning and I would find that there was a voicemail on our phone there at the office. I would play the voicemail and hear the same negative voices on them. It seemed like they had somehow embedded EVP‘s on the voicemail. One of these voicemails stands out in my memory in particular. I heard one of these voices saying my name and then I heard “we are coming for you”. In hindsight I can say that this voice wasn’t lying about this because things were about to get much worse.

In April things would get much worse, but March 2015 was still very much a frightening time for me because things just kept escalating by the day. There was just this feeling that this situation was creeping up on me more and more and no matter what I did it just kept getting worse. I began to pray my ass off essentially, but I found that when I knelt down and prayed I felt these strange sensations. It felt like tiny objects, perhaps small orbs, landing on my back and clinging to me and just moving around a bit. I went to the church that I had been going to on and off since I was a kid, more off than on, but I ran back there and prayed desperately. I prayed in the church, but to my horror, these voices followed me there too. Yes, that was the frightening thing about that month, I was trying to get away from it, but it was like this looming dark shadow that kept getting closer and closer.

Then one morning in the very beginning of April things escalated to an extreme level. I was at work just like that first major incident of hearing the voices outside of the recordings. I was there working and all of a sudden I started hearing a voice speaking inside of my head. It was a female voice, I remember that. But I’m not exactly sure if it was the voice that would later call herself Crystal. Then all of a sudden I was hearing multiple voices around me, like they were surrounding me, talking into my ears. This wasn’t just an isolated incident where I heard them for a few moments and then it was over, I kept hearing them talking and talking. I started to panic and I told my boss that I was feeling sick and that I had to go home. I practically never call out of work so he couldn’t really make too much of a fuss about it. On my drive home that morning it started to rain and I remember hearing the voices coming in through the sound of the rain hitting the roof of my car. I remember when I got home and walked to my back door, just before I opened the door I heard multiple voices coming in through the sound of the wind. I didn’t know what was happening of course, but I knew something had changed, I knew that the shit was really hitting the fan now.

 The events of that morning began what I have since referred to as “my two weeks of hell”. It was at this point that things were no longer escalating gradually, things were now over-the-top escalated. This is when the voices started coming at me continuously, around the clock... night and day. It was an was a voices blitzkrieg...a voices hurricane... it was a complete nightmare. Each and every moment that I was awake I was being riddled with voices continuously. I called out of work a lot during those two weeks. I suspect that my coworkers thought that I was on a drinking bender, but since I practically never called out of work they knew that I was owed the time off.

The voices were relentless and I tried various things to try and distract myself from them, such as listening to music or watching a movie or reading a book, but I just couldn’t... I simply couldn’t. The voices were coming at me too continuously for me to direct my focus on to anything else. So I spent a good part of those two weeks just lying in bed day and night just being tormented. I would also go out on my back porch and smoke cigarettes quite a lot. I was desperate for anything to try and calm my nerves at least a little, so I may have been smoking about two packs a day during those two weeks. Things were particularly rough at night and I found that I was now having some very serious trouble trying to get some decent sleep. Not only had the voices become continuous and also stronger, the physical sensations became stronger as well. Every time I would lie in bed or sit down, I remember feeling some disturbing sensation. I distinctly remember lying in bed and feeling this gnawing sensation on my side like something was gnawing at me slightly. It wasn’t exactly painful, but it was very uncomfortable and it caused me to toss and turn continuously, which most certainly created a problem with trying to fall asleep. I was probably averaging only about three or four hours of sleep a night during that two week stretch. This caught up with me because towards the end of those two weeks there were a couple nights when I started having these very vivid and bizarre visions. I also didn’t have much of an appetite during those days either. I was just too riddled with anxiety. I found that I could hardly eat anything. I had to basically force myself to eat.

I was completely knocked on my ass by the continuous onslaught of voices, but I was also being psychologically tormented by what I was hearing them say. These voices were at times hurling insults and threats towards me, but other times they were playing mind games to mess with my head. I do vividly remember them threatening me with execution on a few occasions. I remember hearing them say “your execution is scheduled for tomorrow morning”. The first time I heard this I confess that I was pretty troubled by it. You have to understand at the time I didn’t know what the hell was going on, I didn’t know who or what these entities were or what they were capable of, but I knew that they were very real. I knew that I wasn’t having hallucinations about these voices. I knew that they were real, I had captured the voices on recording. I still had the voices on recording and I played them for some others and they also heard them as well. I know that many would just conclude that what I experienced was hallucinations or mental illness, but if you’re hearing voices and you capture them on recording and other people hear them....if you capture on recording the same voices that you’re hearing outside of the recordings, that’s no small thing right there. I knew from the start that these voices were coming from entities...spirits...demons ...I’m just not sure, but they were not originating from me. So yes, I would hear them say “your execution is scheduled for tomorrow morning”. However when the next morning rolled around, I survived ...I wasn’t executed. Then I would hear them say something like “your execution has been postponed”. I admit ...they had me pretty upset the first time I heard this, but beyond that I didn’t quite believe them regarding this.

