Voices Entities : Night Attack : 10-17-21

Voices Entities  : Night Attack : 10-17-21

 October 17, 2021 

  I experienced what I often refer to as “a night attack” last night. I believe that this was the first night attack that I’ve experienced in quite a while, possibly a few months. I’ll just explain here for a moment what I mean by night attack in the context of my situation. Pretty much every night soon as I get into bed, there’s some degree of activity taking place from this entity attachment… the one that I hear is a female voice …that calls herself Crystal. She’s always chattering to some degree, I’m hearing her voice to some degree and the physical sensations or feeling her presence in a physical way …is there to some degree. The only time that I ever completely escape this is if I’m so exhausted that I fall into a deep sleep pretty much as soon as my head hits the pillow. Yet this doesn’t happen very often. So on most nights, there’s always some degree of activity taking place. This has been occurring since the beginning of my attachment situation back in 2015…. so by now it’s nothing surprising to me. To a large degree I have become desensitized to it for the most part. Sometimes the chattering and the physical sensations are more intense, sometimes they’re less intense. It’s always a disturbance when I’m trying to fall asleep of course, but often I don’t consider it anything out of the ordinary and I try not to pay it too much attention and just try and fall asleep as quickly as possible.

    However, every now and again things with this become much more intense, Crystal escalates things to a much larger degree. Sometimes this entails her voice sounding louder or sometimes she’ll get in closer and speak directly into one of my ears. Often anymore when she escalates things, she’ll use that shouting tactic that I’ve been discussing in some of my recent blog post. This is when I’m laying in bed and I’ll hear Crystal’s voice shout something and it’s very sudden… it’s much louder than I typically hear her voice. It usually sends a jolting feeling through my body. I often say it’s something like being punched by a voice. It’s usually very quick. If she’s saying anything at all, she’s just shouting out a single word or two words and it's over very quickly. Sometimes when she escalates things, the physical sensations will become much more intense as well. For example, when things are on the milder side, I’m feeling a presence, I’m feeling a presence on me …or clinging to me… and I might be feeling it move around a bit, but it’s just there, it’s not really doing anything. On other occasions, the sensations will become much more of a disturbance. Sometimes I feel things like jabs in my back or slight pinching or gnawing sensation. Sometimes it’s this intense vibration sensation on some part of my body. In these instances, the sensations are causing quite a disturbance while I’m trying to fall asleep. So even though I’m experiencing some degree of this kind of activity practically every night, and sometimes it’s milder…. on some occasions Crystal turns things up a notch and it seems very much intended to cause me a major disturbance. It’s these occasions that I referred to as a night attack.

    Today is Sunday, my day off from work ….my one day off from work still. I didn’t have to wake up as early this morning, so last night I went to bed a little later than I typically would. I’m not exactly sure what time I went to bed but it was sometime between twelve- thirty and one in the morning I believe.  When I first got into bed, I was hearing Crystal‘s voice and there may have been some sensations present, but nothing that really grabbed my notice. Then I started to drift off towards sleep. I’m not sure exactly how much time passed, but all of a sudden… off to the left of me …I started hearing Crystal‘s voice and it sounded a bit clearer than I typically hear it. And then I started to experience the shouts. I’m not exactly sure how many shots she hit me with last night, but it was a few, definitely more than one …I know that. She kept it up maybe for about twenty minutes or so. In between the shouts I was hearing her voice and I don’t recall exactly everything that she was saying, but I picked up on a bit of it and she was telling me to “stop talking shit about her” or something along those lines. Basically, she seemed pissed off at me for doing what it is I’m doing right now…. writing about my experiences… writing about my dealings with her. She often refers to it as me “talking shit on her”. I find this ironic because the primary thing that she’s done throughout this whole situation since it began in 2015, is to intrude into my life and chastise me through her talking… through her voice. Basically, talking shit has been her main weapon against me and here she’s getting pissed off with me for throwing this back at her a little through writing. Yes I find that quite ironic.

