Spirit Attachment Voices : 2/27/2020
February 27, 2020 7:00 am I fell asleep fairly easily last night. But, once I fell asleep…..that’s when some trouble began. It seemed that once I did fall asleep. I was “riddled with bad dreams”. It was strange. It didn’t seem like one bad dream, but several…..one after another. I don’t remember all of the details of them, but I remember hearing Crystal’s voice in all of them. I also remember being awoken at some point by a neighbor’s car alarm going off. The alarm was going off for quite a few moments (this is what caused me to wake up). I got out of bed to look out of my bedroom window to see if the alarm was coming from my car (it sounded close enough). I looked…the alarm noise wasn’t coming from my car. Just then, it stopped. I went back and got into bed. It seemed like I fell back asleep within a few moments. It seemed like the bad dreams started up again within moments to. It was like they just kept on coming at me without let up. As is often ...