They also tried to make me feel pretty damn low about myself. I remember that they would harass me about “my sinful life” and try and make me feel like a useless person. I remember that I kept hearing them say “you don’t do anything”....”you don’t do anything”. They played a kind of mind game with me where they seemed to be dangling a carrot in front of me so to speak. They would tell me something that I had to do in order to get them to leave. I know that in many cases of hearing voices, people report that the voices are telling them to do terrible things. But in my case they were actually telling me to be a better person. They were telling me that I have to start doing more... being more productive ....things like that. Now this might not sound like a bad thing, but trust me ....they were at the same time trying to get me to feel horrible about myself. They were trying to make me feel like one of the biggest sinners in the world. They acted like they were punishing me because what I had done was so terrible and I deserved this form of extreme punishment. These voices entities are extreme deceivers... this is true, but I’ve observed that they are also extreme exaggerators. Aside from outright lies, they will often use exaggeration as a form of psychological manipulation. Sometimes I believe that this can actually be worse than the lies. Over time you start to recognize the lies more and more and basically just become suspicious of what you hear from these voices. But sometimes they’ll take something from your life, perhaps something you’re not proud of ...some regret or something like that, and they’ll use this... they’ll bring it to the surface and make a big deal out of it. So basically, they will take something that has some basis in truth, but still twist it around in a way where they’re really just trying to mess with your head. I know that some might just question why would even be believing any of it or being impacted by any of it? Again, you have to be there in the moment to understand. These voices have a way of coming off quite powerful in the beginning. They know how to manipulate things to make it seem like they are extremely powerful. They want you to believe that they are. I recognized almost from the start that these voices were lying to me a lot, but I was still troubled by what I was hearing from them. These days when I hear something from Crystal, my initial reaction is to take it with a grain of salt and not place too much significance in it. Back then, if I heard something in particular from these voices, even if I didn’t believe it still troubled me... it still got into my head. There was a much stronger unknown factor about them at the time that created a problem for me and when I would hear these things from them, I would still think about them... still wonder about them ...such as what did they mean by this?. Were they telling the truth? It’s probably a lie, but what if?.... what if?....what if? It was something along those lines. So I was impacted just by the fact that I was hearing these voices and hearing them so much, but also I was affected by what I was hearing them the content of it. Even if I was extremely suspicious of it, it was still having an impact on me for quite a while.

Even from those early days, I put a lot of effort into trying to gain the ability to ignore the voices. Yet I believe what made that so difficult for me in the beginning was the fact that I was still being impacted by what I was hearing them say. It didn’t happen overnight, but over time I started to essentially reject whatever I heard from them. I took it all with a grain of salt and my initial reaction was to reject it. Essentially I became very indifferent to whatever I heard from them. If they were insulting criticizing me ...telling me I’m going to hell and all that, I didn’t let it bother me ....I didn’t raise an eyebrow. It was then that I discovered that I was able tune out the voices much better. Often I could hear their presence in a way, I could tell that they were there, I would hear bits and pieces of words, but I had taken my focus away from them to such a degree where I wasn’t even picking up on the content of it quite often. This was quite an improvement in my situation compared to how it was in the spring of 2015.

Back in the beginning I didn’t know what the hell to make of some of the things that I was hearing from these voices. However, looking back now in hindsight, I can recall a lot of the stuff that I was hearing ...a lot of the storylines that I was hearing and I can recognize what masters of manipulation, deception and exaggeration these entities are. Basically I look back now and I can definitely recognize that they knew exactly what they were doing from the start. They had a whole strategy, they had a whole playbook of tactics, a whole bag of tricks ready to go from the start. Over time I gained the ability to step outside of the situation so to speak and analyze some of the things I heard to recognize the intention behind them, to recognize their angle, what they were hoping to accomplish with a particular storyline. In a sense I tried to put myself in their shoes and think like them, but only in the sense that I was seeing through what they were doing. This became quite useful and I will say that it is still useful for me today. If I hear Crystal say something strange, tell me some bizarre story, one of my first reactions if I happen to hear the continent is to take it apart essentially... analyze it... see if I can see what its goal is ...what its intention is. In one account that I saw of a similar situation, an individual reported that they heard one of the voices that they were hearing outright say “we are masters of psychological warfare”. I thought that to be a disturbing but also honest statement right there. I have no doubt that these voices entities are very much just that....masters of psychological warfare and I believe that sometimes it’s an effective countermeasure to also become something of a student of psychological warfare. I don’t mean this in a sense of using it against others, but of recognizing it when it’s being used against you. I think that it can be quite an important thing to recognize early that much of the stuff that you’re hearing from these voices isn’t the truth or anything anywhere close to the truth. What you’re hearing, what you’re experiencing is psychological warfare.

