A Danger of EVP Recording : Attachments & Night Attacks


November 5, 2020

6:51 PM



 Just this past Monday, I wrote about how I experienced a “night attack” at the hands of this entity or being that calls herself Crystal. I mentioned how I blamed myself for this in a way, because I didn’t have any sleep-aid on hand, I simply forgot that I was out and I suspect that Crystal saw an opportunity there and took advantage. I didn’t make the same mistake twice.

 On Monday I went out and picked up some sleep-aid, you can be sure. I was not attacked again severely on Monday night. There was some activity, I was hearing Crystal’s voice and I was feeling the physical sensations, but it was not as intense or escalated as it was the previous night. However, on Tuesday night I was attacked again. The difference here was that I had taken some sleep-aid before I went to bed. It wasn’t enough just to thwart Crystal’s efforts here though,  it was an outright attack just like the one I experienced on Sunday night.

  Crystal was chattering away constantly and the physical sensations were very intense, I remember that quite clearly. I remember lying there in bed realizing what was happening, realizing that I was being attacked. I was somewhat in that state between being awake and being asleep, but I knew what was going on. What seemed to make the attack last for quite a while, was the fact that I was in this in-between state. I remember thinking to myself that I have to get out of bed and take some more sleep-aid, that this would be the only way to put an end to this attack and even then it was not a certainty. But, I found that I couldn’t move, I just couldn’t bring myself to muster the energy to get up and get out of bed because I was partially asleep.

  It was strange and it is hard to describe, I suppose because I’m talking about the particulars of a state of consciousness here. I remember quite clearly just thinking to myself… I have to get up… I have to have some more sleep-aid…. I’ll get up in a minute…I’ll get up in a few minutes. But I never did get up and have any more sleep-aid that night, so the attack seemed to last for quite a while. I did not check the time, even though I had my phone right there next to my bed. But, I would say that the attack lasted for something like two hours, maybe 2 1/2. I know that I definitely lost some sleep as a result of it, because I was feeling a bit more exhausted than usual at work the next day.

  I would say that the attack on Tuesday night was even more intense than the one on Sunday night. On Tuesday night, it was definitely the physical sensations that were causing me the most disturbance. These sensations that I was feeling on my body were quite pronounced. I remember that some of them seemed to be coming up through the mattress of my bed, as if Crystal was moving around inside of the mattress itself.

  This is nothing new, I have been experiencing similar things since the very beginning of my attachment situation. In fact, one of the first incidents of experiencing these physical sensations, was the feeling of a finger coming up through my mattress and jabbing me and my lower back as I was trying to fall asleep. I remember that this was something that was occurring almost nightly for a while during March of 2015. These attaching entities (especially Crystal) have always used this tactic where they seem like they’re inside of a solid object, like a bed or a chair and from there they proceed jab me in an effort to deprive me of sleep.

  I remember that I was hit with that familiar unsettling feeling on Tuesday night as the attack was occurring, that feeling of being hit with a sense of the cold hard reality of all of this. I have written about this many times. I know that what I am experiencing here is not a hallucination or a creation of my own mind in any way, and still at times when I have these more intense experiences I’m shocked by it. Even though I know that this is all actually happening, I suppose that I still try and go about my life as much as I am able to, acting like it is not. I wake up in the morning, I go to work, I deal with down to Earth everyday situations, etc… Yet in the background, I know that this entity attachment is right there with me. She is always there…. Crystal ....and with her is the mystery, or I should say the sense of mystery and so many unanswered questions that follows her.

  Even though this year has been better than the previous years as far as how much this situation has had an impact upon my life, I would say that I have been getting hit with this sense of being shocked by it all, a little more, with the exception of course of the very beginning back in the spring of 2015. I suppose this is the case, because this year I have been more busy with my work and work has taken up more of my time and focus this year than in the previous years. This is a direct result of the ongoing pandemic situation. While I do not want to get sidetracked here in discussing the particular details of my work, I do work in an industry that involves home projects, and since people are staying home more now, my industry has been experiencing a boom. So, I would say that this year more than the previous years, I’ve had to keep my focus on more down to earth everyday things, and Crystal has not succeeded in distracting me from it as she once did.

  This keeping my focus on everyday things is something that I did deliberately back in 2015, and this was very helpful to me back then in weakening the impact that these entities were having on my life. This year, there isn’t much of a choice about it, so at times it’s like there’s this collision between these two aspects of my life. When I’m very busy and focused on work, even though it can be quite exhausting at times, I feel a sense that I’m living my old life again, that things resemble more how it was before I started hearing these voices and all the other phenomenon that I’ve experienced. So on the one hand, it as if I’m connecting to my old more normal life, yet when I have these intense experiences such as these night attacks that I experience this week, it’s like these two aspects of my life are colliding. It’s something like being reminded that this is still going on and that it is very real.

 Being as busy as I was this year, while of course I have not forgotten about the presence of Crystal, maybe on some level things at least seem to be moving more in that direction. I’m focusing on day-to-day things much more. But, when I have these incidents, it’s like getting pulled back into the strangeness of it all. I know I’m failing here to describe this in a good way, but I tried, so I’ll stop here. Let me just add that I don’t know what brought about the attack on Tuesday night. I suppose it’s pointless to wonder why Crystal chose to attack me. She deliberately causes a disruption in my life every day to a greater or lesser degree. I suppose that I wonder about it because I’m hopeful of any sign that she might be starting to chill out….to lighten up in any way.

 As I have written about previously, I’ve learned to let go of the animosity that I carried inside of me for quite a long time. Of course, I believe that I’m justified in being a little pissed off at what these entities did to me and the tactics that they use, such as harassing me with voices on a constant basis. But, I realized a while back that carrying this anger and animosity inside wasn’t harming these entities in any way, if anything that’s probably what they wanted. What it was doing was harming my life. Whether it’s justified or not, the end result was that I was just carrying around these negative emotions from day today. So, I let go of a lot of those feelings. I’m not saying that I’m perfect with this, Crystal can still take me to the point of anger every now and again. But, it’s not as common a thing these days as it was in the past.  I consider this a victory.

 It may be pointless, but I still look for signs that Crystal might be starting to ease up a bit. So when she attacked me like she did the other night, I found myself asking the question, why? I suppose that I’m still no closer to finding out about her motives now than I was in the beginning. All I know is this, she still does not show any measure of respect for my personal sovereignty. Even if I’m not hearing her hurling insults and criticisms at me, even if she’s saying something completely benign, she’s still there just talking away and talking away and talking away.

 Each night when I go to bed she’s there talking and causing me to feel these physical sensations. Some nights it’s bad, some nights it’s not so bad, but it’s still occurring each and every night. Not to sound like a broken record here, but I just want to stress again that sometimes these situations are avoidable. I live with the fact that it was my own actions in 2015 that opened the door to these entity attachments. I allowed myself to get carried away with doing EVP recording sessions. I sought to hear voices from the beyond and hear them I did. However, some of those voices came out of the recordings quite literally and I began hearing them all the time. This is the case with Crystal. I first heard her voice on my recordings in February of 2015. She’s the last recognizable voice from those days that I still hear, but I am still hearing her voice every day. If I had made wiser decisions back during the Winter of 2015, I most likely wouldn’t be.


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