Psychic Voices Attack : 7/15-17/2020

Psychic Voices Attack : 7/15-17/2020

July 15, 2020
11:00 pm

  The day is almost over. I just took a dose of sleep-aid and will be going to bed here shortly. It was another exhausting day for me at work. This whole week has been a rough one in that regard. I would almost say that this spirit attachment (Crystal) wasn’t giving me too much trouble today. I almost made it through an entire day where I could say that.  But, just within the last hour I’ve been hearing her voice hurling insults at me. Well, we almost made it through an entire day. I can only assume that I’ll probably continue to hear her hurling insults at me once I get into bed and I’m waiting to fall asleep. Hopefully, I won’t have to wait long.

July 16,2020
9:00 pm

  Last night, as I lie in bed and was awaiting sleep to overtake me, aside from Crystal’s voice (which is very much familiar to me by now to say the least), I do believe that I heard “another voice”. This is significant to me because my attachment situation has changed since it first began in 2015, in regards to the number of separate voices that I hear on a frequent basis.
  When I was first attacked by these intrusive and hostile voices in late February and early March of 2015, the main voice that I still hear today (Crystal) was one of many voices that I was hearing at the time. I first heard Crystal’s voices (as I hear it now) on my EVP recordings in February (2015). After hearing her voice only a few times, I began to become suspicious of this particular voice. There was just something about her that gave me the impression that she was out to cause me trouble. Unfortunately, at the time, I couldn’t even imagine what kind of trouble she was able to cause me, but I was soon to find out.  Crystal arrived along with a whole group of what I began to call “negative voices”. These negative voices quickly began to change the nature of my recording experience. Basically, with their arrival, things took a dark turn.

  When I first began hearing these negative voices outside of my recording sessions (which quickly led me to quitting EVP recording all together), Crystal always seemed to be one of the more tormenting voices, but she was just one voice among many that I was hearing at the time through this “hijacked clairaudience.”

  When these intruding voices attacked full force (what I often refer to as a “voices blitzkrieg” in April (2015), Crystal’s voice began to stand out among all others even more. Yet again, she was one of several voices that I was hearing then.

  As time has passed, the number of separate and distinct voices that I heard has dwindled down considerably. I would say that for at least the past two years, it is now only Crystal’s voice that I still hear on a day to day basis. She is the one still attached to my life. The other voices faded away for the most part, however, not entirely.

  Every now and again, I will still hear other voices besides that of Crystal. Her voice, I would know anywhere, believe me.  I have heard it to one degree or another every day since 2015. So, when I hear another voice, I may not be able to discern whether or not I may have heard it before. But, I can often tell right away that it is a voice other than Crystal. For one thing, Crystal’s voice is distinctly female. In my opinion, her voice sounds like that of a young woman’s (in her late teens or twenties I surmise). Where some of these other voices sound distinctly male to me, while others sound neither male or female, and some I would say, don’t even sound very human at all.

  I have on occasion, contemplated whether or not Crystal has the ability to change her voice. I have even wondered if this female voice that I hear that calls herself Crystal, is in fact her true voice. Maybe this voice to, is a kind of created voice of some spirit or being whose real voice I have never even heard. When it comes to this kind of situation, the mind can run wild with speculation.

July 17, 2020
10:30 pm

  I don’t have much to report today. It was a pretty typical day. Things were very busy at work. I heard Crystal throwing out some insults at me here and there throughout the day. But, I haven’t been letting it get to me. In truth, these days, with how busy I am at work, Crystal gets pushed aside much of the time, so to speak.

  There was one incident this afternoon that really got my attention however. A little while after I had finished up at work today, I heard the voice of Crystal say “this afternoon we gave you the Coronavirus.” Crystal has been using the ongoing pandemic situation as a source of material with which to concoct new mind games. She has been telling me that I have, or will have the virus, since back in March. This is yet another example of the kind of thing that I often hear from her.


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