While it’s certainly true that I do experience a physical aspect of this situation, it’s also limited in a sense. I have experienced some disturbing physical sensations, such as jabs in the back or feeling pinches, stings, that slight gnawing feeling....things like that, but I’ve never been picked up and thrown across the room or anything that extreme. I’ve never been slammed against a wall, though I did once experience witnessing my front door being slammed open violently on a windless day back in April 2015 during the “two weeks of hell”. But aside from a few incidents like that, the physical stuff is really more on the milder side, but it’s clearly intended to cause me a disturbance, to deprive me of sleep. So while these entities lack certain abilities or capabilities, I believe that they often make up for this in other ways, such as psychological warfare. I have observed that these entity attachments can be very skillful, masterful at what they can do and I do believe that their bread and butter (so to speak) is psychological warfare, getting inside your head... getting inside of your mind and trying to do as much damage, wreak as much havoc as they can, or to create a situation where they dominate a person and perhaps are able to manipulate them. So I think that one has to be mindful of this, keep an eye out for this. It’s important for one to recognize that the things that you’re hearing are not the truth, but a deliberate tactic from these entities.

I’m going to back up here now. I said earlier that I might be jumping around a bit. I want to discuss something that I experienced while I was still recording, just prior to the arrival of the negative voices. This would have been around the very end of January or the very beginning of February 2015. This is when things were becoming very intense with my recording experience. I was recording on most nights during that time, and usually for hours. At this time, it did seem to me that I was communicating with a regular group of spirits. I recognized some of the same voices on different recordings. There were some voices that came and went, but I did start to recognize some of the same voices being present each night while I was doing my sessions. In fact, there was one female voice that always seemed to be the first voice that I would hear on the majority of my recordings. This voice sounded like the voice of a young woman, not a child’s voice, but a young woman.... just like Crystal in that sense, but the voice was completely different from Crystal’s. This particular female voice I would often hear saying “hello” or “we’re here”. It seemed to me like she was my main contact with this gathering group that I was communicating with. It was at this time that one night while I was doing a session, I heard a voice say “help me”. I didn’t know what to make of this and to be honest, I don’t recall exactly how I responded to it. Prior to this, the nature of my communication with these voices that I was hearing on my recordings was essentially “small talk”. I knew that I was experiencing something very fascinating here, but for some reason I held back from trying to fill my sessions with asking the big questions. I didn’t really ask them too much about things like the nature of the afterlife and things like that, or things of a religious nature. Perhaps I did a little, but I remember feeling like perhaps I shouldn’t. I had a feeling of uncertainty about the things that I should be asking. Perhaps I just needed more time to reflect and process what was happening, but again things were happening very quickly. So for the most part, the communication was more like small talk. I remember asking them a lot of questions about themselves, who they were and such.

Initially, I received answers that to me implied that I was speaking with human spirits. They would tell me their names, they would tell me where they were from, what year they were born. The answers that I received often pertained to places and times here on Earth. I even recognized some of the names that I was given (last names) as families that lived in my local area. This made sense to me at the time and I figured that these were spirits that were looking over their family that were still here on Earth. I have always been something of a history enthusiast, so I remember one night I asked if there was anyone present from the distant past and I remember one voice saying that they were born in the 1700’s. I found that quite interesting. So yes, my communication was more small talk than anything. And that was fine by me, I wasn’t trying to write a book about the mysteries of the beyond or anything. I was simply so fascinated at the time with the fact that I was able to communicate with these spirits so directly, and as time went on easily. So yes, one night I heard a voice say “help me”. Again, I’m not sure how I reacted to hearing this the first time. It definitely caught my attention because it seemed out of place, it seemed different from what I was hearing from these voices by and large. To be honest, I don’t think I responded with anything at all when I heard this voice say “help me”. I just didn’t know what to make of it. I just decided to keep going with my sessions that night without responding to this. Then just a short time later, perhaps the next day... perhaps a couple of days later... I don’t recall, I again heard a voice saying “help me”. During that second incident, I might even have heard a few voices saying this. So I decided to ask, “how can I help you?” I heard a reply very quickly say “pray for us”. Once again I didn’t know what to make of this. My communication with these voices seemed very casual, very much like small talk, and I do not recall getting any sense from them at this time that they were in distress or that they were wanting something from me other than to talk to them. I’ve mentioned this many times in my writings, I got the sense from them that they were as interested in communicating with me as I was in communicating with them. But I just wasn’t picking up any kind of impression or vibe from them that they were in any kind of situation where they needed my help with anything. I know that there are a lot of beliefs about earthbound spirits and lost souls and such, but I’m just saying here that initially I didn’t pick up on anything, any impression at all that would make me think that this touched upon that kind of situation. That is, until I started hearing some voices saying “help me”. So yes, during the second incident of this I did respond and asked how could I help them, and almost instantly I heard the reply back.... “pray for us”. Again, I didn’t know what to make of this, so I didn’t do anything except keep going with my recording sessions.

