: EVP Recording and Hijacked Clairaudience

 May 5, 2021

     Well, I haven’t posted anything on this blog in a while, so I thought I would just post an update of this mysterious situation I’ve been dealing with since 2015. Not much is changed recently I’d say. This entity attachment, the one that I hear as a female voice and that tells me that her name is Crystal, is still present, and she is still very much attached to my life I would say. I’m still hearing her voice and perceiving her presence in a direct physical way on a day-to-day basis. 

  As I have written about here on my blog, back in the early days of this situation, back in 2015 and 2016, there were more entities around me, more voices that I was hearing. This female voice...Crystal, she’s been here the whole time. I’ve been hearing her voice since February of 2015. She was a voice that was very present on my EVP recordings while I was doing sessions that winter. She wasn’t calling  herself Crystal back then, she wouldn’t start doing that until sometime in 2017 I would say. However, her voice sounds exactly the same now as it did when I first began hearing it on my EVP recordings during the winter of 2015. So in regards to Crystal, I was hearing her voice on my recordings before I started hearing it outside of the recordings through this hijacked clairaudience (as I often refer to it). It’s really just her voice that I’m hearing these days. Over time the number of separate and distinct voices that I’ve heard has dwindled down in number. Back in the beginning of this attachment situation, in the spring of 2015, I was hearing multiple voices....dozens it seemed like, on any given day. 

  Crystal was present and she was always one of the main voices, always one of the main tormentors, but she was just one voice among many at that time, though I did recognize even back then that she seemed to be one of the main instigators of this whole situation. Yes, overtime the number of voices has diminished. For at least the past two years I would say, maybe even a little longer, it’s really just been crystal that I’ve been hearing on a day today basis, though occasionally I would still hear other voices. The difference is that these other voices didn’t stick around. Crystals voice has always sounded the same as I said, and her voice is distinctly female, she sounds like a young woman in her late teens or in her 20s. On occasion I would hear a voice that was distinctly mail, so I knew right away it was a different voice. Then at times, I would hear another female voice but it just sounded different from Crystal, it didn’t sound like Crystal at all. I can tell because I know Crystal‘s voice, I know it very well. It is very much a true statement that I’ve been hearing Crystal‘s voice to 1° or another every single day since the spring of 2015. Not one single day has gone bye where I have not perceived the presence of her voice. So needless to say, I am very familiar with how her voice sounds. So, I can usually tell right away when I hear a different voice that it’s not Crystal. For a while it seem like these other voices would stop by or pop in and throw a few comments at me, but then they would leave. These other voices were no longer sticking around from day today, yet Crystal remained. So, on the one hand I’m glad that I’m not hearing as many voices, but on the other hand as I’ve said, crystals always been one of the main tormentors in my situation, one of them most intrusive voices.

  It seems that recently, I haven’t been hearing any of these other voices at all. There may have been a couple of incidents a few weeks back. Actually I am recalling a night several weeks ago when I heard a male voice shout directly into one of my ears as I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep. So, it seems like these other voices, these other entities can still show up on occasion, it’s just that such incidents becoming less and less frequent. Yet Crystal remains and she’s as intrusive as ever. I can still sense that she’s constantly around me chattering away. Sometimes it has an external voice, sometimes it’s more of an internal voice, and sometimes it seems more telepathic, it’s like she’s speaking to me in thoughts. It’s strange, and it’s hard to describe but having perceived the voices in these many different ways, I can pick up on these variations and how I’m perceiving them, even slight variations. Sometimes it’s just like she’s tapped into my thought stream, she’s conversing with me via  thoughts. Other times however, I hear her very much as an external voice coming from the outside. And it’s still the case as I’ve often described here on my blog,  that if I’m in an environment where there’s a study background sound, such as running fan or an air conditioner, or something like that, that this steady sound seems to amplify her voice.

