Jonathan Returns : Aspects of Spiritual Intrusion : 6/26/2020

June 26, 2020

  Last night, as I was in bed waiting on sleep to overtake me, I experienced a couple of “shouts.” Yes, a couple of shouts is right. To the best of my recollection (I know ……it was only last night), there were two shouts. These two shouts were probably spaced out something like fifteen minutes apart. These shouts were quite powerful. They hit with the kind of force that sends a jolt through my body.

   The voice that shouted at me was a distinctly male voice. Of this, I am certain. This was not the female voice that I hear the most frequent, the voice that identifies herself by the name Crystal. No, this was definitely a strong male voice. I believe that each shout consisted of a few words (as opposed to a single word), but I couldn’t make them out. I have always gotten the impression that these beings use this shouting tactic as a means of disrupting me while I’m trying to sleep. I have never gotten the impression that it is intended to convey a message. The voice could simply speak in a milder tone for that.

  I recognized right away that the voice that had shouted at me was not Crystal’s voice. This thought immediately went through my mind and Crystal must have picked up on it, because I heard her say almost immediately “that was Jonathan.”

  This same exact scenario has played out at least a few times in the past. This was not the first occasion that I have heard Crystal speak of this “Jonathan” character. There were some incidents this past year when I heard a distinctly male voice shout at me. Crystal would immediately pick up on me wondering who this voice was and I’d hear her say “that was Jonathan.”

  Yes, I have had a few incidents essentially identical to the one that I experienced last night. However, I can’t say for certain that it was the exact same male voice each time. I’m leaning towards that it was, but I’m just not sure as of yet. I simply haven’t heard the voice of this alleged “Jonathan” character enough yet to say that I recognize it. The incidents have been too infrequent still for that.

  Crystal’s voice, now that’s a whole other story. I’d recognize Crystal’s voice anywhere. At this point its become burned into my psyche. I have heard Crystal’s voice to a greater or lesser degree every day since the Spring of 2015. To me, her voice is very distinct, very recognizable to me.

  Crystal’s voice sounds like that of a young woman. Not a child, but of a young woman, between twenty or thirty if I had to guess. Generally, I would say that her voice sounds like a normal human voice. However, I observe that much of the time, there seems to be a high-pitch characteristic to it, and sometimes her voice can sound quite whispery.

  The presence of this other voice, this “Jonathan”, is significant to me because it is a sign that I can still hear other voices besides that of Crystal's. This is important to me because my own situation with hearing voices and experiencing other forms of (what I believe to be) spiritual intrusion has changed in some ways since it first began for me in 2015. At the onset of my condition, I was hearing more voices than I generally do today. Sometimes many more. However, over time, I have seen the number of distinct and separate voices dwindle down significantly, until it appeared that there was really only one that seemed to linger around on a day to day basis.  I even began to question how I should describe my condition. Do I hear voices? Or do I hear a voice (just one…..Crystal’s).

  As of today, what I can report is that I am currently still hearing Crystal’s voice on a day to day basis. Her voice is the only voice that I now still hear every day. Some days I hear her voice less. Some days I’m so busy and distracted by other things, that I can go a few hours with barely hearing her at all. It is mainly at night (especially when I am in bed waiting to fall asleep) that the presence of her voice is most noticeable to me. I do go entire days when as far as I can tell, her voice is the only voice that I am hearing. However, as with last night’s incident, every now and again, other voices will seem to “pop in.”

  This voice that I heard shout at me last night did not sound anything like Crystal’s voice. This voice to me (without a doubt) sounded like a male voice, where Crystal’s voice is a female voice. That's one difference there. Another difference is that this other voice, this “Jonathan” doesn’t stay around. If this has been the same male voice that I’ve heard shouting at me in those few incidents in the past, this voice just drops by and then will disappear, not returning for several weeks. Crystal on the other hand, she remains. I don’t perceive her ever leaving my immediate vicinity for a significant amount of time, I’m sorry to say. Whoever this Crystal being is (and that’s the big mystery), I consider her attached to my life.  Perhaps these other voices that seem to stop by occasionally, are there to visit with her, I simply don’t know. Maybe it all sounds strange, but situation that I find myself in has never lacked in an abundance of high-strangeness.


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