I wasn’t exactly religious at the time. I was a believer in the paranormal, in the existence of a spirit world ...and this whole experience was certainly strengthening my belief in that, but I wasn’t outwardly religious at that particular time. For most of my adult life I had been quite on and off when it came to matters of religion. I did have phases where I was thinking about religion more and spirituality more, but then there were times when it wasn’t on my mind very much. There were also a few years when I considered myself an atheist... when I didn’t believe in any kind of religion or spirituality at all. This only lasted a few years and I don’t know why exactly I abandoned this outlook other than to say that I just felt this pull inside of me. Something inside was pulling me back to believing that there’s more out there than just this physical/material reality,...that there is a spiritual side of things. I guess you could say that for the most part I was in the process of trying to sort out my own personal views on religion and things of a spiritual nature. I had attended a church when I was a kid and though I didn’t attend much as an adult prior to this point, there were times when I would go back. So basically yes, I would say that I was always in the process of developing my own beliefs, but I was not exactly religious-minded back in 2015. So when I heard these voices saying “pray for us”.... at first I just didn’t know what to think of this. On the one hand, they didn’t sound to me initially like they were in any kind of distress, but I was hearing these voices saying this, saying “help me” and they always replied right away when asked about this....”pray for us”.

As the days went on, I would hear this a few more times and whenever I would ask “how can I help you?” I would always hear.... “pray for us”. I didn’t pray for them at that time, but I would later on when things took a really bad turn and ever since I have been trying to figure out whether or not this was something that would have a lot of significance when I was being hit with the extreme oppression. I didn’t pray for them at first because again, I didn’t know what to make of this, but also this is when other things began to occur in regards to my recordings. When I started hearing the voices say “help me” on a somewhat regular basis, this was also the time when the negative/heckler voices first started to show up on my recordings. So there were a lot of new developments, and again I just don’t know if I really had the opportunity to reflect and process things. Or I should say that I didn’t give myself this opportunity because I kept recording night after night. I didn’t stop or slow down and just try and mentally process all that was happening. I kept diving in headfirst, listening deeper and deeper and more intensely into those recordings trying to make out whatever any voice that I heard was saying.

Now I’m going to skip ahead a bit to March 2015. As I mentioned, March was a month when things kept escalating, things kept getting worse by the day. Though it wasn’t continuous yet, I was experiencing more and more incidents of hearing these voices. At this point I had stopped doing recording sessions and I hoped that this would put it into it, but it didn’t. Yes, that was the frightening thing about that time, the situation just kept deteriorating no matter what I seemed to do. I was filled with a whole lot of anxiety and fear at the time. I didn’t know what the hell was happening to me, but I knew from the start that I was not hallucinating these voices. I knew that they were real because I had been capturing them on recording just weeks prior and as I mentioned, I played some of these recordings for others and they heard the same voices on them. One of my reactions to what I was experiencing in March was to pray my ass off. As I mentioned, at that time, I was a believer in spiritual things in a general sense, but I really wasn’t religious minded. Well, I dragged my ass back to church and became very religious minded. I couldn’t make any sense of what was happening here, but I began to think that I was experiencing some kind of demonic attack. Basically I was riddled with dread and I hoped that if I prayed and prayed and started to bring religion into my life more, then I could turn things around. I was praying a lot and asking for forgiveness for my sins and things that I had done throughout my life. Perhaps I should have kept my prayers focused on that, but I didn’t. While I was praying for this situation to end and praying for forgiveness, I also remembered what I had heard those voices say to me when I asked them how I could help them. This came back into my mind at this time and I very much remember them saying “pray for us”.

