A Danger of Excessive EVP Recording : 1/21/21


A Danger of Excessive EVP Recording : 1/21/21



 January 21, 2021


  I had to catch myself there. I almost wrote 2020. I do this every January it seems. It takes me a little while to get used to writing the new-year. Well, I’m just going to bring things up to date with what’s been happening with regards to my entity attachment situation. There hasn’t been too much out of the ordinary happening these past few days. Let me just say that of course there is much of it that would be considered out of the ordinary, but what I mean is not much is happening out of the ordinary for this situation.


   There is one thing that I want to discuss briefly here. The other evening I just had a thought go through my mind. It was nothing out of the ordinary (there I go with that phrase again. I was just thinking “I wonder why I’m mostly just hearing Crystal‘s voice anymore?” I mean I just reflected for a few moments on how different my situation is now compared to how it was when I first started in the Spring of 2015. Of course the remaining presence of this one energy attachment, (the one that I hear as a female voice and that calls herself Crystal) is still a source of problems for me at times. I just found myself thinking how at least the situation has changed so that she’s the only voice that I hear now on a regular basis. Yes, occasionally I’ll hear another voice that is not Crystal, but these incidents are becoming less frequent anymore.


   I should also point out that Crystal has always been the main voice throughout my attachment situation. She’s been the most intrusive and the most tormenting at times. So, it’s not all sunshine and good news that I’m just down to hearing one voice now if that voice is Crystal. However, I remember times back in the beginning where I just felt completely overwhelmed by the number of voices that were coming at me. It felt like I was being hit by a “voices onslaught”, a “voices blitzkrieg”. Even though hearing Crystal‘s voice can certainly have at its own degree of aggravation at times, I do not feel as overwhelmed as I once did.


  So these thoughts were just going through my head the other night. And it’s no great surprise, Crystal was picking up on what I was thinking. At one point I was literally thinking “I wonder what happened to all of those other voices? Did they leave and go somewhere else?” After I had this thought, I heard Crystal‘s voice reply to this. She said “those other voices are still there, it’s just that you can’t hear them now.”


  Now, I am more than aware that what Crystal says cannot be trusted at face value because she’s always changing her stories and statements around. The things that she says to me are often full of contradictions. Yet, I couldn’t help but taking some interest in this statement of hers. “Those other voices are still there it’s just that you can’t hear them now.”


 I do not dismiss this statement outright. Just thinking about it, it’s possible and this goes back to an impression that I had back in the beginning. This touches upon what I was doing, the activity that I was doing that put into motion the series of events that led to this attachment situation. I’m referring to how I basically became obsessed with doing EVP sessions during the Winter of 2015. Once I started communicating with the voices on my recordings, unfortunately I really allowed myself to get swept up in it. I’ve talked about this many times in my journal writings here. But I just want to reiterate that I really think that I did something to my hearing, that I changed my hearing by doing so many recording sessions and listening so intensely to every recording that I made.


 I would hone in my hearing as much as I could to try and make out every voice that I could perceive on those recordings, no matter how faint. It was very common where I would hear a faint voice, but I just couldn’t make out what it was saying at first, so I kept going back and back and back over it, listening to the recording over and over until I had an idea what the voice was saying to me. Other times, I didn’t have to do this, I clearly heard what the voices were saying the first time I listen to it. But I certainly did spend a lot of time listening very intensely to those recordings and I think that this was definitely a factor in what sent me hurtling towards the danger zone.


  Of course I cannot be certain of this, but it did seem to me that I had tuned-in my hearing or changed my hearing enough at a certain point where I was now hearing into “another dimension” or some “near astral plane” …at least to some degree. Perhaps once it was known(among them) that I could now hear like this, well that got some attention put on me and maybe that’s at least some of the reason why I was hearing as many voices as I was back then.


 Someone that I met back in the early days who had also gone through this same situation and who helped me out a great deal often compared to this condition to a virus. He told me that it’s really overwhelming in the beginning because it’s like a virus that you have no immunity to, so it just hits you full force and really turns your world upside down. But, overtime you do start to develop some degree of immunity towards it. I always felt that this was a pretty good analogy.


  I know that in my own situation, I felt completely blindsided by the situation at first, completely overwhelmed with hearing the voices as intensely as I was hearing them. However, overtime I guess you could say that the shock of it all begin to fade away to some degree. I suppose that I did become a desensitized to it some and developed some immunity to it, though not completely.


  So perhaps it is the case that these days I’m not as open to the presence of these entities as much as I was back in the beginning. Perhaps I have in-fact developed at least some measure of immunity towards this spiritual virus (in a sense). Perhaps it is a case where it’s not really that these entities have gone away, perhaps it’s more a case that I’m just not as tuned in now to hearing them as much as I once was….but they’re still there…they were always there all along. Though, perhaps many of those entities that I was hearing back in the beginning decided to move on and let Crystal take over things. Maybe it’s a combination of both factors. I don’t know for sure of course, but like I said, at least this time, I found this statement from Crystal to be something to ponder.


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