Dimensional Entity Attachment : 11/23/2020



 November 23, 2020


 7:20 PM


   I’m just going to bring things up-to-date here. I’m just going talk about what’s been going on in the past few days as far as my situation goes. By my situation, I mean my situation of having this entity attachment in my life. This would be the entity that I most often discuss here on this blog, the entity that I hear as a female voice and that tells me that her name is Crystal. I might bounce around here, not following any chronological order really. I’ll start with a minor incident that occurred last night as I was in bed trying to fall asleep.


   It was probably around 11 o’clock when I went to bed last night, give or take a little. Just moments after I got into bed, I started to feel some physical sensations. This is nothing out of the ordinary, as I’ve said before this is practically a nightly occurrence for me. In fact, I would probably find it more startling if I didn’t experience these physical sensations, that would be so unusual. So there I was in bed, and I was feeling these sensations, but I noticed something. The sensation was up at the top of my head. It’s a little difficult to describe how this sensation felt, other than to say that there was a very noticeable presence there. In a way, it basically felt like something was perched on top of my head. I was hearing Crystal’s voice while this sensation was occurring, so I believe that this was in fact her.


  This sensation that I was feeling on my head wasn’t any more intense than the other sensations that I experience on a nightly basis. However, what was different here was that I was feeling it on the top of my head. This is somewhat rare in my situation. I can feel the sensations anywhere on my body, but it’s just been my observation that Crystal doesn’t really mess with my head too much….at least not my forehead area. There have been other incidents of this, but for the most part they are few and far between these days.


  I remember last year, that Crystal seemed to enjoy tapping on my face at night. She does sometimes mess with my ears a bit too. Actually, this has become quite common and it is something I’m still experiencing quite often. The sensations may start towards my lower body but I feel it moving up my body until it reaches one of my ears, usually it’s my right ear. It’s like she’s trying to get to my ear so that she can speak directly into it. Usually this causes me to toss and turn a little bit to try and avoid this. So, I would say it’s not unusual for Crystal to mess with my face or my ears, but this was a little strange last night feeling something perched on the top of my head. I remember thinking to myself, “what the hell are you doing Crystal?” I heard her voice reply to this “I’m draining your energy”. That is the kind of response that I expected from her.


  All in all though, so far over the past few days, I haven’t had too much trouble getting to sleep at night. I’m still in my little financial crisis. I mentioned this in a post that I made last week. I confess that I have been utterly stupid with money recently so I’ve been finding myself strapped for cash essentially. Last week I went most of the week without any sleep-aid just to try and save money, not that it cost a lot, but right now I’m living paycheck to paycheck. Things actually didn’t go too bad. I only had one night where Crystal’s harassment seemed a little more intense than usual, and I lost about two hours of sleep, but all in all it wasn’t that bad.


  I may find myself in the same situation this week. I have about a half a bottle of sleep-aid left. I will see if I can make it last a whole week. Aside from this, I was hearing Crystal refer to me as a hostage quite a few times last night, and a little bit this morning. Once again, this is nothing out of the ordinary for her I am sorry to say. I have often heard her refer to me as a hostage, or describe my predicament as a hostage situation. After I heard this last night, I remember thinking to myself, well usually in a hostage situation the hostage takers want something. What is it that Crystal wants here? That’s the big question and one that I really don’t have the answer to. All I have is speculation.


  Last night she told me that she was draining my energy, is it as simple as that, or straightforward? I have said many times, there is a lot…. many aspects about the situation that do seem quite parasitic in nature to me. The bodily sensations that I experience in particular often give me the impression of some kind of leeching going on. So, perhaps this is her primary motivation. However, I have often heard her say things about getting revenge, or lashing out at the authority. The details of her statements may vary at times, but she sometimes speaks about how she and others like her, are lashing out at some kind of authority. I have heard her say that doing what she does gives her an opportunity to get revenge. I confess that when I hear such things from her it often causes me to ponder a bit and sometimes my head gets filled with my own speculations about all of this.  


  I have made many efforts to try and improve the situation here with Crystal, to try and make peace with her I guess you could say. I was pursuing this quite a bit back in 2019. I did not have high expectations at the outset, but I was hoping that I could at least make some kind of connection with Crystal, some kind of progress, reasoning with her in some way. Unfortunately, I still get the impression from her of a superiority complex. By this I mean, I still get the impression that she looks down on me and regards me as an inferior form of life. One of the most common things that I hear her say, is referring to herself as a superior being, or a superior life form. In fact, I remember that during much of 2017 and 2018 this would be something that I’d be hearing from her many times a day, many times. It seemed like she was trying to rub my face in this…that she is superior to me.


  I do not hear her say this now quite as often, but she still does say it. I believe that I heard her refer to herself as a superior being at least two or three times so far today. Back in 2017, it would be more like two or three times in ten minutes. Anyway, I am straying from whatever point I was trying to make here. Basically, I was just reiterating the fact that Crystal’s motives for continuing this attachment situation are still a mystery to me.


  Yes, I have a few ideas and some opinions, but I’m not sure which one is the truth. However, maybe there’s a little truth in all of them. I suppose she does not need to just have one motive. Well, whatever her motives are, I have been unable to try and improve the situation by communicating with her. I don’t blame myself for trying, but it was essentially like talking to a brick wall. In the end, it got me nowhere. I find that I have much more success trying to direct my focus and attention away from Crystal, by keeping my focus more on my day today life in this world. I can’t do this all the time successfully, but I do find that I have more success with it than communicating with Crystal directly. And things have improved over time. I would say that this year…. 2020, in comparison to all the other years since my situation began back in 2015, Crystal’s presence has had the least impact on my life. Crystal is still around, and she is still a problem, but she’s not as much of a problem now as she was for me in the past. Getting to this point has been a process, it has been a struggle, it has not been easy, but it has yielded results and I have faith and hope that it will continue to do so.


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