The situation was always murky and confused, but my take on it at this time (March 2015) was that the initial voices that I had been communicating with.... the friendlier voices... were in some kind of purgatory, or at least some of them were. I believed that this was why I was hearing them say “pray for us”. At this time, I still very much had a feeling that I had been communicating with two separate groups while I was doing recording sessions. On the one hand there were the benevolent voices, and then there were the negative voices. As confused as I was at that time about everything that was happening, I still held primarily to this belief. As I mentioned, later on I would start to suspect that they may have been one in the same the whole time and that I had been deceived and walked right into the trap. I began to suspect this more and more when I started seeing similar accounts and I noticed that there were similar patterns in those accounts as well. Yet, for quite a while I just couldn’t bring myself to believe this. Those friendlier voices just seemed so different and in a very real way.... to me it seemed like in the short time that we were communicating, we were becoming friends in a sense, at least the regular voices that I would hear on my recordings.... such as that female voice that was always the first voice that I heard. To this day, my stance on it is that I really don’t know what the hell happened back then. I think it’s very possible that I was being set up from the very start. In fact, Crystal has at times claimed to be one in the same as that other ....friendlier female voice. They were times when she called herself “number one” before she started going by the name Crystal. Now she’s always been the most intruding voice and my main tormentor throughout much of this, so I didn’t know if this referred to that. It seemed like she was one of the ringleaders throughout this whole situation. Or did she mean that she was that other voice, that other young woman’s voice that seemed like my main contact during the initial stages of my recording experience? I just don’t know, it’s very possible... I’ll say that, but I just don’t know. It’s very possible I believe that some of the friendlier voices were actually one in the same as the voices that would start oppressing me later, but maybe some of them were not. I just don’t know, and I don’t want to throw out accusations across-the-board, so I have to admit that I don’t know what the hell happened. And I stress again that this is an aspect to the danger of all of this. You can find yourself in a situation where you’re having these very powerful and intense experiences, but you’re just not in a vantage point to really know everything that’s happening, you don’t know exactly who you’re communicating with ...with any real degree of certainty. This is simply how it is, these voices that you hear on recordings, though they may claim a certain identity and you may feel inclined to believe them, certainty just isn’t there.

So there I was in mid-March 2015. These entities were intruding into my life more and more. So yes, I was praying my ass off. In hindsight though, I realize that I was going about this at the time in a kind of manic way. I was full of dread and desperation. I wasn’t sure if anyone was hearing my prayers, but I figured that if I prayed enough, then maybe something would happen... some change in the situation. Yes, I confess that I was praying in a rather manic way and if I only kept my prayers focused on myself maybe that wouldn’t of been such a big deal really, but there was so much going through my head at the time and I was also starting to experience the strain of being deprived of sleep, so basically I was a nervous wreck. I did remember what those voices told me about praying for them, so that’s exactly what I did. I don’t know what got into me and other than this whole mania/desperation that I was experiencing, but I thought that I would start to try to undo some of the wrongs that I had done by doing what those voices had asked of me...that was to pray for them. I didn’t believe at the time that these were the same voices that were now attacking me. I thought these were the different voices, the friendlier ones and they asked for my help... and this was something that I could do for them I figured. So I began praying a lot for them as well. When I did this, I began to experience these particular physical sensations. It’s not easy to describe, but I’ll give it a shot. Basically it felt like these very small objects were landing on me... on my body... mostly on my back. They were very small and just how they felt I remember, were something roughly the size of a marble or something like that... not very large at all. As I would pray for those spirits that asked me to help them, I would feel these things land on my back. There were typically about three or four if I remember correctly. They were just clinging to me and I felt them moving around a bit ...slightly, but they just remained there while I was praying. I didn’t know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. I assumed that I was being joined here by “others”, but I didn’t know who these others were. Were these others the good guys are the bad guys?

 When I experienced the onslaught, the extreme onslaught of oppression that hit me in the beginning of April 2015, I would often hear these voices making comments about this praying that I had done. I remember that it was Crystal’s voice most of all that was commenting about this. Crystal's voice was one of several that I was hearing at the time and one of several that was oppressing me. But even that early, I could tell that she was one of the main entities involved here. While the voices were bombarding me mercilessly, I would often hear Crystal say something like “you shouldn’t have prayed for spirits that didn’t want your prayers!” I remember that I heard her say this several times and it’s always stayed in my memory. “You shouldn’t have prayed for spirits who didn’t want your prayers!” I began to get a sense that I was being punished for praying for those other voices that had asked me to pray for them. Crystal would often bring this up again as time went on. I confess that it was messing with my head. At first I didn’t know what she meant by this. Was she angry that I prayed for those other spirits? Then I started to suspect that I was tricked, that I had the wool pulled over my eyes and I wasn’t supposed to pray for them because they weren’t supposed to be prayed for. Well that was the last time I ever prayed for spirits like that. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, I’m just saying that what I experienced back in 2015 put an end to it. As I mentioned, I probably would have been better off keeping the focus of my prayers on myself and God. I know this might sound negative to some, but again it was pretty traumatic with how it messed with my head.... so it is what it is.

