"Thank You for Speaking to Us"

  A few nights ago, as I was in bed waiting to fall asleep, I heard the voice of this spirit attachment (that tells me her name is Crystal) say “thank you for speaking with us.” This in itself was not a significant incident. At least I did not feel that it was at the time. I’m sure that I heard Crystal say a lot of things that night. Crystal is constantly speaking “at me.” Sometimes, I retain what I hear her say in my memory. Sometimes I don’t. This statement was the only thing that I remember from what she said that particular night.

     At first, I just assumed that this was just more of her speaking “at me.” That’s the significant thing right there. Most often, I get the impression that she is speaking at me, not speaking to me. My first thought after hearing her say “thank you for speaking to us” was that this was just another one of her mind games, that it was just more of her riddle talk. I immediately assumed that she was speaking “at me” in an effort to disturb me as I was trying to fall asleep. I had very good reason to assume this. This is what Crystal does every day and every night. She speaks at me in an attempt to intrude into my life.

  Since my attachment condition started back in 2015, after I had been experimenting with EVP recording, hearing voices has been the biggest aspect to it. I experience other strange phenomenon as well, such as bodily sensations and dream intrusion. But, hearing voices has been the major aspect of this condition since the beginning.

   These days, it’s most frequently hearing a voice rather than hear voices. During the first year, it seemed like I was being bombarded on a day to day basis by multiple separate and distinct voices. Now, the number of voices has dwindled down to mainly one…..Crystal’s. Occasionally, I’ll hear other voices, other voices that I don’t recognize. However, these voices don’t stick around from day to day like Crystal does.

  I’ve been hearing Crystal’s voice since almost the very beginning of the chain of events that led to me developing this condition of hearing voices and experiencing other kinds of “intrusion.” I first heard her voice about a month into my EVP recording endeavor. Before long, I began to notice that her voice was present on my recordings more and more frequently. Back then, I found there to be something of a trickster quality to her. However, while I was still recording, I had no idea how viscous and sadistic she could be. I was soon to find out.

   At the time when I was recording, I still thought that when I finished a recording session, that was it, the contact had ended. Crystal was soon to prove me wrong. Back then, I had a vague sense of what clairaudience was (very vague). However, I had no idea that it could be hijacked and used as a means of torture. I was soon to find out about this as well. When some of the voices that I had been hearing on my EVP recordings came out of the recordings (to put it one way) I was caught completely by surprise.  Crystal’s voice stood out among the others. Her voice was filled with venom. Her voices was relentless and merciless.

   Since those early days, Crystal has used “talking at me” as a method of torment. She sometimes concocts elaborate story lines with the intent of instilling in me a sense of fear, anxiety and confusion. In the past, many of her story lines caused me to feel a considerable amount of these emotions. However, over time, I’ve built up something of a defense against this. Mainly, this defense is to not believe a damn thing that I hear her say.

  Now getting back to hearing Crystal say “thank you for speaking to us” this week. I confess, I find myself thinking quite a lot about this statement of hers. I don’t know why. If I had to guess, I would say it’s because part of me wishes that she meant this in a sincere way. My mind fills with a lot of thoughts of “what if.” What if all she really wanted was to communicate? That wouldn’t be so bad if she respected my boundaries right?. But, she doesn’t’. As I’m writing this, I’m hearing her voice speaking in the background. She never stops talking. Why all of this hostility from her? Why all of the mind games? Why the attempts to disrupt my sleep practically every night? Why the extreme effort on her part to drive me into a state of anxiety or depression?  At times, I’ve tried to be very attentive to what she says, looking for some revealing aspect of her personality that would show me another side of her.
  “Thank you for speaking to us.” Why should she thank me? Most of the time when I am replying to her, it’s me asking her to leave me alone, to let me have some peace and quiet. What does she mean by this?
“Thank you for speaking to us.”

If only she could speak in a more truthful and consistent manner, then perhaps I could get some sense of who she really is and what she’s about. Yet, I’m afraid that I haven’t seen any sign of this as of yet. Perhaps part of me wishes I did. Perhaps that is why I keep thinking about her statement.  Yet, I know better. If I get too caught up thinking about the things she says, I’m risking going back down the old rabbit hole. I want none of that. So, I’ll try and think of this no more.


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