Astral Entity Night Attack : 3/26/2020

March 26, 2020
12:50 am

  I made a try for sleep about an hour ago. But, I experienced a heavy attack by this entity attachment (Crystal). She was hitting me with pretty much everything…..constant talking….shout attacks…..and the bodily sensations. It definitely went well beyond the normal level of disruption and harassment. This was an outright attack. I just took another dose of sleep-aid. Hopefully that does the trick. Recently, I’ve been lucky that I’ve been able to fall asleep fairly quickly at night, despite her acts disruption. However, it doesn’t look like I’ll be so lucky tonight.

  She’s been on the alien/extraterrestrial theme quite a bit tonight (as far as the content of what she’s been saying). She hasn’t been sticking to it entirely, but that’s to be expected with her. She often changes her stories around within a matter of minutes.

  Before, I got into bed earlier, I heard her say “I propose we make a compromise. I’ll stop saying things about the Coronavirus if you stop talking shit on me” With the virus spreading all over the world right now, recently I’ve been hearing her talking a lot about it in an effort to cause me further anxiety.

  I thought about it for a moment. Of course I took this with a grain of salt and suspected that this was just another one of her petty mind games that will most likely lead to her pulling the rug out from under me. However, I was curious about the notion of her making any kind of proposal towards any type of compromise at all. So, I agreed to her suggestion.

  To no great surprise to me, about five minutes later (while I was in bed) I heard her say “I just injected you with Coronavirus accelerator.”  And there went the rug out from under my feet once again.


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