Looking back now, I don’t know if praying for those spirits really had an impact on anything except on what was going through my mind at the time. I have often wondered if it wasn’t just another trap being set for me. Perhaps these voices wanted to see if I would do something that they told me to do and in this case they got me to do something that they would later torment me about. This may just have been more of their sadistic mind games. I just don’t know. What I want to say however is that this whole drama (so to speak) began after I was hearing voices say “help me.” Now if you watched paranormal television shows or have seen enough internet posts where people are posting EVPs that they captured, it’s no secret that “help me” seems to be one of the more frequent things the people capture on recording. This is a touchy subject I am well aware. There are many beliefs that hold that there may be lost souls or earthbound spirits, ones that perhaps have not transitioned from this world to the next. I can’t really speak too much to that other than to say that I do believe from my personal experience that there are indeed spiritual beings or invisible beings (to general here) that are... if not on the Earth here among us... are very ...very close to us. However, I cannot speak to whether or not they may or may not seek the help of living humans here in this world. I have heard all sorts of things from these voices since 2015, but the issue is that they seldom keep to a consistent story. I have heard many different storylines but the storylines keep changing and often one storyline will contradict another. So I hesitate to really say too much about “help me” being such a common EVP capture, but I will say that in my own situation, I began hearing these voices saying “help me” right around the same time that the negative/heckler voices first began to appear on my recordings. In my own situation, responding to these “help me” voices didn’t turn out well at all. Like I said, it may have been just some kind of psychological mind-game trap that these attaching entities were setting for me, or perhaps not. Perhaps there was something more to it. I just don’t know. All I could say is that maybe it is indeed a warning sign that something is not right, that danger could possibly be on the horizon. If you’re heavily engaged in EVP recording like I was during that time, if you’re doing sessions on a regular basis and all the sudden you start hearing a lot of voices say “help me”, that could be a sign of trouble ahead. Again, I don’t claim to know, I’m just saying it might be. This is how it goes with so many aspects of this topic, all I can do is throw out speculation...ideas... possibilities ....but I stress that in many ways there’s little certainty to be found. In a very real sense, it’s treading in murky waters.

Yes, I started to hear a great many strange and disturbing things on my recordings as it got into the second month. In hindsight, I wish I would have stopped then and there, but as I said... the curiosity ....the fascination... was really going to my head. One evening at that time, I was listening to a recording that I had just made and I heard a commanding voice say “go back!” or “go back ...danger!”. The voice didn’t elaborate from there, but I could just tell by the way that it sounded that it was trying to give me some kind of a warning. Unfortunately, I did not heed this warning. Unfortunately, my first thought was how impressed I was with how clear this voice sounded. I didn’t give nearly as much consideration into what it possibly could have meant by this. I know now.

In some of the other cases that I’ve seen, individuals have described hearing warnings as well, warnings to stop recording. Knowing what I know now, I would say that if one is engaged in this kind of activity and they hear such warnings, they should take them into consideration, take them seriously. Perhaps the warning is very real. Perhaps someone is trying to communicate to you that you’re not communicating with who you think you’re communicating with. Perhaps they’re trying to warn you of danger on the horizon. Back in February 2015, I didn’t even really know what the danger looked like, let alone concern myself with it much. Again, I thought there was a barrier ....a separation ....some kind of distance between myself and these beings that I was communicating with. When I was hit with the voices oppression just a short time later, whatever barrier there was, was shattered by these oppressing entities. Perhaps I was thinking far too much in physical terms....the realm of physical matter and space. Where these entities really got to me was through my perception range. If there was a barrier at all, perhaps it was through my perceptions and there I was that winter... opening up my perceptions to them, opening up my perceptions to hear them better and communicate with them better. My own perceptions were like a door, like a gate, and I opened it up to them. I opened up the gate and they brought in the Trojan Horse in a sense.

