Engulfed by a Presence : Hearing Voices and Physical Sensations : Aspects of Spiritual Intrusion

Engulfed by a Presence : Hearing Voices and Physical Sensations : Aspects of Spiritual Intrusion

July 10, 2020
10:00 pm

  Recently, I have been trying to uphold to something of a discipline in regards to my responses and reactions to the presence of this spirit attachment. I refer to the being that I hear as a female voice and that identifies herself by the name Crystal. I have made something of a resolution to myself that I would try not to allow Crystal to bring me to the point of anger any longer. For a little over a year now, I’ve been trying to place more attention and focus upon my overall outlook concerning this situation that I find myself in. Crystal seeks to “intrude” into my life to an extreme degree. Her presence is constant. Her chattering is always present. However, by this stage, I’ve developed greater ability to “tune her out” at times. I confess though, that in the past, my foremost reaction to these occurrences was to feel anger towards Crystal. I don’t blame myself for being so angered by her presence. After all, no one likes to be bullied. Yet, it became blatantly apparent to me that I was playing into her hands. I was giving her the reaction that she most wanted from me……ie: anger and other negative emotions.
 Since the very beginning, I have had a strong desire to be defiant to the attempts of Crystal (and other oppressive “entities” who were present earlier in my situation), to try and create an environment of domination over me. Yet, I began to realize more and more that I was using this spirit of defiance in the wrong way. Becoming angry at Crystal only left me filled with anger. Crystal is not thwarted in anyway by my anger towards her. On the contrary, I am quite certain that having me go about my day to day life full of negative emotions is her goal. So, I realized that the best way to defy Crystal, the best way to fight back and be defiant was to deny her what she intended to achieve. I would not allow her to make me an angry person.

  I have been hearing the voice of Crystal to a greater or lesser degree, every single day of my life since the Spring of 2015. I was in fact, hearing her voice on occasion even before that. To the best of my recollection, I heard Crystal’s voice for the first time in early February, 2015. It was during that Winter that I was actively attempting to hear the voices of spiritual beings by means of a voice recorder. I had begun pursuing this endeavor in early January. Prior to this, I had never been involved with any kind of active research into the paranormal. I won’t try and give some long-winded telling of the reasons why I began recording to hear EVP that Winter. The truth is, there really was no good reason, except the fact that I had possessed an on & off interest in the subject of the paranormal for most of my adult life. That Winter, I found myself taking up this interest once again. Only this time, I decided to do a little active investigating of my own.  I figured that attempting to record EVP was a good place to start. A month into my recording endeavor, I began to hear the female voice that would a couple of years later, identify herself to me by the name Crystal. Throughout 2015 and 2016, Crystal did not seem much motivated to tell me her name. Occasionally, she would refer to herself only as “#1”. I suspected that by this, she meant to infer that she was the one most involved with inciting my situation of spiritual intrusion. However, one morning on 2017, just before dawn, I opened my eyes to a dark bedroom and this familiar female voice saying “it is Crystal, it is Crystal that is here with you.” Ever since that morning, she has identified herself to me by this name.

July 11, 2020

9:30 pm

  Last night, shortly after I had gotten into bed and was waiting to fall asleep, I noticed an unusual sensation on my left leg. The sensation was similar to the localized vibration sensation that I have experienced many times throughout my attachment situation. Yet, this sensation wasn’t quite the same as that. It is hard to describe. It was as if this area of my left leg was engulfed by a presence (to put it one way).

  I’m not sure if this sensation was strictly intended to cause me a disturbance while I was trying to fall asleep, or if it was a sensation brought about by something else…..such as Crystal taking energy from me (or something along those lines). I simply don’t know. To the best of my recollection, I have not experienced this particular sensation before. I also felt this exact same sensation briefly this afternoon while I was at work. Then, I was standing. So, within a 24 hour period, I’ve experienced this new sensation twice. I felt the sensation on my left leg this afternoon, just as I did last night. It was exactly the same.

  I am not sure why Crystal would be focusing on my left leg all of a sudden. Last week, I experienced a few incidents of feeling a strange sensation (similar to, but not the same) just above my right knee. Is Crystal deliberately targeting these specific area of my body? If so, …..why? If I have any further such incidents this week that lead me to believe that she is targeting specific areas of my body, then I will document it and provide a fuller description.
  Experiencing bodily sensations has been an aspect of my situation since 2015. In fact, I recall that it was only about a week after having my first incident of hearing Crystal (and other intruding voices) outside of my EVP recording sessions that I first began to experience these disturbing physical sensations. One of the first sensations that I felt was a strange vibration sensation that would be localized to a particular part of my body, such as one of my legs, or my lower back, etc... It’s hard to describe, but this vibration sensations was not exactly the feeling of me vibrating in anyway. It was more like the feeling of something....”a presence” occupying the same space as me and I was feeling this presence vibrating. These two recent incidents were similar in that the sensation also seemed like it was being caused by a presence that was in the same space as me (or my left leg to be exact). Yet, there was just something different about this new sensation. Perhaps it’s just a kind of variation of the vibration sensation that I have experienced many times since 2015. If it occurs again, I will try to be more observant.


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