December 13, 2017
 8:52 pm 

These negative spirit attachments have become more active within just the past thirty minutes. The voices have become stronger, and I’ve also been experiencing some minor physical disturbances…..mainly the feeling of being poked and jabbed. It’s cold out tonight…….very cold. So, I’ve been running my heater and as is usually the case, these negative spirit attachments use the steady background noise as a means to amplify their voices. I simply don’t have much of a choice tonight…’s freezing out. I’ll just have to try and ignore them the best that I can. They haven’t reached a level that I would classify as extreme quite yet, but they have become more active as the evening goes on. I’ll try and keep myself distracted. 

9:52 pm  

The voices remain quite active and at a stronger level……not anything too strong so far……no all-out “bombardment” yet, but they are active. I just heard a voice call out my name. Recently, this has been the time of night that they’ve increased in strength. For the past two nights, they were harassing me pretty bad with the physical disturbances as soon as I got into bed. It was quite a pain in the ass. I had to double up on the sleep-aid just to get to sleep. I have this feeling that things will probably be the same for me tonight. 

11:22 pm

 The voices are starting to become even stronger. So, I just have this feeling that getting to sleep tonight won’t be all that easy. I’ll just have to see how it goes. I just took two doses of sleep-aid a few minutes ago. I’ll probably take one more in a few minutes. Why not? For the past two nights, I wasn’t able to get any sleep because of these entities, until I got out of bed and took more sleep-aid. This is the most trouble I’ve had with them (as far as messing with my sleep goes) in a little while. I mean, they always do to some extent, but things had actually been seeming like they were starting to calm down for a while. Well, maybe that’s all over with now. They seem to me to be on the offensive this week. I don’t exactly know why, but this is something that they have done several times before…..and after all, they are negative spirit attachments of some kind. 

December 14, 2017
 8:00 am 

When I went to bed last night, things actually weren’t that bad. I was experiencing some harassment from these negative entity attachments…..both from the voices and the physical disturbances. But, I passed out rather quickly……I’d say it was most likely a result of the extra sleep-aid that I took. So, I can’t say that their offensive of escalated activity at night is quite over yet……I’ll just have to see how it goes. At least this morning, I don’t feel like I’m in a damn fog from taking the extra sleep-aid, which has been the case both yesterday and the day before.

 6:28 pm

 It’s damn cold out again tonight. It snowed late yesterday evening. I woke up this morning, went out for a smoke and the ground was covered in it. Most of it melted during the day, but what’s left is all ice now. So, I’m running my heater and most likely will be all night. Yes, the steady noise makes me hear the voices that much louder, but I have no damn choice. It’s either that or freeze. It’s not always so bad anyway. Usually, it’s just much later in the evening that they can get real bad. Sometimes, it’s like they are bombarding me with the damn voices….so this is exactly what I call it. Recently, they’ve been pulling this bombardment shit on me about an hour or so before I go to bed. It’s not every night that it happens. But, these days it’s at least a few times a week. Things can always change though. There doesn’t seem to be much that is set in stone as far as how these spirit attachments operate. One weekend just this month, I experienced one of these aggravating voices bombardments in the middle of the afternoon. So, I never really know when it’s going to happen. I just pick up on their most recent patterns. If I don’t have a lot of steady background noise around me though, the voices do not become as strong. They are most often still there…..yes…..and they can still be quite a damn pain in the ass, but they don’t hit me as loud and in this scenario, they are much easier to ignore. I’m hearing the voices coming in over the noise of my heater at the moment. Their chatter is constant, but not particularly strong yet. I think I’ll read a book or watch a movie……something to keep myself distracted. This also helps to weaken the voices and fade them out. If they start pulling the physical crap on me though, that’s a different animal. 

8:30 pm

 The voices have picked up in strength some. I’m trying to keep myself as distracted as I can. It’s going okay…..not perfect, but just okay. Right now, I’m hearing the voice that I hear most often…..the voice that I consider to be the main instigator and my main tormentor. This voice I have been hearing since my attachment/oppression situation began back in 2015. This voice I was even hearing on many of my EVP recordings. I say “many,” even though I was only doing EVP for two months. To be precise, this would be January and February of 2015 and I didn’t even capture my first EVPs until the middle of January. I remember the exact date……I doubt I’ll ever be able to forget it. It was the date that changed my life and at the time in ways that I didn’t even imagine. January 17, 2015 was the date that I first realized that there was something more to reality than meets the eye. This was my first real…..conscious run-in with the unknown. To this day, it’s all still unknown to me. I live with this situation every day, but I still really don’t know what it is…..where it comes from and why things are this way. 