One of the worst aspects of this situation for me has been the intrusion...the violation of my mind, and my thoughts. When the oppression was at its worst back in April 2015, I remember Crystal‘s voice in particular making a point of letting me know that there was nothing that I could hide from her, that she was aware of every thought that went through my head. I would often hear her repeating my thoughts back to me or I would hear her saying something like “what the hell are you thinking!” This was difficult for me to deal with because it was such an extreme intrusion. She knew my very thoughts, the intrusion was down to the very essence of my being. I would try and force myself to control my thoughts, to prevent myself from thinking certain things, but this is much easier said than done. I confess that before all of this began, I had never really paid much attention to my own process of thinking, I simply had thoughts and that was that. But when you are aware that your thoughts are being listened to, when your very mind is under surveillance so to speak, you can become quite self-conscious of your own thinking. I found it very difficult to control my own thoughts and I would often find my thinking going off in different directions. Sometimes I would have dark and disturbing thoughts and I wasn’t sure where they were coming was very difficult to control. This intrusion into my mind basically caused my thoughts to run wild. I do believe that these entities can insert thoughts into our thoughtstream. I have experienced this though I’m not sure how much I was experiencing this back in the beginning, back during the spring of 2015. I’m not sure that they even really needed to do this to cause me problems, just the fact that they had my thoughts under surveillance was causing enough damage on its own.

In a sense, if you find yourself in a situation where you’re swept up with doing a lot of EVP recording... where it has reached the point where it has become an obsession, even if you never intended it to become so,, you should consider that while the voices that you’re hearing, or communicating with may be deceiving you, you certainly aren’t deceiving them. They know exactly who you are from the start. They can read you like a book. I’m not sure if this is across-the-board or not, but it’s been my experience that yes, there’s nothing that you can hide from them. Whatever thoughts go through your mind, they can listen in. I know that this isn’t something that’s easy to accept, but it’s been my observation and the observation of many others that I know who are also going through this experience. I didn’t know this when I first started recording, but I was aware of it towards the end. While I was recording, I was sharing some of my EVP captures on a website for EVP enthusiasts and I began discussing various things with some of the individuals on that forum.... one of them pointed this out to me.

So yes, these entity attachments know all about you, so just imagine what an advantage that gives them. When the voices came out of the recordings and began tormenting me, it was like they knew what to say to mess with my head. Of course they did, because they knew, they knew me.... they knew what kinds of things I tended to think about and what things I found important and also frightening. They can adapt and customize their onslaught based on their target, based on what they know about them, and they know a lot. This surveillance of my thoughts has been indeed one of the worst aspects of the situation for me and it still causes me a good share of problems to this day. There’s no way around it completely I suppose, but I have become more desensitized to this. It is important I believe to recognize that these entities have this ability and to remember that when you’re hearing their storylines, and you’re experiencing their mind games.... to realize that they do know who you are in an out, so yes... they can very much customize and shape their tactics and strategy towards you to a very personal and individual level. As I had said previously, they can truly be masters of psychological warfare, so in this case as well... one can look at the situation from the outside and recognize that they are hitting you with the things that they know might be the most effective. As I said, once you can recognize their attacks for what they are, and what their intended goal is, then you can take a lot of power away from them. They target the mind, they seek to manipulate... to dominate... to instill fear... so it’s important to see through their lies, see through their bag of tricks and deprive them of this. In this way, one can take power away from them.

 Once it reaches a point where these entity attachments can no longer have such an impact on you with their mind games, their storylines, with things that they say... they often resort to different tactics. They do indeed change their tactics over time to adapt to the situation. Often, if their lies and storylines are no longer having much effect, they’ll just start bombarding you with particular phrases, they’ll start repeating things over and over again in an attempt to aggravate you or drive you crazy in this way. I have experienced this, but I have seen accounts where it was far more extensive, where the voices were just repeating the same thing over and over again for days or even weeks on end. Another tactic that they may employ is repeating a statement for a while, and then they’ll start up with a statement that contradicts this first one.They’ll try and instill some notion, some idea into your mind and then they’ll completely reverse it and start saying the opposite. For example, they might say that “you need to go to church and need to go to church and need to go to church and pray”.... and you might hear this repeatedly for days, but then you’ll hear “you should not go to church to pray.... you should not go to church and pray. should not go to church to pray”. You get the idea. I experienced this as well from the voice that I hear that calls herself Crystal.