   This was a major aspect during the beginning of my attachment situation. Back during the spring of 2015, it was the case where many ordinary everyday sounds were spewing voices or morphing into voices.  It was nightmarish and surreal all in one. If I was taking a shower I’d hear voices coming through the sound of the running water. If I was driving in my car, I would hear voices speaking through the sound of the engine.  If I was driving with the window down, I would hear voices speaking through the sound of the rushing wind, and I can go on and on ...there were so many everyday sounds that these voices were coming in through with much greater volume. The thing with this though, it’s not that I was hearing the voices just through these certain sounds, it was that these certain sounds were amplifying the voices. For example, earlier on in my situation, and still to this day to some degree, when I was at home during the summer reading a book say.... and I had my air conditioning going,  I’d hear the voices, especially Crystal‘s voice, speaking much louder through the sound of the air conditioner. Sometimes I would simply find this too annoying and I would get up and shut off the air conditioner for a while just so that I could bring degree peace back to my environment. However, this didn’t take away the voices at all.... all it did was weaken the strength of the voices. If I eliminated the source of the steady background sound in my immediate environment, the voices would still be there, only they wouldn’t sound nearly as loud and menacing anymore. 

  To compensate for this, they would often come in real close and start speaking directly into my ears. There were many occasions when I even felt a slight breath hitting one of my earlobes when these voices got in real close, and usually it was Crystal‘s voice. I’m still hearing this voice louder through some of these background sounds on occasion, but it’s not anywhere near as bad and nightmarish as it was in 2015.

   Over the years since this all started, I’ve met many other people and seen many other accounts that are similar to my own in that these people started to hear intrusive voices after engaging in some kind of spirit communication activity. I’ve met others who started hearing voices after doing EVP recording like I was, after using a Spirit Box, after using a Ouija Board, after doing Automatic Writing or using a Pendulum as a means of communication. I’ve seen accounts where all of these various means of spirit communication were involved. However, it’s been my observation that this phenomenon of everyday sounds spewing voices, or morphing into voices is something that is more commonly found in the cases involving EVP recording and Spirit Boxes. I don’t know why this is, it’s just something I’ve picked up on as being a common characteristic of these EVP and Spirit Box related cases, where in many cases involving things like a Ouija Board or Automatic Writing, while the voices are still very much there, this phenomenon involving background sounds is not nearly quite as prevalent.

  So, this is still occurring to this day, but as I said, it’s not as severe now compared to how it was in 2015. I can’t remember the last time when I shut off my air conditioner or left a particular environment just to get away from the voices coming in over a certain background sound. It’s been quite a while. And I would say that I don’t hear them coming through nearly as many background sounds now. Things like fans and air conditioners and running engines though sometimes yes, I can still hear them quite strongly. It doesn’t get to me nearly as much these days as it once did either. However, there are still occasions every now and again where I’ll hear Crystal‘s voice much louder like this, coming in through a background sound and it just gives me that unsettling feeling that has become so familiar to me by now.

  Mainly though, I get that unsettling feeling from two things that Crystal does on a fairly regular basis. One is when she uses that shouting tactic of hers, where I’ll be lying in bed trying to fall asleep in she’ll shout directly in my face, or right into one of my ears. I have not been experiencing these shouts nearly as much this year, as I was in the past. However, when I do experience them, sometimes they are much stronger, much more powerful than I remember them being previously. 

   It was just the other night, when I had an incident where I was lying in bed at night and Crystal shouted into one of my ears. What was different about this one is that she shouted out an entire statement. On this occasion, she was shouting and saying something all at once. I can’t remember what it was that she said, because it still happened very quickly and I was hit instantly with that unsettling feeling which became my focus. However, I could tell that this one was different. Usually when I experience the shouts, it's very quick and it just seems like a single word ...like “Hey!” or something like that. I never had the impression that the motive behind these shouts was to convey a message to me. The voices could just speak in their regular tone for that. These shouts seem more intended to startle the hell out of me and cause me trouble when I’m trying to fall asleep.  

