A Danger of Recording Yourself Sleeping : 9/18/2020


A Danger of Recording Yourself Sleeping : 9/18/2020



  A few days ago, I stumbled upon a post on the internet where a young woman uploaded a recording she had made in her bedroom at night while she was asleep. I’m not sure of what the circumstances were, I sometimes do see it mentioned online where people record themselves sleeping. Perhaps they’re having some trouble sleeping or something along those lines and they’re just doing a little investigating of their own. Most often, it has nothing to do with paranormal investigation or trying to record  EVPs or anything like that.

   However, every once in a while, I will come across one of these kinds of stories such as I saw from this young woman earlier this week, where someone was recording themselves while they were sleeping and when they went back and listened to the recording, they were very surprised to discover the presence of voices on the recording that they could not explain. In this particular post that I saw earlier in the week, this young woman was very surprised by the voice that she had captured.

  She posted this recording on a paranormal themed forum. She heard the voice and she could not recognize it, and her thoughts drifted towards the possibility that it might have been paranormal in nature. I listen to her recording a few times and I honestly have to say that in this case, I agree with her suspicion. I heard the voice right away the first time that I listen to the recording and I recognized it to be an EVP almost instantly. Of course, EVP’s can vary considerably in their characteristics, but the nature of this particular voice that this young woman captured seemed very familiar to me. It had a kind of robotic quality to it. It did not sound like an ordinary human voice. The very first EVP that I captured during the two months that I was recording in 2015, also sounded robotic in nature. In fact, when I heard the voice that this young woman had captured it immediately brought that memory to my mind. There was something about the way this voice sounded that was so similar to the first EVP that I ever captured. So, for myself I do believe that this young woman captured an EVP that night.

 However, unlike myself back in 2015, she did not intend to record any EVP‘s. Quite a few people responded to her post. Almost everybody who did reply said that they also heard the voice on her recording just as she did. I felt compelled to make a brief comment and to reply to her with a simple warning that though I do believe that she was correct in her suspicion, I felt that she should ignore it and not record anymore, even though she was certainly not intending to capture any EVP’s in this instance.

  Without going into a lot of detail regarding my own situation, and how I developed a condition of hearing intruding voices after I had been experimenting with EVP recording for those two months during the winter of 2015, I simply told her that there are serious risk involved with recording and going back and listening intensely to these recordings. I wanted to give her some warning but I wasn’t sure whether or not she would believe me if I told her exactly what happened to me. I didn’t want to just throw the entirety of my story out there, but I felt compelled to at least say something.

  In part I hesitated, because I have had instances on this particular website that I was on, where a moderator came along and deleted the comment that I had written. It’s happened a number of times. So, I wanted to say something but I didn’t know how I should word it. Even though this young woman did not set out intending to capture EVP‘s on recording, I do believe that doing something like recording yourself sleeping and then going back and listening to the recording intensely can put some people in a dangerous situation.

   I say this because I have seen an account of this exact thing happening to someone. In fact, the very first account that I came upon that described a situation similar to my own was written by a person who began hearing tormenting voices and experiencing physical attacks after they had been listening to a lot of recordings they had made of themselves sleeping. Just like with this young woman, this individual did not set out intending to record for EVP’s intentionally. I do not recall the specific details, but I do believe that they mentioned that they were having some sleep issues at the time and they were just trying to find out what was going on. Here too, this individual was quite surprised to find the presence of voices on these recordings that they could explain.

  Just imagine that, you’re listening to a recording that was made in the sanctity of your own home, of your own bedroom while you were asleep and to hear these voices on there that you cannot account for. This can be extremely unsettling to say the least, but it can also grab ones curiosity and curiosity can be a powerful driving force. One may certainly feel compelled to investigate further. They may choose to go about this investigation by doing more recordings. Here they will be listening to these recordings quite closely. Though the intention here may be different, or how the circumstances came about, the activity itself of recording and listening was exactly what I was doing during those two months in 2015 that brought about this spiritual intrusion situation.

 This account that stumbled upon was the very first account that I found where what this individual was describing about their experiences mirrored my own exactly. This individual described how these intruding voices essentially tormented the hell out of him. He went into some detail describing the things that these voices were saying, the mind games that they were playing, the story-lines that they were throwing at him. It was identical to what I was experiencing at the time. He also mentioned that aside from hearing these intruding voices, he was also experiencing direct physical attacks. I was going through the same exact thing and I knew right away after reading his account that it was the same kind of situation.

  During the winter of 2015, I intentionally set about to record to see if I could capture any EVP‘s. The paranormal had been an interest of mine for many years and here I chose to do some active investigating of my own. Things went very badly for me to say the least. This other individual was stricken with the same condition after they had been making recordings and listening to them intensely. The circumstances of why each of us chose to record were different, but we both found ourselves in the same situation. This is why I very much believe that making these kinds of recordings and listening to them, sometimes carries the same risk as if one had set about to do this with the intention of investigating the paranormal. I honestly do not know how great the danger is, but I know that it is there to some degree. In 2015, I allowed my own curiosity to pull me into a very dangerous situation and I only discovered the full extent of this when it was already too late. I do hope that the young woman who posted that recording earlier this week, decides not to investigate this further. In my opinion, it is simply not worth the risk, not at all.


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