Psychic Voices Intrusion : 7/19/2020


Psychic Voices Intrusion : 7/19/2020


July 19, 2020

1:30 am


  Well, here I am at one thirty in the morning, unable to sleep. I just made an attempt for it, but it was no good. I just took another dose of sleep-aid and I’m now just sitting here waiting for it to take effect some before I make another try.

  I don’t feel that my sleep troubles are entirely being caused by the presence of this entity attachment (Crystal) in this instance. This afternoon, when I got home from work, I was feeling extremely tired. I didn’t want to fall asleep because I knew that there was a good chance that I could end up waking up in the middle of the night, unable to fall back asleep again. However, I simply couldn’t keep my eyes open. So, I tried to just lie down and rest for a bit, without falling asleep. But, I was not successful in this (as is usually the case). Almost as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was fast asleep. I fell asleep for about three hours. I do think this is what is mostly fouling up my efforts to fall asleep now.

 I am perceiving the presence of Crystal” but her “intrusions” have been rather mild so far tonight. When I was in bed trying to fall asleep a short time ago, I was hearing her voice some, but she was not causing me to feel any physical sensations, at least not to any significant degree.

  I did hear her say something that grabbed my attention however. As I lie there in bed, I heard her say something like “human beings have been infiltrating the astral planet, so we are infiltrating your planet.” I confess that this was one of those instances where something that Crystal said really got me to thinking. I’ve been exposed to so many of her mind games, her deceptions and so much her riddle-talk, that by now I try and make it something of a personal policy of mine to take anything that I hear from her with a grain of salt. I think that I have become quite successful in achieving this and I do feel that it has led to significant improvements in my situation. If I don’t believe what the voices say, then I’m not as effected by what the voices say, that's how i see it. This is not simply a case of me being overly suspicious either. Trust me, since this attachment/intrusion situation began for me in 2015, after I had been involved with EVP recording and spirit communication, I have heard countless “story lines” from these voices. This is especially true of the female sounding voice that identifies herself by the name “Crystal.”

  So, was this comment about human beings infiltrating the astral world and this being a reason for her presence here in this world, simply another story line? I simply cannot say. I will take this comment with a grain of salt as well. Yet, I confess that this one triggered some thoughts in me. It reminds me of another comment that I often hear from Crystal. “You made your bed now lie in it.” By this, she is referring to the fact that it was I who sought out to communicate with worlds and dimensions beyond my own during the Winter of 2015. Perhaps, she regards this as a kind of “intrusion” , one which she felt inclined to respond to with her own intrusion. In truth, I confess that her motivations still remain a mystery to me.


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