  Hearing this disembodied voice shouting right up to one of my ears, making a full statement, did hit me with that unsettling feeling I confess. To some degree it’s feeling of fear, but it’s more just a feeling of being slapped with the reality of the situation. As I’ve often stated, even though I know for certain that this situation is really happening, that Crystal and these other voices that I’ve heard are external to me  (they are not hallucinations or creations of my own mind, just as a kind of means to cope with it), I still try and carry on with my life I suppose, with the mindset that it’s not happening, that I have to focus on down to earth things or such. However, when I experience  these intense incidents like I did the other night with this shout, it’s just the cold harsh reality of the situation slapping me in the face ....and it can be quite unsettling. I’m going to wrap things up here, but I’ll come back to this soon. Well it’s true that there hasn’t been all that much new really happening over the course of the past few months, but there’s been quite a few strange and intense incidents involving Crystal. 

May 6, 2021

  I’m just going to pick up where I left off yesterday. As I was saying, it’s been a while since I posted anything on this blog, so I just want to bring things up to date. In a way, this blog is a kind of journal for me, where I keep a record of my experiences in regards to this attachment situation and where I just throw out some of my personal thoughts and speculations about it. Before this entity attachment situation began in 2015, I never kept a journal in my life as far as I can remember. And I didn’t start keeping a journal until about a year into this situation. But I felt motivated to start to record what was happening in my life as a result of all of this. I especially became motivated once I started meeting many others who are also going through the same kind of experience after they had been doing such a things as EVP recording or using a Spirit Box, or any other means of spirit communication really. I’ve seen many accounts involving many different methods of spirit communication. In all of these accounts, these individuals did not have a history of hearing intrusive voices like this, the voices arrived after they had been engaged in some kind of spirit communication activity. Earlier on in my situation, during the darkest days you could say, I didn’t know about any other cases. I had never heard of this happening to anyone else. When I first started recording for EVP, I had never come across a case where somebody started hearing the EVP voices outside of the recordings like this. The further along I went with recording, and the more reading up I did on the topic, I did come across mention of people developing clairaudience as a result of this kind of activity. However, when I came across mention of clairaudience in this regards, it was usually spoken about as if it was I kind of gift, some kind of positive development. My own experience with the voices was no kind of positive experience at all, and my ability to hear them I have never regarded as a gift. 

  Now, this doesn’t mean that there hasn’t been any positive developments as a result of all this. There has been many. This whole experience has changed my life in many profound ways. Some of these changes have been positive  I would say, but this came about more as a result of trying to get away from these voices and learning how to look at things...my life...the world, in different perspectives that I may not have done if this situation never happen. In truth, to me it seems like the voices were trying to drag me down back in 2015. It seemed to me like they were trying to destroy me. If anything positive has come out of this, well then I think that’s been the result more of the process of struggling to reclaim my life from these voices, my sense of identity, my sense of sovereignty. They seemed out to wreak as much havoc in my life as they could. I don’t regard this clairaudience as a gift, if only I felt otherwise, but I don’t. 

  Now, it’s true that there have been occasions where I have heard voices that seemed very different from these negative, intruding voices. They seemed different in nature, they seemed to be a part of a different group, or in a completely different category. Some of these voices offered me support and hope and inspiration during some really dark times. I do believe that these voices were from a different element, and I am grateful that I did hear them. Hearing them made me feel like I wasn’t so alone. However, the occasions of hearing these more benevolent voices were by far overshadowed by hearing the negative and intruding voices. The benevolent voices weren’t intrusive, they gave me a message and then they would move on and maybe I would hear from them down the road a bit, but they didn’t stick around that often. They were not intrusive, always speaking to me as the negative voices were. The negative voices always wanted to be heard, they were always chattering, constantly bombarding me day and night. Maybe in some cases clairaudience  can be a gift, but for me it wasn’t. I often referred to it as “hijacked clairaudience” and from my perspective, that’s an accurate description.  

