The Fatigue Factor

The Fatigue Factor

I’m sitting here in my living room, feeling exhausted. I will be going to bed very soon, but I don’t want to go to sleep quite yet. I want some time to myself. However, I know that this is not really possible with this entity attachment around.

  It’s been a long day for me. I awoke at five o’clock in the morning to drive down to the shore to take care of something for my work. Then, my coworker called out, so I was hit with double the workload today. Then after work, I had a side-job that I had to take care of. All in all, I’m feeling quite worn out. But, I want something of this day. I don’t want it to be entirely lost to work and the intrusive voice of this attachment.

   From the moment I awoke early this morning, the voice has been present. I am reminded of the difference between myself and this mysterious being. I am vulnerable to fatigue. This being does not seem to be. No matter what I was doing today, the voice was there. Sure, there were moments when I was so focused on something work related that I did not hear the voice at all. But, when these moments of distraction came to an end, the voice was right there waiting. And now as I sit here in my living room chair writing this, I hear the voice speaking from down the hallway.

  I do not detect any sign of fatigue or getting tired whatsoever in this voice. This being seemed to have one goal today……to follow me around and intrude into my life. This was achieved, and as far as I can tell, it was achieved by this being without bringing about any degree of exhaustion whatsoever.  This is something that makes us very different. This is something that this attachment holds as an advantage over me.

  My eyes are starting to feel heavy now. Maybe I will go to bed here in a moment.  Yet, more than likely that will not be the quick end to this long day. This voice will not stop talking just because I’m trying to call it a day and fall fast asleep. Hell no, this voice will more than likely just keep chattering on. This voice has its own ambitions. This voice has its own agenda. This voice does not need to rest to possess these things. Or, if it does, it hides this very well from me.  This gives these attaching entities an edge, no doubt about it. However, this might be one factor that those thinking about taking up some kind of occult pursuit may not be thinking about, at least not at first. I know that I sure as hell wasn’t when I first started out with channeling spirits.

  In the beginning, I was only hearing voices of a more benevolent nature. So, I wasn’t even thinking about important factors that might come into play if things went horribly wrong. And later on down the road, when I did first start hearing some not so friendly voices, I still wasn’t contemplating this fatigue factor. When I began to get an uneasy feeling about some of my channeling experiences, I remember doing some frantic research on the internet about spirit attachment and demonic oppression. However, to the best of my recollection, none of these internet articles about such things spelled this aspect out loud and clear.

  Evil spirits and the like, have the advantage that they don’t get tired, they don’t experience fatigue like we do. Just let the implications of that sink in for a few moments. That’s one hell on an edge to have I would say.

-          June, 2020


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