Sure, I could try and make myself believe something that is set in stone. I could try and put everything into a nice neat box and tell myself this is how it is and don’t dare think otherwise. I could try and do that, but unfortunately ….I just don’t think that would work for me…….not right now anyway. Maybe it’s a weakness…..I don’t know. I’ve certainly gotten used to saying those few words right there…..”I don’t know.” If nothing else, I suppose that this is an honest statement at least. “I don’t know” is what I’m confronted with. I’m at the point right now where I don’t even want to know……not anymore…..or at least I think I am. I suppose that there’s some deeper truth…..some kind of meaning to it all, but how am I in a position to know? 

All I do know is that it’s real……and it happened to me. I’ve been told so many times that it’s not real, that it’s all in my head……that in some way I’m responsible for convincing myself that it could be anything else. I’ve kicked this can around in my head more times that I can remember. There’s just too much that doesn’t add up. I could see how doing the EVP recordings……(especially with how carried away I got with it once I started hearing things on them) could play some serious and nasty tricks on my mind. But, some of the voices that I captured on those recordings, I’m not the only one that heard things on them. I played some of my recordings for a few others and they heard things on them to…..often the same things that I was hearing. And once things went bad…..there was the physical stuff…..some very real physical stuff…..sensations….disturbances….etc……but it was then and continues to be to this day…..very real. People could say, well that’s just some kind of hallucination to, but if they haven’t experienced it for themselves, how could they understand. 

Maybe they couldn’t believe that it could possibly be anything else. They just couldn’t wrap their mind around it. I can’t say that I blame them. At times, I wish I could feel that same way about it, but I can’t because I’m confronted with the situation every day. Perhaps, sometimes it’s hard to even consider something that you couldn’t possibly understand or come up with answers for. Perhaps sometimes it’s easier just to slap a label on it and case closed. “I don’t know” just doesn’t cut it sometimes I suppose. But, then again, I never said that it did. So, yes…..the voices have been active tonight. As I was saying, one voice in particular has been the most active…..and this is usually how it goes on any given night. This particular voice is a female voice……younger sounding…..but can be relentless…..most often it’s the most intrusive and the most tormenting voice that I hear. I used to refer to this voice simply as “#1” because this female voice was always the most present and the most harassing. Then, earlier this year…..I began calling this voice “Pippy.” 

Maybe I was just joking or maybe I was trying to be defiant in an odd sort of way, but “this voice” quickly seemed to adopt the name and ever since… this bizarre situation of mine……this voice is now “Pippy.” As I mentioned, I have been hearing “Pippy’s” voice since my whole oppression began back in 2015. Actually, I was hearing her voice even before that. I was hearing her back on many of my EVP recordings from February of that year. This was the second and last month that I was recording for EVP. I remember that back then, on those recordings……her voice and the things that I was hearing her say at the time…..even then they were unpleasant, but soon they were to get worse….a lot worse. Back when I was hearing her voice on my EVP recordings…..I got the impression that there was something very suspicious about this voice. I could tell even back then that she was playing tricks on me……trying to mess with my head. But, unfortunately back then I was utterly clueless as to what she was capable of. I had to learn the hard way……and man did I learn. As I said, February, 2015 was my second month of recording for EVP….and it was also my last. When I first started hearing the voices on my recordings, everything seemed fine. That is, everything seemed fine with the voices. 

As time went on, (and it did all happen quickly) I began to hear more and more voices on my recordings and for the first few weeks, these voices were very interesting to me. They all seemed kind, polite, benevolent and always willing to communicate with me. But then, during the second month…..some new element seemed to have arrived on my recordings…..different voices….and these voices did not seem so nice and so benevolent. At first, this “new” group of voices were just making a few snide remarks and rude comments here and there. But, as the days went by, these voices started throwing out personal insults….criticizing statements and threats at me….along with other unpleasant comments such as “today you lose Brian…….the house is ours.” 10:50 pm All things considered, I’d say that things are pretty stable around here at the moment. About an hour ago, the voices started to become quite strong. I thought that I was going to experience a full-on bombardment. But, things seemed to quickly settle down. I am hearing the voices right now, but they are fainter. I’ll see how things go tonight when I crawl into bed and try and get to sleep. There were a few nights this week when these spirits made that a real problem for me. Even though things are relatively calm at the moment. I just have this feeling that I may not be out of the woods yet. 