  The intensity of the attack last night was not anything more than I have experienced many times in the past. Even the shouts weren’t that strong. In fact I experienced a much stronger shout one night earlier in the week. However, last night there were multiple shouts. It seems that sometimes Crystal will hit me with a small number, often just one or two really strong… really intense shouts, and then that’s it for the night. On other occasions, when she’s using this shouting tactic, the shouts aren’t as intense but I get hit with more of them. Last night was one of those occasions where I think it was her focus to hit me with multiple shouts. I have often speculated that shouting at me like this might cause her to exert quite a bit of energy, so she can’t always sustain it at the same intensity. So sometimes she might just want to hit me with one or two really intense ones, and sometimes she might want to spread it out a bit and hit me with weaker ones… hit me at intervals… so it’s still a disruption to me when I’m trying to fall asleep.

    So yes, last night's attack wasn’t anything over the top, but something that did stand out about it was the way Crystal's voice sounded. Her voice had a kind of sharpness to it that made it sound a bit clearer than I typically hear her. I’ve heard her sound like this before, but it’s been a while, so when I heard her like this it grabbed my attention. It’s hard to describe, but it was as if her voice was emanating from a fixed point in my bedroom. For example, it seemed to be originating from over to my left side… maybe about two or three feet away… and about five feet up in the air or so. That’s just a guess, but it was like her voice was originating from this specific spot in the room. Imagine if our dimension is a kind of tapestry or such… well this would be like Crystal poking a hole in the tapestry and speaking through it. It seemed something like that, like her voice was speaking through a fixed point. Yes, I have heard her voice sound this way before, but it’s been a while. I was just mentioning in my blog post yesterday… how since I’ve been so distracted this year with everything that’s been going on with my work situation and how busy and hectic it’s been, I've probably become a bit complacent with things. Even though I’ve been exhausted and stressed out by work, I’ve been saying in some of my recent writings that this year Crystal‘s presence has had less of an impact on me in comparison to the previous years since 2015. But this situation is still ongoing… Crystal is still very much present and attached to my life. Last night's incident was a reminder of this.

  I woke up rather late this morning, around ten o’clock, so I’m not exactly sure how much sleep I lost last night from Crystal’s attack. Part of this might have also been that I had a really rough week at work and I was just feeling mentally exhausted to begin with. It’s probably a combination of the two. But the attack last night began just as I was starting to drift off into the state of sleep and this has often been the case. Often she won’t attack me right away, she won’t start escalating things as soon as I get into bed, instead she’ll wait until I’m in what I call… that in-between zone, that in-between state,…between being awake and being asleep, where I’m not asleep yet, but almost there. This adds another level of disturbance to these attacks I feel, because it’s like I’m being pulled back into an alert state. I remember being a little angry with Crystal last night over the fact that she was attacking me like this so early on Sunday morning… knowing that this is my one day off for the week. In fact I think I mentioned that to her… just in my thoughts… something like “can’t you do this another night…you know it’s Sunday. I’m not exactly sure why I was thinking this because it would have been worse I suppose if she hit me with this on a night when I had to wake up earlier in the morning and go to work. I suppose it’s just because I wanted to relax on my day off and she was already causing a disturbance even before it really began. Of course she didn’t give my request any regard. Though luckily I did manage to fall asleep before too long, so I wasn’t kept awake most of the night or anything like that, which  has occurred many times in the past.

It’s still the case that I’ve been going without taking a sleep-aid for several months now. If this was any night on a previous year since 2015, I would have possibly responded to this attack by getting out of bed and taking a few doses of sleep-aid to try and put and end the attack as quickly as possible. I didn’t even think about that last night… about not having any sleep-aid on hand. So far I’ve been doing really good without it, so I’m going to keep on this path. Sure I expect there will be some rough nights, but that’s to be expected in this kind of situation. I’ll just keep moving forward.


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