  I had a general idea of what clairaudience was once I started recording for EVP back in 2015, but I didn’t really know much about it at all. I wasn’t looking to develop clairaudience, and I’m still not sure exactly how it happened, though I have some ideas about this. I think for one thing, once I started hearing voices on my recordings and I found that I could communicate with them fairly easily, I really allowed myself to get swept up in the whole experience. Before things took a dark turn, the experience of communicating with these EVP voices seemed very fascinating, and very benevolent in nature.  I’ve often described it as a sense of personal discovery. It felt like I had discovered something unique and was experiencing something that very few people ever get to experience and I confess that this went to my head to o quite a degree. In truth, it blinded me too considerations of any potential dangers. I wasn’t thinking about any possible dangers at all.  In truth, if I had having such suspicions at that particular time, I probably would have felt guilty about it. I probably would have felt guilty about being suspicious of these voices that I was communicating with (at least at first) because initially they gave me little reason to doubt them.....at least this is where my mindset was at that particular time.  Later on, once the negative voices first began to appear on my EVP recordings, the suspicion became inevitable. 

  Anyway, I’m getting off topic here from what I wanted to talk about. It’s easy to do I find when I’m talking about how the situation all began. I was starting to say that this blog has always had special meaning to me because once I started meeting other people that had experienced the same thing after recording EVP or  were engaged in some other form of spirit communication, I knew that what happened to me was not an isolated incident by any means. Since 2015, I’ve researched various materials about spirit/entity  attachment. There’s a lot of material out there about it, but most of what I found didn’t go into specific details about how it could affect a persons life. What I mean here is the specific and minute details of how it can affect pretty much any aspect of your life. For example, how it can affect your sleep routine, how it can affect just trying to get by and make a living in the world, and of course the things that these entities do and say. So I thought that talking about these things in the form of a personal journal would be a means to elaborate upon some of these more specific aspects. Perhaps the reader could better imagine now what an attachment situation looks like and picture themselves in the same position and see how it could affect their own life. 

   Once I started finding many other cases of this same phenomenon , there was no doubt in my mind that this was a very real danger associated with these kinds of activities. Perhaps there are numerous dangers, but for me, it’s more than established that developing a condition of hearing intrusive voices is a danger  involved with activities that seek to directly communicatewith beings from realms beyond our own. For me, this is an absolute fact. I didn’t know about this particular danger when I first started recording for a EVP, so when I was stricken with this hijacked clairaudience, it caught me completely by surprise. I was completely blindsided and that made the situation so much worse, because I was so vulnerable to the things that these entities were saying.....their storylines. So, I’ve felt motivated to use this blog as a means of contributing to the awareness of this particular danger. I’ve always looked at EVP itself is essentially a scientific phenomenon. Just on its own, it’s very interesting, and I still find it very interesting and occasionally I’ll still read an article about research into the Electronic  Voice Phenomenon. Yet, research into this field is not without its dangers unfortunately, why should we think it would be otherwise? We are literally talking about the unknown here. And not only that, dimensional communication is not something that is officially recognized and explored by mainstream science in this day in age, at least not to a large degree as far as I’m aware. So we’re dealing with something here that has huge implications, and the scale of it is enormous, but it seems to me that there is more of a kind of grassroots research into it than anything else.  While there are many scientist and specialist who research and experiment in this field, it’s also something that the average person can pursue research into as well. Before I get off topic again, what I’m essentially trying to say is that I don’t intend for this blog to be anti-paranormal research, or anti-any kind of research, it’s just that for me this particular phenomenon of developing this kind of hijacked clairaudience connected with these activities is an established fact. If anything, I feel that it’s a part of the research. It’s happening to people who engage in this kind of activity. Perhaps it is rare, but it does happen and it continues to happen. 

  Just a few months ago I came across another account online from a person who wrote about their experiences with EVP recording. What they wrote practically mirrored my own experience exactly. They started recording because they were interested in this subject. They started to capture EVP‘s within a relatively short amount of time and things began to become intense very quickly. By this I mean that within a short amount of time they weren’t just hearing a few EVP voices on their recordings, they were hearing a lot of voices on the recordings.....and every time practically. Not only were they hearing these voices, but they could communicate with them directly.....and quite easily as time went on.  Suddenly, events begin moving perhaps faster than the mind can process and analyze them.