December 15, 2017 
6:30 pm 

 It’s snowing again…..and it’s damn cold. This is the third snow storm we’ve had in a week here. I just got home from work a little bit ago. Tomorrow begins two weeks of vacation time. No work for two weeks. I’m glad, I could really use the down time. It’s been a shit year as far as the job goes and having to deal with these negative spirit attachments only made things worse. I’ve got my heater going at the moment. It’s giving the voices a little more volume, but it hasn’t been the voices that have been causing me the most aggravation today… least not yet. Later in the afternoon, I started getting these damn annoying physical sensations. I knew almost right away that it was “them.” These sensations seemed very targeted to be extremely annoying. Since I got home from work, I’ve experienced them a few times again. I guess I’ll just have to see what’s in store as the night goes on. 

December 16, 2017
 10:24 am

 The rest of last night didn’t go too bad. These negative attachments were still chattering away all night, but I really got into a book I was reading…..I read a hundred pages just last night. This allowed me to keep my focus off of them. When I went to bed, I was hit with some physical disturbances. I was feeling that damn vibration sensation all around my upper body. It was damn annoying. I thought that it was going to give me a real problem as far as getting to sleep. Fortunately, the sleep-aid I had taken kicked in all at once and before long I was out like a light. Things have been fairly mild this morning. I heard one of the voices talking some shit a little bit ago, but it was nothing all that disturbing. It’s still damn cold outside. Everything is covered in snow and ice. The roads are a mess. I doubt that I’ll be going anywhere today. It’s so cold that I have my doubts that all of this snow and ice is going to melt at all today. I’ll have to wait and see. 

6:24 pm

 These negative attachments haven’t been too much trouble so far today. I went to the movies with my sister, her husband, and my nieces and nephew earlier. I didn’t hear any voices the time I was there. But, these negative attachments made a point of letting me know that they were still there by causing me to feel the sensation of being jabbed in the lower back periodically throughout the movie. I’m home now, just having some coffee……just trying to relax as much as I can on my break from work. It warmed up a little bit this afternoon. Much of the snow and ice from last night melted away, but not all of it. It’s still fairly cold. I’ve got my heater going. I hear the voices coming in over the heater noise, but they are not that strong at the moment. Right now, I’m also feeling a sensation on my lower back as I sit in my living room chair writing this. It would seem that at least one of “them” is very close to me at the moment…if not latched on to me. It’s hard to tell. Yes, I do consider what I’m dealing with a spirit attachment situation. However, at least for me and my own situation, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the spirits are physically attached and latched on to me at all times. It can certainly feel that way at times. 

 Often, when I first go to bed and I’m just there trying to sleep…..yes, it does sometimes literally feel like there is someone or something literally latched on to me. However, at other times, it’s not this way at all. Sometimes, I’ll hear the voices like they’re coming from a distance. Sometimes, this distance could just be from another room say. Sometimes, the voices can sound like they’re coming from further away. But, in these instances, I’m perceiving these entities or spirits……though at these times they don’t seem to be physically latched on to me or even right next to me. I consider the term spirit attachment to apply more to my life. They seem to go wherever I go and they are always trying to get me to perceive their presence. In essence, they try and interfere with everything that I do. 

Sometimes, they are more extreme with this, sometimes less extreme. In the beginning of my attachment situation, they could interfere with my life to much more of a degree than they can now, but it still all boils down to them attempting to disturb me, to interfere…….to barge in and let me know that they’re still there. Perhaps, they have some other motive…..maybe, I just don’t know. Maybe they’re just sadistic and nothing more. Again, I just don’t know. But, when this element of spirit (or whatever they are) attaches…..yeah….it’s to your life. I admit my own actions back in 2015 brought this upon myself. I was reaching out to the vast unknown and I got some attention, only it’s not the kind of attention I wanted. I was a damn fool….plain and simple.


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