Hearing Voices After EVP : 1/17/2020

Hearing Voices After EVP : 1/17/2020

January 17, 2020

  Today marks a significant anniversary in my spirit attachment situation. On this date five years ago (January 17, 2015) I did an EVP recording session where I captured my first EVPs (voices on my recordings). It was a recording session that I did in the early afternoon of that bright, Sunny and chill Saturday in Winter.  It was a recording session that I did in a spare bedroom in my old house, two towns over to where I’m living now. During this particular recording session, I asked three separate questions. As soon as I finished the session, I went into my own bedroom, sat in my recliner chair and played the recording back, listening attentively for anything that I may have captured. At the time of this recording session, I had been doing EVP recording sessions on a regular basis for about two weeks. In those first two weeks of this endeavor, every time that I played the recordings back, I heard nothing…..absolutely nothing in regards to any kind of mysterious replies or acknowledgement.

  If I recall correctly, I was reaching a point where I was most likely going to abandon this project very soon. I began recording for EVP out of curiosity and after two weeks of capturing nothing, I found my sense of curiosity starting to diminish. It simply didn’t seem like I was getting anywhere with this. I could tell myself that this was something that I experimented with, but that it just never materialized into anything. Yet, there I was that afternoon of January 17th, doing another recording session and this session would turn out to be very different from my previous attempts.

  Upon playing back the recording and listening…..after I asked my first question, I heard something…..a very deep…..very deep robotic sounding voice say “Ok” as a reply. After my second question, I heard a whispery voice say “No”. I played the recording back again a few times. For me, there was no mistaking it. I had captured voices on my recording and they were also intelligent replies that corresponded to the specific questions that I had asked. I immediately was hit with a strong feeling of curiosity and fascination. Whatever this phenomenon was, it was real. Having captured these disembodied voices on recording that day, I wanted to see if I could capture more. So, in the days that followed, I began to conduct more and more recording sessions…..and I began to hear more voices on my recordings.

  That afternoon of the 17th of January, I had no way of knowing that what I had just experienced would have an enormous impact on my life. I had heard voices that day…..yes. But, on that day, I probably could not have envisioned what was to follow…..that in less than two months, some of these voices that I was hearing on my recordings, I would be hearing outside of the recordings in a most intrusive and horrifying manner.

  On the 17th of January, I set out to see if I could hear voices from the beyond. Within three months of this date, I would be getting bombarded by malicious voices around the clock and the world as I had always known it was turned upside down. It would be a tough struggle to get back to my old life and all of these events began that one Winter’s afternoon in the month of January.


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