  Often the experience doesn’t seem dangerous or hostile at first, but it starts to take a turn in that direction and by then a person can be so swept up in it, it can be very difficult to put the voice recorder down and get away from it in time.  I’ve often wondered, what if I stopped recording after this point or that point?  Would I have still developed an attachment situation? At what point did I really cross into the danger zone? This is something that I have thought about quite often. My first major incident of hearing these negative voices speaking to me outside of my EVP recordings occurred one afternoon while I was at work. I had been doing most of my EVP recording sessions at home in the evenings. Yet, this first major incident occurred in the daytime when I was at work and not doing EVP sessions, but working.  I’ve often wondered why this particular incident occurred when and how it did. Of course, I can’t know for sure, but I speculate that they perhaps waited until I was at work in the hopes of crew some kind of maximum dramatic affect. They basically wanted me to freak out and cause a scene for their own amusement. I can absolutely see them setting things up this way, it seems so like their modus operandi. 

   However, the key thing here I feel is that they did wait to surprise me with the fact that now I would be able to hear them outside of the recordings. It didn’t happen while I was doing an EVP session, or right after I had been doing EVP sessions.  I’m sure I had done multiple EVP sessions the night before this incident, though they didn’t speak to me outside of the recordings that night, they waited until the next day, well into the afternoon. The key thing  here I believe is that they knew before I did that now I would be able to hear them outside of the recordings. They knew and they waited because they wanted to try and cause a scene, at least that’s my belief. But the main thing here is that they were aware that now I’d be able to hear them without the use of the voice recorder or any equipment and I wasn’t aware of it. So in truth, I don’t know at what point I crossed I the line into the extreme danger zone where I was on a collision course with a terrible attachment situation. For me, during the winter of 2015, doing EVP sessions had become an obsession. I was doing recording sessions practically every night, often for several hours. There’s little doubt in my mind that this was a major contributing factor into why I began hearing these entities outside of the recording sessions. I may not have wanted clairaudience, but I was diving towards it recklessly. I believe that by doing these sessions so often and listening so intensely to these recordings, trying to make out every voice.... down to the faintest ones, did something significant to my hearing, it changed something. So I feel that in this regard, it was very much my own actions that opened up this clairaudience  perception. 

  Is it possible that these entities, at least some of them, did something to bring this is about as well.? Were they “tuning in” to communicate with me as much as I was “tuning in” to them?  I don’t know, but I do believe that they knew well before I did that now my hearing had changed and that they would be able to communicate with me beyond the recording sessions. I wish that I had never  picked up a voice recorder and attempted to capture EVP voices. I wish that I had never gone down that road and I think this is quite understandable given all that’s happened. But just putting that aside for a moment, there were several warning signs, several red flags that were there in the beginning, when I was just starting out with recordings..... that I missed. After things went bad, and after some time is gone by, I was able to look back with  a clearer perspective of how things went down back then. There were definitely some warning signs that I missed. I have discussed them here on my blog previously, but I’ll discuss them again because I think they are very important, these are very important details, the kind of details that I want to talk about on this blog.  So, apologies for going off topic and rambling on in all sorts of different directions here, but I will come back to this particular aspect .....the warning signs that I missed.

May 8, 2021

   Just picking up where I left off the other day. I know that I was getting off topic a little bit. As I said, that’s easy to do when I’m talking about how this situation all began for me. However, when it comes to a situation like this, I think that there is value in repeating yourself. Anyway, I was talking about the warning signs that I missed back when I was recording for EVP during the winter 2015. First let me just say that this ties into what I started to discuss before I get caught up in my backstory once again. I came across another account very similar to my own just a few months ago. This is further confirmation for me that this connection between “voices and the EVP voices is very real. 

  It saddens me to see that this continues to happen. So, I will continue to write on this blog to bring attention to this particular danger associated with EVP recording or any other means of spirit communication. I know that it sounds crazy to many people, I understand that. If I came across my own blog ten or fifteen years ago, I don’t know what the hell I would think of it. Yet, the people that I’m trying to reach the most are people who are where I was at back in late 2014 and early 2015. People who are interested in the paranormal or spirituality and are considering doing something active and experimental with this interest I guess you could say. 

