A Danger of EVP Recording and the Spirit Box : Bad Advice : 11/21/20


November 21, 2020


 4:30 PM



  I’m going to seem like a broken record here in this post. I’m going to talk about something that I’ve already talked about several times before in some of my previous blog post. Let me just say, that this is at least in part because it pertains to a particular topic that I keep running into, or that crosses my path. So, to get down to it, the other day I was browsing around on the internet. Things are finally starting to slow down a bit for me at work. I’m starting to have a little more free time, so sometimes I just browse around on the internet just to see what’s out there.


  The other day I was checking out a paranormal themed forum that I go to every now and again and there was a particular post that grabbed my attention. An individual, I believe it was a young woman, made a post where they described how they had recently begun to experience some rather strange and to them, troubling phenomenon in their home. I do not recall everything that they described, but some of it involved things like hearing strange noises in the house that they never heard before, and objects being moved without explanation. This person didn’t really know what was going on, and the thought that it may be something paranormal in nature crossed their mind and so they went to this paranormal forum to seek advice.


  This is basically what their forum post was. They described the situation, they described the mysterious phenomenon that was occurring and they sought advice from others. A forum post of this kind is nothing out of the ordinary, I see them all the time. What did catch my attention here was something else.


  By the time that I read this forum post, a few others had already come along and made comments. At least two or three individuals came along and told this young woman that she should start doing EVP recording sessions in her home or start using a Spirit Box to investigate the situation. So, here it is again. As I stated at the beginning, this is a scenario that I have already written about, but unfortunately it’s one that I keep stumbling upon.


   I’m not going to rehash here the entire story of my own situation, the situation which prompted me to create this blog in the first place. But, I will give a brief rundown here. This blog is basically a type of journal for me. Here I record and discuss incidents and observations regarding my ongoing entity attachment or perhaps spirit attachment situation. I say perhaps, because I really don’t know, all I do know is that there is an external presence that has intruded into my perceptions and my life in general since I was myself experimenting with EVP recording during the Winter of 2015.


  I recorded for only two months that Winter. Yet within a short amount of time I began hearing quite a lot of voices on my recordings. Things were happening so fast back then, that I foolishly did not take things in moderation and I dove headfirst into a dangerous situation. Within a short amount of time, I was not only hearing several voices every time I did an EVP session, but I was also able to communicate with these voices quite extensively. Initially the experience seemed very fascinating and even benevolent in nature. I did not sense anything hostile or malign from the voices that I was hearing at first. However, into the second month of recording, the situation began to change.


   Into the second month of recording, a new element of voices appeared on my recordings and these voices were not benevolent in nature. A situation developed where it seemed like I was hearing these two different and separate groups on my EVP recordings. There were the friendlier, non-hostile voices, but then there were also these newer voices that seemed intent on trying to frighten me or to basically get a negative reaction out of me in general. I was disturbed by the arrival of these negative voices on my recordings and I was even more disturbed that they seemed to be becoming more and more of a presence with each passing day. I said each passing day here, and that’s important, because I was doing EVP sessions practically every day that Winter. Doing recording sessions and communicating with these entities have quickly become an obsession for me.


  Yes, I was troubled by the presence of these negative voices, but at the time, I still believed that they were confined to the recordings. By this I mean, I still believed that when I ended the recording session, all contact with these beings, either good or bad, was ended and that they were someplace else, …that I was on my world and they were on their’s…. and without doing recording sessions, we would not be able to communicate with one another. I was very wrong about this belief.


  By the end of the second month of recording, I started to have incidents where I was hearing these negative voices outside of the recording sessions. I could hear these voices at any time, day or night, either at home, at work, or just out and about. These troubling incidents began to occur more and more with each passing day. I quickly realized that I was in trouble here and that these negative entities were by no means confined to the recordings. Things escalated for about a month and then one day in early April, 2015, these negative voices outright attacked me full force.


  At this point, it seemed like I was in a state of terrifying paranormal psychosis around the clock. These voices harassed me and tormented me every waking moment and I was also experiencing physical attacks and other strange phenomenon on a regular basis. One of these negative voices that I first began hearing on my EVP recordings during the second month (and then when I then began hearing them outside of the recording sessions) was a voice that sounded like a young woman. This voice was by no means the only voice that was intruding into my life and harassing me on a day-to-day basis, but gradually overtime this particular voice became my main tormentor I would say. This is the voice that I am still hearing today and that is the general subject of most of my articles here on this blog. This is the voice that calls herself Crystal.


   Back in April of 2015, these harassing voices were telling me that they were doing this to me because of various things that I had done…. for communicating with them in the first place …..for all of my sins throughout my life,…and things along those lines. They were conveying to me that what was happening to me was a unique situation. However, as time went by I began meeting other individuals who had experienced the same exact thing after they had been involved with EVP recording. I also began meeting individuals who experienced the exact same thing after doing some other form of spirit communication, such as automatic writing or using a Ouija Board on a regular basis. This is what really opened my eyes to the fact that hearing intruding voices was a very real danger associated with these kinds of activities.


  This is why I created this blog. I’m here to discuss this one particular danger involved with activities that entail seeking to communicate with beings from beyond our physical world. Whether one is seeking to communicate with departed family and friends, or seeking to communicate with spirit guides, or seeking to communicate with aliens from other worlds or other dimensions, if they go about this by such things as EVP recording, using a Spirit Box, automatic writing or using a Ouija Board, then I personally believe that this is at least one risk to these kinds of activities. Perhaps it is a very small risk, in truth I simply do not now. But, I am convinced that this is in fact a real and present danger.  I’m sure that there are various factors and perhaps certain conditions, other aspects and such involved and in my writing I’ve tried to touch upon some of these.


  Getting back to the main focus of this particular article, when I read this forum post the other day and I saw that there were a few individuals that came along and suggested that this person start doing EVP sessions in their home or start using a Spirit Box, it just confirmed for me my motivations for writing this blog. Some of the others that I’ve met since my own situation began in 2015, from what they have told me, I know that their own situations began after they started investigating strange occurrences in their homes through such means as doing EVP sessions or using a Spirit Box. So, I have seen this exact same scenario lead to this kind of attachment situation.


  When I see people telling others that are seeking advice that they should take up EVP recording or start using a Spirit Box to see what’s going on, I have to disagree with them. Of course, my opinion may be biased here, but I think it has good reason to be and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I’m a voice that says “wait, stop and think about this first, there is a danger here this is what it looks like”.


   I did write a comment on this particular forum post for this individual that was asking for advice, where I cautioned them against doing EVP sessions in their home or using a Spirit Box. I told them some of my own story. What I said was basically the complete opposite of what these other comments said, but that’s ok… that’s fine.


  Hypothetically speaking, maybe this individual who was asking for advice about the strange occurrences in their home, if they started doing EVP sessions, maybe nothing at all would happen. Or perhaps, they would do recording sessions in their home and this would lead to them feeling that they had gained some kind of insight or explanation about what was happening here. Perhaps nothing bad would happen at all and in the end they would feel the outcome was a positive one. Perhaps, but also perhaps not. I’ve seen enough and experienced enough to know that this risk is real. It is something that once should consider before getting involved with such activities or recommending that others do so.


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