Entity Attachment : The Targeting of Sleep : 11-20-20

 November 20, 2020


7:30 PM



  I went four nights in a row this week without taking any kind of sleep-aid. I didn’t do this intentionally. I foolishly and admittedly have been miss managing my finances of recent and I found myself a little strapped for cash this week, so I had to cut back on some spending.  Having some sleep-aid on hand has always been a high priority for me, but like I said, I’ve been stupid with my money recently and these days I’ve been living paycheck to paycheck. It’s not always like this, but I confess I haven’t been as responsible as I should be recently.


  So I had to prioritize a few things first, such as food, gas to put in my car so I can drive to work, and coffee even. That was something I had to think about there, but I don’t know, I’m just one of those people that must have coffee in the morning to complete the process of waking up. So, I decided to go without any sleep-aid for a few days. I was indeed concerned that I would be experiencing night attacks at the hands of this entity attachment, the one that I hear as a female voice and that calls herself Crystal. I was worried that by harassing me she would keep me awake half the night, or even cause me to lose an entire night of sleep.


  The last time that she caused me to lose an entire night of sleep, I had a very bad episode the next day. That occurred on February 6, 2019 and I have described what happened in some detail in previous journal writings. Basically what happened there…back in February 2019, was that I went three days in a row where I lost half a night of sleep, and on the fourth night I was prevented from falling asleep entirely because of Crystal’s intrusions and harassment. The next day, things were as bad as they were back in the worst days of my attachment situation, back in April of 2015.


  April of 2015 is the worst it’s ever been for me. I was enduring a “voices blitzkrieg” around the clock. Lucky for me, on the sixth of February, 2019, this blitzkrieg only lasted a day. When I managed to get some decent sleep the next night, the situation subsided considerably. That experience taught me quite a lesson, basically that even though I managed to make it through those nightmarish days back in 2015, ….things can still get that bad if I’m not careful regarding my sleep.


 These entity attachments (especially Crystal) have always seemed to target my sleep. At this point, I very much understand why. If they foul up my sleep routine enough and I start going consecutive days in a row hardly getting any sleep, then it starts to put me in a weakened state both physically and mentally. This essentially weakens my defenses to these intrusions considerably. When I am in this weakened state, I perceive the presence of these entities in a much more intense and pronounced way.  That entire day of February 6, 2019, it was as if I was surrounded by a gang of voices, and how they sounded to me is hard to capture with words… it was very intense.


 It’s a bad analogy I know, but the thought of Gulliver‘s Travels has often popped into my mind when I reflect back on what happened that day. I remember lying in bed and it felt like I was surrounded by all of these “little folk” essentially. On a scale of one to ten, the intensity of the voices and the physical sensations went from about a two up to a ten very quickly because I was in that state where I was weakened as a result of being deprived of sleep.


  Sleep is a major factor in attachment situations like the one that I am experiencing. I can’t stress this enough. It is a huge factor, and these entities will go after a person’s sleep routine viciously and without mercy. One of their main advantages is that they are not inhibited by the needs of a physical body. At least this has been my observation. I’m a living breathing human being that lives upon the Earth. I require certain things to stay alive upon the Earth. I need to eat, I need to drink water, and I need to sleep. There is no getting around it, I need to sleep. These entities do not need any of these things as far as I can tell. This is what made April of 2015 such a nightmare for me. I know what to expect now a lot more than I did back then when all of this was still very new to me.


  I wouldn’t say that I am completely desensitized to it now, I don’t think that one ever truly can be, but back in 2015 I was completely caught off guard by how relentless and non-stop the harassment that I was subjected to was. I wasn’t prepared for this at all and I don’t think that anyone can ever be.


  The worst of it was the first two weeks of April, 2015. I have often referred to this as my “two weeks of Hell”. I spent much of my time during that period in bed desperately trying to escape what was happening to me by falling asleep, but no matter how hard I tried there was no escape. This is not to say that I didn’t sleep at all. Eventually my body and mind just gave out it and I would fall into unconsciousness. But, I was only getting about three, maybe four hours (at most) of sleep a night for two weeks straight. Needless to say, I was in bad shape and I experienced a lot of terrifying and strange things during that two week period which I have also written about considerably in previous journal writings.


  So, to bring things back to the events of this week, I certainly did have some anxiety about going without sleep-aid. But as I said, I put some other things first on my list of priorities. To be honest, it wasn’t nearly as bad as I feared it would be, not even close. Yes, I experienced some harassment from Crystal by hearing her chattering and experiencing the physical sensations. But, there was only one night I would say where this activity was escalated to a degree beyond what it typically would be on a night when I did take sleep-aid. This was two nights ago. I wouldn’t even say that I was attacked, though I did experience some intense harassment. I got hit with a couple of shouts, which as I’ve mentioned before, I have not been experiencing nearly as much this year (2020) as I was last year in 2019.


   Last year, shouting directly in my face or into one of my ears at night, seemed to be Crystal’s main tactic of harassment and to be honest, it was an extremely effective one. As far as I can tell, there’s no way to get around this one… to ignore it or brush it off. The shouts are often very powerful and there’s also a physical sensation that accompanies them, like a sudden jolting feeling that ripples instantly through my body. I have often referred to it as being “punched by a voice”. 


  Two nights ago, I experienced one of the most powerful shouts that I’ve heard in a long time. The voice was Crystal’s, I recognized that right away. I only lost about two hours of sleep that night, and during that time, for a while I was drifting in that in-between state that I often describe in my writings, that state between being awake and being asleep. As I have mentioned before, when I’m in that state, Crystal seems to gain more ability, more strength. This is exactly what happened the other night. I was in that in-between state, slowly drifting off towards a state of complete sleep, when she shouted right in one of my ears. Well, that caused me to become fully awake in an instant.


  I was struck by how clear her voice sounded. Often, when I describe how I hear Crystal’s voice, I mention how I do not generally hear her voice as I would hear the voice of an in-the-flesh person speaking to me right in the same room. Generally, her voice is a bit fainter than that and often has this high pitch quality to it. But this shout the other night, it was something more comparable to an in-the-flesh human standing right there beside my bed and shouting directly into one of my ears. It was very strong. It was just a quick shout, I don’t even think she really said anything, I don’t think that’s really the point of this shouting tactic.


  In regards to this shout, her voice sounded very human.  It sounded like a young woman’s voice. However, this has not pushed me any closer towards holding the opinion that she is a spirit, or being, of human origin. That is still very much an open question for me. Aside from these few characteristics, I have always said that yes, for the most part her voice sounds like a human voice. I don’t detect any accent from it at all. She sounds like a young American woman from right here in the twenty-first century.


   I have often talked about how she likes to play a mind game with me where she makes different claims about her identity. At one time, she’ll claim to be a spirit being of human origin, another time she’ll get onto a more religious theme and claim to be a demon or a fallen angel, and at other times she claims to be some kind of extraterrestrial from another dimension.


  Yes, her voice did sound very human to me the other night when she shouted at me, but actually, (at least recently) just from the talk that I have picked up from her, she’s been on the extraterrestrial theme quite a bit more. This seems to be her main claim about herself right now. I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again, I simply cannot gauge her enough to even have much of a personal opinion. I simply do not know.


  Just by appearances, yes she can sound very human at times, and many of her mannerisms can seem very human to me. However, there are times when she just seems very different, it’s just a vibe she puts off, just something with my own intuition tells me that she is very different and that her and I do not originate from the sa


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