  I’ve often said here on this blog, my own reasons for taking up EVP recording back in 2015 aren’t very interesting. I was simply interested in the paranormal, I had been so on and off throughout my life. Yet this time was the first time that I decided to go active with this interest. This was the first time that I decided to go beyond just reading books or watching television shows. Looking back now, I wish I stuck to reading books and watching those television shows. If I had it to do over again, I would not pick up that voice recorder seeking to hear the voices of beings in other realms and to communicate with them. I understand that we are curious by nature, and to this day I am still fascinated by many aspects of paranormal research. Yet, it can go bad sometimes. And in truth, what we are touching upon here is the unknown. I’ve often thought that beliefs about the paranormal and spirituality are like politics and in a way. It’s something that many people have very strong personal beliefs about.  They  can feel very passionate about their beliefs. Sometimes these beliefs collide. Wars have been fought over spiritual beliefs and continue to be fought to this day. Yet, that doesn’t change the fact that behind all of these beliefs, there are many mysteries, many questions that we don’t have the answers to. Maybe we’re not supposed to have the answers, I don’t know. All I know is that actively seeking to communicate directly with other worlds, other realms of existence ....it’s no small thing. It’s a very serious thing. It has changed my life in drastic ways. Sometimes a person‘s experiences can be very profound and positive, and sometimes things can go in the opposite direction. Putting these big questions aside for the time being, I just want to call out what I feel are the warning signs that I missed back in 2015,  and the warning signs that I’ve also seen in other of entity attachment similar to my own. For most of us who experienced this, things began to become very intense very quickly, almost unbelievably intense. Events start happening and escalating so quickly it becomes difficult to process at all mentally. 

  I began recording for EVP in the beginning of January of 2015. On January 17, in the afternoon.... I captured my very first EVPs on recording. I’ll never forget that date and its significance to my life. Within a week I would say of capturing those first EVPs, the situation and had already changed drastically. Within a week I went from hearing a few voices replying to my questions during my sessions, to hearing multiple voices. It was as if my recordings came alive with voices. At first many of the voices were faint, but as I was saying the other day, I would listen to these recordings intensely over and over again and before long it seemed like I could hear them much better. It seemed like something was changing with my hearing. 

  I believe that I got so swept up with what I was experiencing, because what I was experiencing kept becoming more and more intense by the day it seemed. It reached a point where every time I did a recording session I was hearing multiple voices, often the same voices. I even experimented with doing recording sessions in different places and even in different locations I was still hearing the same voices. I’ve seen similar things in other accounts as well. The situation starts developing so quickly that it’s very overwhelming. You must remember that this was before I started to hear any negative or hostile voices. 

  Initially during the first month of my recording, the voices seemed very friendly and benevolent. They seemed just as interested in communicating with me as I was in communicating with them. And I noticed that I was hearing some of the same voices on each recording, so it seemed like I was communicating with a group of beings that were returning each session to communicate with me. However, maybe returning isn’t the right word, perhaps they never left at all. 

  This is another thing that I got wrong back then. I was a novice I admit, and I just felt sense of distance between myself and these beings that I was communicating with. Just the idea of spiritual realms or astral planes or other dimensions, or parallel universes, ....I just pictured something like outer space in my mind and I thought that there was a significant separation between myself and these beings, these voices that I was hearing and communicating with. I thought that I was in one place and that they were in another and that even though I could communicate with them fairly easily, there was a profound separation between us. I was to learn later on the hard way, that this separation between us was not so profound after all..... that these beings were much much closer to me than I realized. 

  As I was saying, during the first month, all of the voices that I was hearing, to me seemed very benevolent in nature. The negative voices didn’t appear on my recordings until the second month, February of 2015. Now to this day, this is still something of a confusing topic for me. I’ve seen many similar accounts like my own that started in the same way. Initially, the voices one is in communication with seem (in general) benevolent in nature for the most part, but then things start to change. To this day, I do not know who I was communicating with exactly, how could I ?So, while I feel that there is a strong case to be made that I was being set up the whole time, walking into a trap essentially and that the benevolent voices that I was hearing in the beginning and the negative voices that I was to hear later on were one in the same, I just don’t know. 