Another tactic that I’ve experienced is when these entities try to make it seem like they’re conveying a message...or information to you on some grand scale. They’ll make it seem like your personal situation with them has a lot of attention on the other side and that the angels and even God is paying close attention. Perhaps they truly are, but you still have to watch out because these entities might be creating another one of their mind games here. With me, they would often tell me what Jesus was thinking about what was happening, they would try to tell me what Jesus thought about me.... about what I was doing ...or was not doing to deal with the situation the right way. They tried to make me feel like the spotlight was shining on me and I was under observation from above. Again, I’m not saying this can’t be the case sometimes ...I’m just saying that this is the kind of mind game that these entities often play. In my case it boiled down to ...I was just receiving information about what was thought of me or what was thought of the situation on the other side from these attaching entities, so that’s my only source of information about it really trustworthy or should I take it all with a grain of salt? These are the kinds of mind games that these entity attachments play and they’re very clever at it. As I said, they know you, they know all about you, so the things that you’re hearing might be specifically concocted just for you. If you have religious leanings... even to a small degree... you might hear a lot of religious themed content, but if you’re not religious... then it might be something else.... but underneath, the mind game is still there, their intention is still there.

I’ve observed that these entity attachments also often have no qualms about getting rather personal with you or getting vile even. I’m still not comfortable talking about some of the things that they heckle me about, but basically with them, often there’s no subject that’s off-limits. They might focus their chatter on your sexuality or thoughts like that that you may have at times. They will grab hold of that and try to make you feel ashamed about it. As I said, it seems there’s no subject that’s off-limits, so this needs to be anticipated. Also, if you feel self-conscious about any aspect of yourself or you feel like you have flaws in certain ways... things that might trouble you now and again basically, they’ll grab hold of this as well and use it as ammunition. Recognize

 it... reject it... take everything you hear with a grain of salt... and if you can completely ignore it.....ignore it.

As I mentioned, I found it extremely difficult to ignore them early on. Even when I began to get a sense of the extent of how much they were using deception, I still found it hard to ignore them because I was still very much affected by what they were saying, it was still getting to me... it was still sinking into my mind... into my thoughts. These days I don’t give a damn what Crystal or any intrusive voice says. Sometimes Crystal will come up with some very clever things to say, some very mysterious and cryptic statements, but even if I ponder them over a little bit, I’m not troubled by them or disturbed by them in any way. My first assumption is... this is just another one of her mind games... as I’m sure it most likely is. It’s true that I do still have difficulty ignoring the presence of this voice at times, (especially at night) but I’m able to ignore it much better than I was in the beginning. Throughout the day, when I’m at work or if I’m out and about doing something, I often hear very little of Crystal’s voice and also very little content. Sometimes I just hear the sound of her chattering in the background. I can tell she’s there, I pick up little bits and pieces of her statements, but my focus is directed elsewhere, so the full content of it is not getting through at all. It’s an improvement over how it was and I do believe that I was able to achieve this by becoming so indifferent to what I was hearing becoming so suspicious of the storylines, by seeing through them and recognizing them for what they are... psychological mind games. In a sense, at times I began to think like they did, not in a bad way, and not in the way that I was like them at all, but I could see through their strategy, I could take apart their mind games and see what they were going after and hoping to achieve by them.

I’ll wrap things up here. I know I’ve rambled quite a bit, but I know these kinds of psychic attacks are occurring out there in the world, so I do feel compelled to talk about this subject at times, to put out a warning about it even if I’m repeating myself. If it does anyone any good at all, then it’s absolutely worth it to me. Again, I’m not sure exactly how common these voices attacks are in connection with EVP recording, but I’ve seen quite a few cases since my own situation began in 2015 and I’ve seen some cases just recently. It’s no small thing to attempt to communicate, or have a direct interaction with realms beyond this world.... with the unknown essentially, so I think people need to be aware of the potential dangers and what they look like. I can and have pretty much...written a full length book’s worth of material in various journals and blog post about what this exact danger looks like, but I often sum up with a simple statement. If you’re doing a lot of EVP recording and communicating with the voices...sometimes the voices can come out of the recordings. This is it in plain words, sometimes you can start hearing the same voices or some of the same voices that you’re hearing on your recordings... outside of the recordings. I often term it as hijacked-clairaudience, because in essence, that’s what I believe it is. This danger is there, and you often don’t realize it’s present until it’s too late ....that’s how it was with me. There were warning signs, indeed there were, but I missed them. I believe that I missed them partly because I didn’t understand the warning signs at the time, I didn’t understand the danger... I didn’t know what it looked like. This is why I share my experiences regarding this. I hope that they may be of benefit to someone who is where I was at during the winter of 2015... someone who perhaps is just starting to have these experiences... someone who is getting swept up with a strong sense of curiosity and fascination... but also who doesn’t know how dangerous it can be sometimes.

- September-October, 2021

- B. Edwards


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