  These two groups, the positive voices and the negative voices ....seemed so different that I didn’t even become suspicious of this till well after I was attacked in the spring of 2015. I mean, I was probably starting to have thoughts, but I still couldn’t picture it fully yet. These two groups just seemed so different that perhaps part of me didn’t want to believe that those friendlier voices were in fact the same voices that would torment me later. I also do not want to cast out a broad net of accusations. I don’t want to say that every EVP voice that I heard during those two months was this hostile element that was planning on attacking me. What if I am wrong about that, my accusations would be false. So, I basically leave it at. After what I’ve experienced and what I’ve seen in many similar accounts, I do believe that there is a very strong possibility that these entities who attach to peoples lives, use a kind of Trojan Horse tactic where they lure a person in with kindness and then turn the tables around on them. 

  However, I won’t say that I believe every voices that I heard during those two months was in on the scheming. I just don’t know, and I leave it at that. How it all ties into my topic of discussion here is that in these cases, not only does the communication often become very intense almost unbelievably quickly, but it can seem so positive and benevolent in nature at first that it can blind you to  any dangers just lurking over the horizon. In truth, I probably would’ve felt guilty if I started having suspicions of the voices that I was communicating with back in January of 2015. At that time, they gave me no reason to be suspicious. I know it sounds naïve, but again this is a very unique and profound experience and it can really affect a person in a significant way. 

  Things started progressing so quickly that I also responded to this by doing more and more EVP sessions. And this is something that I’ve seen in many other cases as well. In itself, this is something of a trap and to a degree, it’s a trap of one’s own making. I’ve often wondered if I would have been stricken with this attachment situation if I had only paced things out more, and not dove headfirst into all of this and essentially become obsessed with doing these EVP sessions. What if I only did sessions once or twice a month, would I have still been attacked by these intruding entities.....such as Crystal?  I don’t have the answer. I suspect that if all of these voices weren’t out to set a trap for me, then at least there probably was some element present, or observing things that had ill intentions towards me. 

  In the years since this all started for me, I’ve seen only too well how committed Crystal is to remaining a presence in my life. I’m not exactly sure of her motivations, I’ve speculated on that in previous articles and I probably will again. She is still very much committed to continuing this attachment situation. So, I think it’s very possible that Crystal, or and some of the other intruding entities that were around back then would have waited patiently, biding their time no matter how long it took. Yet, I just don’t know. I think that allowing all of this to become an obsession for me so quickly..... sent me hurtling into the danger zone. Doing recording sessions practically every night and listening to these recordings over and over again so intensely definitely caused a change with me to occur rapidly I feel.  If I did open up a clairaudience perception, (and I very much believe that’s what happened) then this is when it most likely occurred. I was straining my hearing to hear into other realms. So, I don’t know what would’ve happened if I paced things out more, but I can say for sure that going off the deep end with it would probably make an attachment situation much more likely to occur.

  Now I’m not saying that the communication becoming intense on its own is always a sign of an impending psychic attack or spiritual attack. I’m just saying that this is how it went down on my own situation and that’s what I’ve seen in many similar accounts as well. So for me, looking back now I see that as a red flag that I missed. If someone is just starting out doing sessions and things become very intense very quickly and it seems very positive and benevolent in nature initially, this could motivate them to do even more sessions on a regular basis.....opening them up to the danger to a much larger degree. Perhaps it’s not across-the-board, but I do believe that the communication becoming almost unbelievably intense very quickly is sometimes a sign that danger lies ahead. So, one thinking about taking up this pursuit should take that into consideration.

Well, this is turning into a rather long blog post here. Again, once I start touching upon the events that started this attachment situation, I can start rambling about this  I confess. So I’m going to end this post here, but there were other warning signs that I will discuss again in a follow up post.  


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